Ohio St suspends Tressell for 2 games

Had a friend of mine bantering with me over email (OSU fan) and he actually compared this situation to Iowa's handling of the Rhabdo incident. His actual comments:

#1--At least our coaches and AD were in town.
#2--You put 11 kid's lives in jeopardy...we did no such thing.
#3--OSU came clean right away....more than the song and dance your PR staff did.
#4--This fine will cost Tressel 7.14% of a yearly salary, hurt recruiting and bring much public shame to the university.

Had a friend of mine bantering with me over email (OSU fan) and he actually compared this situation to Iowa's handling of the Rhabdo incident. His actual comments:

#1--At least our coaches and AD were in town.
#2--You put 11 kid's lives in jeopardy...we did no such thing.
#3--OSU came clean right away....more than the song and dance your PR staff did.
#4--This fine will cost Tressel 7.14% of a yearly salary, hurt recruiting and bring much public shame to the university.


If I were you I'd find some friends who weren't so stupid.
Just wait until the NCAA ruling comes down on this. Tressel can go job hunting with Bruce Pearl and Todd McNair.
you realize of course that the university has been in contact with the NCAA on this for awhile. This didn't just spring up last night when the yahoo story broke. I think OSU has a pretty good idea what the NCAA reaction to their sanctions will be. If you think this incident will cost Tressel his job you really have no idea what you are talking about.

As for the cheating comment, I'm not advocating it but isn't it strange that the schools mentioned as "cheaters" are the prominent schools? They are under a much finer microscope. I don't think any university wants the yahoo guys poking around for info, they have been on top of these stories since the USC/Bush scandal. You really don't think that Iowa doesn't commit any violations do you? The severity can be argued but to think any school has no dirty laundry is naive.
you realize of course that the university has been in contact with the NCAA on this for awhile. This didn't just spring up last night when the yahoo story broke. I think OSU has a pretty good idea what the NCAA reaction to their sanctions will be. If you think this incident will cost Tressel his job you really have no idea what you are talking about.

As for the cheating comment, I'm not advocating it but isn't it strange that the schools mentioned as "cheaters" are the prominent schools? They are under a much finer microscope. I don't think any university wants the yahoo guys poking around for info, they have been on top of these stories since the USC/Bush scandal. You really don't think that Iowa doesn't commit any violations do you? The severity can be argued but to think any school has no dirty laundry is naive.

Hey look its the guy who knows everything about anything in college football. Please enlighten us with your in depth knowledge of the NCAA investigation. You spend your life wanting to be a part of O$U football but the closest you get is watching more "videos than anyone else on recruits" and polishing your sweater vest but* plug.

Here's to hoping the investigation doesn't stop you from making more of an *** of yourself than you already have.
The Gee quote is BIZARRO

I guarantee you that Gee is sitting on Jim Tressel's lap right now drinking from a bowl of milk. What a pathetic individual.

Gee also said he had not considered dismissing the Buckeyes coach.

"No, are you kidding?" he said with a laugh. "Let me be very clear. I'm just hoping the coach doesn't dismiss me."


I mean... seriously? The president of a Big Ten school actually said this publicly??? I'll bet their board of regents and faculty are real happy with that.
Re: The Gee quote is BIZARRO

Gee also said he had not considered dismissing the Buckeyes coach.

"No, are you kidding?" he said with a laugh. "Let me be very clear. I'm just hoping the coach doesn't dismiss me."


I mean... seriously? The president of a Big Ten school actually said this publicly??? I'll bet their board of regents and faculty are real happy with that.

Top to bottom they are the epitome of higher education. A president who kow tows to a coach and a coach who begs for guilty players to play in a bowl game because the embarassment of losing to another SEC team is more than he can handle.

Tressel saw that this was the easiest SEC team he could possibly hope to get in a BCS game and he needed to save face. Kinda sad that the Big 10 has to be embarassed by this admission of cheating by one of its coaches.
you realize of course that the university has been in contact with the NCAA on this for awhile. This didn't just spring up last night when the yahoo story broke. I think OSU has a pretty good idea what the NCAA reaction to their sanctions will be. If you think this incident will cost Tressel his job you really have no idea what you are talking about.

As for the cheating comment, I'm not advocating it but isn't it strange that the schools mentioned as "cheaters" are the prominent schools? They are under a much finer microscope. I don't think any university wants the yahoo guys poking around for info, they have been on top of these stories since the USC/Bush scandal. You really don't think that Iowa doesn't commit any violations do you? The severity can be argued but to think any school has no dirty laundry is naive.

