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  1. W

    Ohio St suspends Tressell for 2 games

    The SEC is loving this right now. OSU . . . what a joke. And for all of you wanting to know how messed up D-1 athletics is (mainly football and bball), check out the book Beer and Circus. I bleed black & gold, but I'm not naive enough to deny how messed up things are becoming. I mean, all I...
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    I Can't Stand Bo Ryan

    Is there a more annoying coach in the BigTen than the vulture? Judging from his handshake with Fran, these two guys don't seem to like each other very much and are going to go at it for years to come. And while I'm at it, what's with Wisky coaches (i.e. Ryan and Bielema) never giving the...
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    Re: 1986 Holiday Bowl Question

    So I was watching a replay of the 86 Holiday Bowl on BTN the other night, and I noticed that some Iowa players did not have names on their jerseys while others did. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
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    Wisky/2-pt. Conversion=Karma

    This is my last comment on the Rose Bowl, but when Wisky was trying to tie the game with the 2-pt. conversion, did anyone else think of Wisky's 2-pt. conversion against Minny earlier this year? Talk about karma. I'm sure Brewster was chuckling a bit.
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    Who becomes the Break away Reciever for IA

    Lost in all of this discussion is the assumption that Coker will be healthy next season. I'm just saying . . .
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    It was a risk, but it had a huge impact, saving at least a 10 pt. swing. Instead of giving up the ball and probably letting TCU drive down the field for another 1st half score, Wisky kept the ball for the rest of the half and got the FG. Of course, poor clock management by the coaching staff...
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    The bastards. They win their first Big10 title since 1999 and get to go to the Rose Bowl. We won two during the same time span and went to the Orange Bowl and Cap One bowl. That sucks.
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    Great job, B10

    That's what the Big 10 gets for allowing two teams Iowa destroyed to be selected for a higher bowl game. You knew MSU was going to get destroyed in the CapOne bowl, but Iowa would have handled Florida easily in the Outback. Maybe the Big10's overall record would have been the same, but at...
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    Something to feel good about . . .

    I don't mean to diminish the disappointment of this season (because Lord knows that I, like everyone else, is still feeling it), but this article was an unexpected bout of good news that helped put some things into perspective: Jars of Clay completes 1,000 Wells Project
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    Iowa Hoops: Are they matching up to your expectations

    We finally have a legit Big 10 coach. If we can upgrade the facilities and McCaffrey can recruit decent players, there is no reason we can't consistently finish in the upper half of the Big 10 each year.
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    When you heard the news???

    For some reason, I actually thought that KOK was going to be gone. But then I realized that it will never happened and the news was something related to the health of Parker.
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    One thing on this DJK thing that I don't get...

    Re: I agree with you Jon. And I will piggy back on it, too. Yeah, the campaign and vote to oust the three Iowa Supreme Court judges this past fall pretty much solidified this for me.
  13. W

    Next year's Offensive MO: look to Wisconsin

    Wisconsin's season this year is basically a mirror image of Iowa's 2002 season. A decent (not great) previous season with several close losses that set the tone for the next year, an early season loss, a couple of very close wins, and then domination down the stretch. I would say their OL this...
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    It's nice to see someone can identify a fake punt coming.

    Two reasons why everyone knew the fake was coming: 1) The situation. 2) Watch the replay, you'll see that the snap was delayed so the middle blocker could call out the audible for the fake--he clearly shouts to both sides of the field. After the game, Bielema said that he gave them permission...
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    Stages of Grief: Where Are You At?

    Here's a reminder: Denial – "I feel fine. This can't be happening, not to me." Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. Anger – "Why me? It's not fair. Who is to blame?" Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger...
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    Des Howard on Pellini

  17. W

    Re: Break up the BCS?

    Obviously it will not happen because of a sports columnist, but with millions of dollars at stake, I wouldn't be surprised if something happens down the road: Sally Jenkins - It's time for Congress to sack the BCS
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    The real issue hurting Iowa

    This team only has two real issues right now: 1) Poor special teams play. 2) The fact that Angerer and Edds graduated last year.
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    Watching the replay

    Yes, ST and coaching hurt us on Saturday, but more than anything, we missed Angerer and Edds on Saturday. How many times did those guys step up and plug holes or knock a pass down last year, especially against Wisky? They just had an instinctive knack that comes with experience. Right now, our...