

Well-Known Member
For 4 years people scrutinized every depth chart that was released on Monday of game week and wondered why DJK wasnt listed as the starter of always had a slash next to his name that meant he was a "co-starter".

We all heard how DJK was always in the doghouse and how Ferentz had banned him from talking to the media. People took shots at Ferentz because they think they knew how to run his football team better than him.

People constantly claimed DJK was a "Great Hawkeye" and that he was never utilized to his fullest potential. They got wrapped up in a mini-celebrity because he was a nice guy, always kept his facebook profile updated and would chat with them for a few minutes if they ran into him at the mall or downtown at a bar.

While DJK was a fantastic performer on Saturday afternoons when the lights were shining bright, he lacked all the other qualities that make people "Great Hawkeyes". Bob Sanders, Chad Greenway, Abdul Hodge, Ed Hinkel etc. did their work Sunday through Friday. They never were late for meetings, missed weight lifting sessions or pulled any of the crap that DJK has pulled.

There are numerous people on this board that have taken shots at Ferentz and his staff for how they handled DJK. Where are you at now? I will never understand people that question Ferentz on player issues.

It all makes sense now. DJK missed weight sessions, was late for practice or meetings. Its hard to be on time when you are coming down from a coke high or just smoked pot a few hours before. I think Ferentz knows that his players like to "live it up" and some to more extreme levels than others. I do not think that he knew of the severity of the situation that DJK had himself in.

I want to hear from the people that were taking shots at Ferentz. Why did you think that you knew what was going on within the program?
If KF knew he was high or even taking drugs why wasn't the punishment more severe and or dismissed? Not saying he knew but if he did and he pushed it aside and tried to handle it himself because of DJK's talents then what light do you shed on KF and or KOK? I have a hard time believing that his entire college career went buy and nobody knew.
For 4 years people scrutinized every depth chart that was released on Monday of game week and wondered why DJK wasnt listed as the starter of always had a slash next to his name that meant he was a "co-starter".

We all heard how DJK was always in the doghouse and how Ferentz had banned him from talking to the media. People took shots at Ferentz because they think they knew how to run his football team better than him.

People constantly claimed DJK was a "Great Hawkeye" and that he was never utilized to his fullest potential. They got wrapped up in a mini-celebrity because he was a nice guy, always kept his facebook profile updated and would chat with them for a few minutes if they ran into him at the mall or downtown at a bar.

While DJK was a fantastic performer on Saturday afternoons when the lights were shining bright, he lacked all the other qualities that make people "Great Hawkeyes". Bob Sanders, Chad Greenway, Abdul Hodge, Ed Hinkel etc. did their work Sunday through Friday. They never were late for meetings, missed weight lifting sessions or pulled any of the crap that DJK has pulled.

There are numerous people on this board that have taken shots at Ferentz and his staff for how they handled DJK. Where are you at now? I will never understand people that question Ferentz on player issues.

It all makes sense now. DJK missed weight sessions, was late for practice or meetings. Its hard to be on time when you are coming down from a coke high or just smoked pot a few hours before. I think Ferentz knows that his players like to "live it up" and some to more extreme levels than others. I do not think that he knew of the severity of the situation that DJK had himself in.

I want to hear from the people that were taking shots at Ferentz. Why did you think that you knew what was going on within the program?

So you think Ferentz knew he was doing/selling drugs and punished him by not starting him? That's some pretty ****** coaching by Ferentz, I would hope he would punish him more severly than that.
You really want to go down this road? That Ferentz knew (which I am sure he knew to some extent) and did nothing other than not name him a starter?

Students in IC have known that Brady Johnson and DJK have done coke for 3 years. I am sure some staff members knew as well. But I don't think you get a pat on the back for not doing anything about it
So you think Ferentz knew he was doing/selling drugs and punished him by not starting him? That's some pretty ****** coaching by Ferentz, I would hope he would punish him more severly than that.