Yes I realize OSU has been in contact with the NCAA for about a month on this. I've read the letter.


You realize that it doesn't change the fact that Tressel knew about the situation in April not only didn't do anything about it but lied to the NCAA and OSU compliance office about. As Todd McNair, Dez Bryant have shown and Bruce Pearl will soon show, the NCAA does not like to be lied too. This is the beginning of the end for Tressel. He will be out either by resignation or by being hit with a show cause penalty by the NCAA but this thing is far from over.
Hey NOW the Ohio State university has consistently won in FB and BB over the past decade or so. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY has also cheated or or wormed it's away into Big 10 championships over the last 10 years or so.

Remember the 02 BB championship that OSU had to give up because of illegal players?

OSU, Auburn, Alabama.. the list goes on of cheaters...

CHEATERS.. proved...

slap on the wrist by the NCAA...

The SEC is loving this right now. OSU . . . what a joke.

And for all of you wanting to know how messed up D-1 athletics is (mainly football and bball), check out the book Beer and Circus. I bleed black & gold, but I'm not naive enough to deny how messed up things are becoming. I mean, all I have to do is watch the Iowa basketball team play on Mediacom court.
College football programs cheating is as common as the sun coming up in the morning.

$100 hand shakes, "tutoring" sessions, gifts, perks, etc. If the NCAA looks hard enough they can find dirt on anyone.

Its not random that teams often are discovered doing something wrong after success (USC, Oregon, OSU, Miami, FSU, etc). Winning brings attention, good & bad.

I love college football, but lying, cheating, stealing are part of the game. I wish it was all clean and even but that's a pipe dream.

The big issue here, as many have said, is the coach being aware of the wrong doing. He should have come clean immediately or at least put himself in a position of plausible deniablity.

Look at Cam Newton, "I didn't know my dad was selling my services" went all the way to the Heisman trophy and a NC.
We all love college football and basketball (when we win).

What really is fascinating that beyond the incredible intense and exciting 12 saturday afternoons of the blocking and tackling is all the graft and corruption and cheating behind it.

Check out out "Native American Son" the life and sporting legend of "JIM THORPE" by Kate Buford.

This story goes back a 100 years and more.... Pop Warner is a big part of it and nothing has really changed.

Who would have thought that "Pop" was a self-serving, cheating greedy business man that exploited Jim Thorpe along with others.

Now he's respected and honored and the little league football leagues are named after him.
Where is FU to defend his punk cheater team. Time for the B10 to hammer these clowns!

Kind of hilarious that Hawkeye boards are the only place he spreads his back-handed opinions. His own message boards can't stand him, which explains why he rarely posts on them.
tOSU new about this for a long time, yet Gene Smith tried to say with a straight face that they were trying to get through this quickly? He even admitted, the only reason they had the press conference was that the story was "leaked". That is a total joke. They wanted to keep this quiet as long as possible, especially through recruiting.
Tressel tried to stand there and say he was concerned for the safety of the players? He was concerned for his job. I guarantee you he talked to his own attorney about this. That would probably be a protected conversation. However, the possibility that Tressel did not inform the University is a violation of his contract. Did you notice how he tried to focus on the "Federal Investigation" and said nothing about the NCAA violations of the players involved. Major CYA.
Its just life guys and ******** about it is not going to change things. Man is a lying, cheating, back stabbing SOB and thats a fact.
Only very strict rules and a genuine fear of being caught ever stops any of us from doing wrong.
And unfortunately the people making up the rules and enforcing them also have a stake in things so its unlikely for real change to ever come about.
Just like DC there will but BS rodeo pretending to chase a ghost around the pen and come up with a simple rules violation and it will be done.
I do agree with an earlier post that says the NCAA is going to have to do more in this situation just to save face now that OSU has imposed self punishment.
As for the cheating comment, I'm not advocating it but isn't it strange that the schools mentioned as "cheaters" are the prominent schools? They are under a much finer microscope. I don't think any university wants the yahoo guys poking around for info, they have been on top of these stories since the USC/Bush scandal. You really don't think that Iowa doesn't commit any violations do you? The severity can be argued but to think any school has no dirty laundry is naive.

Maybe, just maybe, they are prominent because the do cheat.

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