For those of you Wisky (Bielema) haters....


Well-Known Member
The matchup with TCU couldn't have been better for the BCS / major conference's. I'm guessing that the final score is going to be somewhere around 80 to 14.
The matchup with TCU couldn't have been better for the BCS / major conference's. I'm guessing that the final score is going to be somewhere around 80 to 14.

Post of the year! This will show those damn "Bielema Haters" once and for all! And your score's way off...TCU won't put 80 on them...
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....TCU leads the nation in scoring defense. I think this is the 3rd year in a row that they have done that.
I'm 34 years old and have followed Big Ten football closely since 1984.

I've never cheered against a Big Ten team in a bowl game. But this year, I want TCU to drill Wisconsin. Does anyone else have similar feelings, in that they always cheer for the Big Ten in the post season but can't bring themselves to root for Wisconsin now?

The terrible taste of Iowa's season can't be the only reason I feel like this...I wanted Northwestern and Ohio State to win in their bowl games last January, and I'll cheer for them again this year.
The terrible taste of Iowa's season can't be the only reason I feel like this...I wanted Northwestern and Ohio State to win in their bowl games last January said:
Dude, Northwestern already won their bowl game a couple of weeks ago when they beat us.
I'm 34 years old and have followed Big Ten football closely since 1984.

I've never cheered against a Big Ten team in a bowl game. But this year, I want TCU to drill Wisconsin. Does anyone else have similar feelings, in that they always cheer for the Big Ten in the post season but can't bring themselves to root for Wisconsin now?

The terrible taste of Iowa's season can't be the only reason I feel like this...I wanted Northwestern and Ohio State to win in their bowl games last January, and I'll cheer for them again this year.

No... I like Wisconsin and their killer instinct. Iowa almost beat them. They are in the Big Ten. Their coach is a former Hawkeye player (like him or not).
I'm 34 years old and have followed Big Ten football closely since 1984.

I've never cheered against a Big Ten team in a bowl game. But this year, I want TCU to drill Wisconsin. Does anyone else have similar feelings, in that they always cheer for the Big Ten in the post season but can't bring themselves to root for Wisconsin now?

The terrible taste of Iowa's season can't be the only reason I feel like this...I wanted Northwestern and Ohio State to win in their bowl games last January, and I'll cheer for them again this year.
^This....for the first time in my life I really don't want to see a Big Ten team would make the bowl season if TCU DEMOLISHES Wisconsin...I would love to see it....go Horn Frogs!!
This year will be harder than ever for me to root for Wisconsin, OSU, Northwestern and Illinois but I still will be. I want to see Wisconsin run through TCU although I don't think it will be that easy.

Probably the worst thing for Wisconsin is that the game wasn't this last weekend, they were rolling!

I really like the Big Ten bowl matchups this year for some reason, couldn't be happier about playing Nebraska given the circumstances.
I am firmly pulling for Wisky. I think this is a very good matchup. I have never had a problem with BB or Wisky football. BB is somewhat unconventional in what he does and says, but he is getting job done.
Face facts boys, since the last time Iowa WENT to the Rose Bowl, on January 1, Wisconsin will have WON it 4 times. Wisconsin's o-line is amazing, they could probably beat anyone in the country other than Auburn and Oregon right now. They're a lot like we were in 2002 but with a crappier QB and better RBs. I know we like to think Iowa's like one cut below OSU and such, but in reality, Wisconsin is the program that is one cut below OSU and we're a small cut below Wisconsin. Bielema now has two 11 win regular seasons, Ferentz has 0.

I've come to realize the only way a guy wearing a Tiger Hawk will hold the Rose Bowl trophy is if Bielema does it. Good luck to him.

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