I dont think Ferentz is naive. I think he has a good idea that some of his players like to party. I do not think that he knew that DJK was living in a drug house or that he was using cocaine.
I wouldn't doubt it that Kirk might have had suspicions but without concrete proof Kirk's hands were tied. Had Kirk known fully the extent of DJK's issues I am quite certain more/harsher punishment would have been in order.
You really want to go down this road? That Ferentz knew (which I am sure he knew to some extent) and did nothing other than not name him a starter?

Students in IC have known that Brady Johnson and DJK have done coke for 3 years. I am sure some staff members knew as well. But I don't think you get a pat on the back for not doing anything about it

Knowing and proving it are two different things... last I knew, hearsay doesn't put you in jail. Where's there's smoke there's a fire, but you have to find the fire first.
Knowing and proving it are two different things... last I knew, hearsay doesn't put you in jail. Where's there's smoke there's a fire, but you have to find the fire first.

Not if you're just talking about the coaching staff and not the police. The coaching staff doesn't need to find the fire if there is enough smoke around someone. If Ferentz really knew or had a strong suspicion about this he should of punished him harder than the nickel and dime punishment ****, not starting, not being listed as the No. 1 on the depth chart, he did.
My problem with Ferentz's handling of DJK was that it was always so piecemeal and ongoing. If DJK was a big screwup early in his career missing meetings, training sessions and hurting the team in other ways than his *** should have been benched until he met certain benchmarks, and if it continued over a couple years than they should have helped him find another school and be done with it. "These are the expectations to play football for Iowa. If you can't/won't meet them, then we need to go our separate ways, no hard feelings, we will help you find another school." I thought that was the type of ship he was running.

Ferentz isn't to blame for DJK choosing to violate the law. But I still believe he mishandled him over these past four (or is it 5) years.
Not if you're just talking about the coaching staff and not the police. The coaching staff doesn't need to find the fire if there is enough smoke around someone. If Ferentz really knew or had a strong suspicion about this he should of punished him harder than the nickel and dime punishment ****, not starting, not being listed as the No. 1 on the depth chart, he did.

How do we know he didn't have harsher punisments? In this day and age where law suits are the norm, you better have substantial proof for anything before doing anything. Trust me on this one... my career revolves around OSHA & EPA compliance.

It's interesting what a person will tell others about certain events that occurr while officials (regulatory & company) will keep mum about it due to the liabilities involved. KF is a person that will totally respect a person's privacy if allowed too, and to be honest, he's required to as a manager of other people. If the other party releases information, he's allowed to defend himself (set the story straight), but may chose not to because of legally binding issues (i.e. university policy or privacy laws and such). Employees, players and such are not typically bound by such policies and laws...
How can you disagreee with the way KF handled him/disciplined him when you do not know what all he was specifically disciplined for? That's ignorant, purely ignorant. Some of you seem that you've been hanging out at DJK's house, moronic.

And to say that KF knew about it and did nothing? Seriously, equally ignorant. No clue. So, according to some...KF has ignorred DJK using drugs while at the same time picking on him???? Some of you people are truely incredible. No sense whatsoever.
For 4 years people scrutinized every depth chart that was released on Monday of game week and wondered why DJK wasnt listed as the starter of always had a slash next to his name that meant he was a "co-starter".

We all heard how DJK was always in the doghouse and how Ferentz had banned him from talking to the media. People took shots at Ferentz because they think they knew how to run his football team better than him.

People constantly claimed DJK was a "Great Hawkeye" and that he was never utilized to his fullest potential. They got wrapped up in a mini-celebrity because he was a nice guy, always kept his facebook profile updated and would chat with them for a few minutes if they ran into him at the mall or downtown at a bar.

While DJK was a fantastic performer on Saturday afternoons when the lights were shining bright, he lacked all the other qualities that make people "Great Hawkeyes". Bob Sanders, Chad Greenway, Abdul Hodge, Ed Hinkel etc. did their work Sunday through Friday. They never were late for meetings, missed weight lifting sessions or pulled any of the crap that DJK has pulled.

There are numerous people on this board that have taken shots at Ferentz and his staff for how they handled DJK. Where are you at now? I will never understand people that question Ferentz on player issues.

