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  1. G

    Zone Blocking Scheme

    It all depends on your RB. If you have the right back (a 1-cut back) the zone scheme is perfect. Weisman was not that type of back and JC lacked vision and health to do it on a consistent basis.
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    For Fiedorowicz to catch on with Texans, TE’s hands must improve

    Speaking of Houston. I just moved here. Where are the game watches at? PM me to get in contact. Appreciated.
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    Sidenote, I think the Herky with the helmet needs to go. He looks like a jester. Lets do something closer to bball Herky, OR even better, the Herky that looks like the Herky on Parade statues.
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    New Uniforms???

    We cannot even change our mascot that looks like a jester from medieval times and you expect us to get flashy new jerseys? Dreamin....
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    Pre-game Radio Streaming

    Is there anywhere online I can stream the Hawkeye radio pregame show? Thanks in advance.
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    Gamewatch Louisville

    Sorry if this is OT. I recently moved to Louisville and was wondering if there are any game watches down here or B1G bars? Thanks
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    Iowa's prize recruit having second thoughts?

    What a terrible decision
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    My blood is boiling!!

    At least you were not in route to the game to only get stopped standstill for over an hour on I-80 due to a jackknifed semi and therefore not make the game....yeah that sucked!
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    Brian Kelly - the anti Ferentz

    Notre Dame was founded by a FRENCH priest.
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    Weather Saturday

    The following link shows Isaac is going to be to central IL well after the game. I suppose it just matters how much develops to the north of it due to all the moisture contained in the storm. Tropical Depression ISAAC
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    Kirk Presser today at 12:30....

    It's on WHO Radio from 6-7 p.m. with Miller, Chmelka (Polk County I-Club President) and Zabel. Correct me if something has changed this year Jon. It's a good time with Hawk fans. Not to mention the Longest Yard has a killer tenderloin.
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    Another Open Practice 8/18

    Re: Another Open Praxtice 8/18 What?! This a part of the revamped program?
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    Sash Suspended

    No doubt but he did say it was for public speaking and I can attest to it making you quite talkative.
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    Sash Suspended

    Wow that's absurd! Why should he be suspended for adderall?!
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    Sash Suspended

    4 games for using PED's. Per @MikeGarafolo on Twitter.
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    OT: Huskers Alt Uniforms

    Careful boys if Morehouse tweet about silver pants and silver jerseys is right our jerseys may look like these only all silver. I really hope we don't go all silver. Can't see that looking good at all.
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    Iowa Nike Pro Combat Gear

    So instead of being the Steelers were going to be the Raiders? Silver pants, Tigerhawk, etc. That would actually look pretty sweet!
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    Sights & sounds from Wednesday's practice

    The attrition at DL really hurts but it appears we shoved that problem over to NU.
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    Fran's eye for talent

    No, but I wish
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    YOU CAN'T STOP HIM! chant

    Yeah we need another guard but I don't think Cartwright was getting the job done last night. The offense ran so much smoother when Marble was running the show last night. (Except the last 7 minutes when we did nothing but look for Gatens. Don't get me wrong keep looking for him but you can't...