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  1. RMexico

    Lawrence Phillips found dead in prison cell

    Still a human beings? Barely. This guy was a violent monster and a coward, the only sad part about his death is that he'll never pay his debt to society.
  2. RMexico

    PAC 12=Classless

    You need to get out of Iowa more if you think black people are treated poorly here.
  3. RMexico


    A drop ceiling...really? I think the paper bag was probably a wise choice.
  4. RMexico

    Nebraska's first year coach may not make it to November

    No kidding, everybody knows that the correct thing to do with Husker tears is to masturbate with them.
  5. RMexico

    Tyler Sash Has Died

    This is terrible terrible news. I'm not afraid to admit that I cried a little when I heard the news, I'm just physically sick right now....
  6. RMexico

    Get Ready.....

    Prepare your anuses.
  7. RMexico

    Whar ground breaking recruiting feature?

    Repeatedly subverting the language filters is supposed to be a ban-able offense. Ima hold my breath until deano geets banned. 1.. 2 ..3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..21..21...24....25......26....30.......27....10....12..........crayon.........trik897-0...
  8. RMexico

    Garmon in Iowa City?

    I would not be surprised if Greg 'Ball-Game' Garmon did not last long in Iowa City. Dude has a huge ego and poor decision making abilities. Ferentz should probably take another RB in this class.
  9. RMexico

    Interesting Yet Disturbing Post from OSU Board

    Paterno had this cancer for sometime before all of the sanderpsky stuff came to light. Stress and fatigue weakened him letting the cancer roll through.
  10. RMexico

    1921-22 Throwback Jerseys for the Iowa - Iowa State Game

    Ugh. That's fugly.
  11. RMexico

    Daily Iowan Hating on KF and Iowa FB

    Yeah, I understand the urge to protect but to do so by trying to dismiss the author by saying that's she's prolly just some fat b1tch that needs to get laid is the absolute lowest common denominator.
  12. RMexico

    Daily Iowan Hating on KF and Iowa FB

    Too late. I just wanted to say good work with the ad hominem attacks guys. Let's see you've called her fat, ugly, and a *****........ oh oh has anyone called her a lesbian yet? That's always a good one. All this while blithely ignoring the fact that it seems as though several people are...
  13. RMexico

    Daily Iowan Hating on KF and Iowa FB

    You sorry mother****ers are prime for trolling - get your **** together and stop being so butt hurt.
  14. RMexico

    Tyler Sash's Air Jordan Birthday Cake

    Wrong sport.
  15. RMexico

    Kurt to get Twitter!!!

  16. RMexico

    Barta: Thank You

    Who said no one cares about wrestling? I'm sure there are lots of people that care about wrestling. I don't know any of them personally but I'm sure they're out there. Congratulations on a successful event.
  17. RMexico

    Random Thoughts - 4/20/2012

    Says the guy whose about 43 posts shy of his "legend" badge. :rolleyes:
  18. RMexico

    AIRBHG strikes again? Jason White to transfer?

    Bump. Nice work buddy.
  19. RMexico

    Nebraska hires professional firm to help with recruiting

    Please be specific with your insights as to why you think his opinion is incorrect instead of just taking a snarky shot at him.
  20. RMexico

    AIRBHG strikes again? Jason White to transfer?

    God Dammit. We might as well drag Garmon out back and shoot his knee caps off.