It all makes sense now. DJK missed weight sessions, was late for practice or meetings. Its hard to be on time when you are coming down from a coke high or just smoked pot a few hours before. I think Ferentz knows that his players like to "live it up" and some to more extreme levels than others. I do not think that he knew of the severity of the situation that DJK had himself in.

I want to hear from the people that were taking shots at Ferentz. Why did you think that you knew what was going on within the program?

I do get a smug sense of satisfaction listening to all the folks who were on Ferentz's case regarding Ferentz being on DJK's case, now sputtering and trying to find a way to explain their previous stance on the subject.

However, I am going to have to disagree with you on some things.

1) This does not change the fact that DJK was, indeed, under-utilized while at Iowa. Unless this was a specific punishment KF had, or unless DJK wasn't ever at practice to try out punt returns or something, not utilizing a great offensive weapon was a mistake.

2) We have absolutely no idea of knowing to what extent did Ferentz and the coaches 'know' about DJK's drug issues. All anybody knew before yesterday, was that DJK was often in Ferentz's doghouse because of his general work ethic and lack of focus. And maybe, for most of his career, that was the issue, and the drug thing was just recent. Or perhaps this has been a problem since day one, and nobody knew/cared. Who knows?

3) I sincerely doubt people would have sided with DJK if it were known the issues regarding the 'doghouse' were related to drugs or other criminal issues. Again, a lot of people were basing their feelings off of the fact that they believed this all had to do with DJK and his big mouth, and not DJK and his drug habits.
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I do get a smug sense of satisfaction listening to all the folks who were on Ferentz's case regarding Ferentz being on DJK's case, now sputtering and trying to find a way to explain their previous stance on the subject.

However, I am going to have to disagree with you on some things.

1) This does not change the fact that DJK was, indeed, under-utilized while at Iowa. Unless this was a specific punishment KF had, or unless DJK wasn't ever at practice to try out punt returns or something, not utilizing a great offensive weapon was a mistake.

2) We have absolutely no idea of knowing to what extent did Ferentz and the coaches 'know' about DJK's drug issues. All anybody knew before yesterday, was that DJK was often in Ferentz's doghouse because of his general work ethic and lack of focus. And maybe, for most of his career, that was the issue, and the drug thing was just recent. Or perhaps this has been a problem since day one, and nobody knew/cared. Who knows?

3) I sincerely doubt people would have sided with DJK if it were known the issues regarding the 'doghouse' were related to drugs or other criminal issues. Again, a lot of people were basing their feelings off of the fact that they believed this all had to do with DJK and his big mouth, and not DJK and his drug habits.

Fair points. Regarding number 3, I agree that people would not have sided with DJK if they knew the whole story. Why cant people just trust Ferentz judgement and leave it at that? People on here with no access to the program at all were calling for Ferentz to "FREE DJK". Then they had to run to twitter or facebook to see what DJK had to say next. "Just let superstars be superstars" people would say.

Point is, KF is always going to do what is best for the program. Fans need to be fans and let the coaches do the coaching.
How can you disagreee with the way KF handled him/disciplined him when you do not know what all he was specifically disciplined for? That's ignorant, purely ignorant. Some of you seem that you've been hanging out at DJK's house, moronic.

Because the behavior (not the drug stuff) obviously continued up to the very last game of his career, that's how. If what Ferentz was doing wasn't solving the behavior problems requiring the discipline at some point he should have either benched him for a prolonged period or cut ties. How many times can you discipline someone before saying that's it, time for you to ride pine for 3 games or find a different team to play on?
I trust Kirk's judgement when it comes to the players. I will admit I didn't understand how the DJK situation was being handled by Kirk. As it turns out there were reasons behind the scene that explain their relationship.

I don't believe Kirk had any direct knowledge or evidence that this stuff was occuring, but I may be naive on this issue.
The same people that called out Ferentz for punishing DJK throughout his career are now going to call out Ferentz for not knowing one of his players was living in a drug house, and not kicking him off the team long ago.

DJK is an adult, he is a big boy. Blame lies nowhere else but with him.

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