Albert Young named in Favre's latest inappropirate masseuse encounter


Well-Known Member
Dusenberry began to receive unwelcome advances from a number of current and former players on the Vikings. She had problems both in session and out of session with former Vikings defensive back Dwight Smith, wide receiver Aundrae Allison, and back-up running back Albert Young. She says that Young, while inquiring about her one-on-one massage services, sent her this photo via text message

Masseuse Claims She Received Lewd Texts From Vikings Players, Including Brett Favre (NSFW)

**I should warn there's a semi-nude photo in this link**
With all this crap coming out maybe its best that women stay out of mens sports?

Yeah, get them back in the kitchen where they belong!

I mean, really?

I understand what you are trying to say, but this IMO comes off as very uneducated. In a roundabout way you're saying, "we need to punish women because male athletes can't put aside their egos and johnsons long enough to allow a woman to do her job."

This is a great and suitable sollution, if it were 1850.
I briefly took a look at some images of Young through Google. I noticed the tatoo on the left arm of the person in the photo, so I thought I'd take a look and see if Young has that tat as well. Now I don't know when all the images I saw were taken, but I didn't see any ink like the one in the picture. So it might be unfounded, I don't know.

Edit: I found this photo a few minutes ago. It's from last August, so he's maybe gotten the tat since then, but it's clear in this image that he didn't have it at the time.
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Yeah, get them back in the kitchen where they belong!

, "we need to punish women because male athletes can't put aside their egos and johnsons long enough to allow a woman to do her job."


Actually it is what i'm trying to say. They know what they're getting into. They know that athletes are male whores.
Actually it is what i'm trying to say. They know what they're getting into. They know that athletes are male whores.

Okay maybe I was a bit brash in my assessment of uneducated. I see you are clearly stating what you believe. Ignorant is a better word...
Okay maybe I was a bit brash in my assessment of uneducated. I see you are clearly stating what you believe. Ignorant is a better word...

I certainly don't blame her at all. You'd think that maybe pro teams would get the hint and not hire women for this particular position though. It's one thing to expect your everyday guy to keep hormones in check with his coworkers. It's stupid to expect crap like this to not happen with 20-something (in most cases) athletes, some of whom probably have an excess of testosterone from something. And now it would appear that perhaps these women are now more willing to come forward. Women in sports are great, IMO. This is just a particular position that perhaps organizations should shy away from hiring women. It's just asking for trouble.
I certainly don't blame her at all. You'd think that maybe pro teams would get the hint and not hire women for this particular position though. It's one thing to expect your everyday guy to keep hormones in check with his coworkers. It's stupid to expect crap like this to not happen with 20-something (in most cases) athletes, some of whom probably have an excess of testosterone from something. And now it would appear that perhaps these women are now more willing to come forward. Women in sports are great, IMO. This is just a particular position that perhaps organizations should shy away from hiring women. It's just asking for trouble.

agreed, having women in those positions is asking for trouble. Flirting or being provocative whilst employed by a professional sports team is never good, and often times appearances are not always as they seem. For egotistical & hormonal athletes it is almost a given they feel as though they are entitled for certain things.

In most of my experiences within the workplace, it is very apparent that women have gained considerable power over men in all practices, including sexual harassment. I for one can attest, and other men will second, to having been advanced upon by a female co-worker, but did not report it to authorities (even if it was not wanted) -simply because we take it as a compliment and consider it a non-issue quickly deflating the situation. We even go as far to reassure the "pursuer" that it will not be awkward moving forward. this is not always the case when the role of gender is exchanged.
agreed, having women in those positions is asking for trouble. Flirting or being provocative whilst employed by a professional sports team is never good, and often times appearances are not always as they seem. For egotistical & hormonal athletes it is almost a given they feel as though they are entitled for certain things.

In most of my experiences within the workplace, it is very apparent that women have gained considerable power over men in all practices, including sexual harassment. I for one can attest, and other men will second, to having been advanced upon by a female co-worker, but did not report it to authorities (even if it was not wanted) -simply because we take it as a compliment and consider it a non-issue quickly deflating the situation. We even go as far to reassure the "pursuer" that it will not be awkward moving forward. this is not always the case when the role of gender is exchanged.

I am a boss to 10 women. I can attest that I have, in more than one instance, been hit on by them. I am their only boss, however, so it is different. I have no one to go to about this. But in most instances, I have given a warning and watched their behavior change instantly. In others (one), I had to thwart a lawsuit in which she tried to change the story all around. Quite funny how things can be so different in 2 different worlds.
maybe they souldnt be giving out their personal cell phone numbers to clients, maybe then they wouldnt get lewd texts, that seems a bit unprofessional.
Re: Albert Young named in Favre's latest inappropriate masseuse encounter

maybe they souldnt be giving out their personal cell phone numbers to clients, maybe then they wouldnt get lewd texts, that seems a bit unprofessional.

If you read the article you would know that she asked her boss not to give out her phone number, implying that she didn't give it out herself.
Re: Albert Young named in Favre's latest inappropriate masseuse encounter

If you read the article you would know that she asked her boss not to give out her phone number, implying that she didn't give it out herself.

shame on me, just read the cliff notes provided
So you guys already knew that I was going to come into this thread offended. This is true. However, I am more offended on what you guys think of athletes than the comments about women.

The thought that athletes are beasts who are unable to contain their sexual desires is both humorous and mortifying! You seriously think it is too much to ask athletes not to try and bang everything with two legs and a hole in the middle just because they are rich and "hormonal"? How about instead of treating them like 13 year olds who can't manage their erections, we treat them like professional adults who should be held ACCOUNTABLE for their behavior?
I am sorry these women made advances so the guys responded and now they complain... whatever... go away you gold digging 15 min fame grabbing *****
So you guys already knew that I was going to come into this thread offended. This is true. However, I am more offended on what you guys think of athletes than the comments about women.

The thought that athletes are beasts who are unable to contain their sexual desires is both humorous and mortifying! You seriously think it is too much to ask athletes not to try and bang everything with two legs and a hole in the middle just because they are rich and "hormonal"? How about instead of treating them like 13 year olds who can't manage their erections, we treat them like professional adults who should be held ACCOUNTABLE for their behavior?

The athletes should be held accountable, absolutely. They deserve whatever punishment they get, and possibly more.

My only point was that I'd be surprised if teams didn't stop hiring women for these particular positions.
What I wan't to know is why I get called into the HR office twice, once for telling a young woman "you look nice" today, and once for sending a female employee home for wearing something "not appropriate" for work yet it's OK for pro athletes to send mostly nude photos to people.

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