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  1. H


    Since this controversy has been nothing but you should or should not support the idea, no one has yet to come up with an alternate solution. Let's face it, the vast majority can not honestly claim to fully understand both sides of the argument. All we see is either you don't support the team if...
  2. H

    Northwestern University football players are seeking union representation

    This. Only about 12% of my payments to student loans goes toward the principle balance. Here's the next plan, how about no more scholarships and make them pay their own way. Then the school can pay the athlete, they would have to have a salary cap and a budget. This would also apply to the...
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    B1G steals another from SEC

    Funny how many are making fun of coaches leaving Biels but just curious what you think about the Fry coaching tree.
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    Caption this photo

    I'm telling you it was bigfoot. He put his face right here and when he roared it sounded like...
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    Looking Ahead- 2014 vs 2015

    Have to agree with this, except I see more of an 8-4 (barring injuries or major defections). I think 4-1 to the 1st bye, split with IU and Mary (IU will still have that explosive O and depending on the experience of the LBs and DBs, could be ugly. Plus going to Mary may not be a treat for the...
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    Miller: Athletes are ALREADY Getting Paid

    I was just looking for this. Some think that these sports make a lot of money but in reality, they support the other sports as well and the college doesn't make as much as it seems. Yes, those administrators make a lot too but they have this thing called a degree and chances are, they have/had a...
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    Hawkeyes vs Gophers Predictions

    Minny 31, Iowa 30. The usual 4th quarter melt down will happen since in this game Iowa will not control the clock as much as they have the first 4 games. Minny will score the final 17 with a FG in the final minute to close it. Next prediction, every thread will have a "KF needs to go" somewhere.
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    Why the Iowa game means more to ISU fans...and will stay that way

    Although I do agree with most of this as reasoning, I think the "superbowl" comments are more of a pre-game (and post game) excuse if Iowa loses. It's along with some of the same comments KF says when a game is lost...mostly a way to shrug it off. Reading some of the posts, I think you have two...
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    Interesting Kirk Ferentz Buyout Read

    One other important detail is missing from this. This is on the assumption the new coach will work for free.
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    Life after Ferentz

    Odd, no mention of Chuck Long
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    back from...

    Section136, no worries, no offense taken. kegunder, PM sent, thanks
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    back from...

    my all expense employer paid vacation overseas and need to reintegrate myself. Best way to do it is by sitting in Kinnick. Anyone have "in" to decent tickets for any game this year? I don't have season tix and most games I went to before I either bought at a charity auction or were given by a...
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    SEC Coach(es) and ESPN

    Seriously? Does it really make that much of a difference? Kind of a reach to whine about the SEC isn't it? If I remember correct, didn't Saban say Auburn would have a tough time with Oregon. I think the way they were used was substantial. Both gave an analysis of their first trip to the NC game...
  14. H

    Why can't Iowa recruit athletes?

    This!! It really goes by definition. Someone once said that a "speed" receiver was someone fast but could not catch the ball, a possession receiver could catch it but not very fast. A DB is a WR who could not run good routes. Seems to me that an athlete is someone with great physical ability but...
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    Wegher rewards Iowa columnist's support with silence

    if I have this correct, many are scorned because he now wants to play elsewhere? It is OK for him to move on and if he choses to put it behind him, so be it. Let it go people, stop acting like a bitter jealous ex.
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    Albert Young named in Favre's latest inappropirate masseuse encounter

    To build even further, has anyone wondered why one woman seems to be the center of this?
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    We need a Coaching Assessment A.S.A.P

    Valid points. I do agree that an assessment must be made as it should be every year. The only caveat to hiring a new position coach (as before mentioned) is the "rob Peter to pay Paul" part. Although a couple of the losses can be attributed to the special teams, it's tough to put too much blame...
  18. H

    If this has been posted im sorry but

    Sadly...dare I say it...Cy was right. Believe it or not Iowa has not turned that corner and hasn't for...oh....ever! (at least in any of our lifetimes). No I'm not satisfied with this season but honestly the same coach you are trying to replace is the same one who has done enough for you to...
  19. H

    If this has been posted im sorry but

    So what is it you expect? Where did these expectations come from? Hayden Fry? Check the history of Iowa coaches and let me know where you found a way to back up high expectations. I could have swore, correct me if I'm wrong here, the Hawks just won some game in January and had at least more...
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    This is what we get for 3 million dollars?

    You're kidding right? Tell me you are. Are you an OSU/UM fan in disguise? Must be. No, I'm not thrilled about losing today to a team that barely belongs in a major conference but to be this arrogant to question going to a bowl is a bit much. Maybe your expectations has been built up so much by...