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    Top 10 most under rated Hawkeye Bball players in history

    Matt Bullard - great player, went on to have a nice NBA career.
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    Congrats to Jared Cole!!!

    Cole became the first player in the history of college basketball to get called for 4 fouls without actually touching anyone in the process! Not saying the officiating last night was particularly good or bad for either team, but the 4 fouls called on Cole last night were all bush league garbage.
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    Stanford's Harbaugh Blowing off ESPN

    Question: In the history of college sports has there ever been a coach up on the victory stage or press conference podium actually answer the "are you coming back or taking a different job" question? The question is not designed to get an honest response, so the only reason for asking it is to...
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    Iowa Defense: Time for a Change or Aberration?

    The defense needs to make a few tweaks to do better at getting off the field on 3rd down. The biggest problem this year was not giving up points, but allowing opponents to sustain multiple long drives. Going into the 4th quarter, from a points standpoint the defense had played well, but was...
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    Iowa Offense: Statistical Look Since 2001

    The video clip Jon posted brought back memories to my initial reaction when Ferentz hired O'Keefe: How in the world do you go from being a coach at the Allegheny type level of football to becoming an offensive coordinator at a major BCS school? That's one heck of a promotion! He went from...
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    CONFIRMED: Robinson Arrested on Marijuana Charges

    To correct Mr. Barta's quote from the presser, apparently that's anywhere from 2 to 21 players that may have been cheating the drug testing policy.
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    All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied

    I know the people that responded to my theory laughed me off the forum the other night, but I'm beginning to fear it may actually have some validity.
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    Did Ferentz stumble upon evidence?

    I agree with this as it pertains to a teenage kid, but Koulianos is a 5th year senior set to graduate this month. He's less than 30 days out from having to get a job where you can't show up late, you can't disrespect the boss and you are hopefully coming out of your teenage antics. Having a...
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    All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied

    That's cool. I'm for everyone getting a second chance to get it figured out. This entire post comes from my stupid, lame theory that essentially is the result of part boredom. Obviously not a good idea.
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    All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied

    Herkynerd, I don't disagree with you, but my calling him a punk has NOTHING to do with the drug stuff. It's with the stupid facebook posts, "press conference on 1/1", "I'll tell you why I didn't start if you give me 200 likes" and slight digs at his coach, and the fact that he obviously could...
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    All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied

    Just to reiterate, it's just a theory and yes, I do have too much time on my hands this evening. I'm not saying I have inside info, or have a source, it's just a theory.
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    All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied

    Well, at least you can't say I didn't try to come up with an explanation. If people think this is some isolated incident that has nothing to do with the team chemistry, team performance, or the reasons Ferentz kept this punk on the team for 4 years, all the power to you.
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    Iowa Hoops: Are they matching up to your expectations

    They are exceeding my expectations (granted they were really low to begin with). Yesterday's first half was ugly, no question, but the Hawks actually played quite well in the second half. Shot 50%, attacked the rim, passed the ball well, got the hustle plays, took care of the ball, etc. The...
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    All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied

    This is all starting to come into focus for me. Granted this is just my theory. For a while now I've been asking myself why Ferentz didn't just bench the guy or throw him off the team a couple of years ago after it became apparent Koulianos (I'm done calling him DJK - it's like saying...
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    Hlas: Reason DJK was suspended

    Maybe I am too old school or naive, but if a player makes a flippant remark to a coach, his butt should ride pine. Period. I thought Ferentz and O'Keefe put up with way too many of Drew Tate's antics (even if they were warranted :) You simply cannot have a player EVER show up a coach, even if...
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    Dear Matt Gatens

    I thought Gatens played an outstanding floor game yesterday (and against Idaho St.) and it is just a matter of time before the shots start falling. Shooting is as much about confidence as anything.
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    My problem with Ferentz's handling of DJK was that it was always so piecemeal and ongoing. If DJK was a big screwup early in his career missing meetings, training sessions and hurting the team in other ways than his *** should have been benched until he met certain benchmarks, and if it...
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    Derrell Johnson-Koulianos

    Obviously noone buys Ferentz's reasoning for starting Sandeman. What I don't understand is why Ferentz was okay with telling the world that AROB was screwing up in class last week, but can't ever give us a straight answer with Koulianos. Really, given all that has gone on with these 2 over the...
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    DJK could have been a leader

    Totally agree. He gets 12-14 touchs per game minimum with a good o-coordinator, especially on a team like Iowa that supposedly doesn't have any other "sexy players". Jesus, the rest of the country laid a blueprint for how to use a Wildcat type package to get playmakers the ball and Iowa doesn't...