All starting to come into focus - Ferentz's hands were tied


Well-Known Member
This is all starting to come into focus for me. Granted this is just my theory. For a while now I've been asking myself why Ferentz didn't just bench the guy or throw him off the team a couple of years ago after it became apparent Koulianos (I'm done calling him DJK - it's like saying Voldamort - name shouldn't be said) simply was an insubordinate punk. Ferentz's hands have been tied b/c my guess is there is enough of a segment of the team with whom Koulianos is very popular (and maybe for the wrong reasons), and another segment that can't stand him. Kicking him off would have resulted in Ferentz losing a segment of the team, keeping him on may tick the other group off, but until this year he had the leadership (i.e. Angerer) to keep it together. Ferentz concluded at some point the lesser of the 2 evils was keeping him on and doing his best to reign him in. This year there wasn't that type of leadership and it's clear to me no one particular player commanded the complete respect of everyone else on the team.

Ferentz was damned if he did and damned if he didn't with respect to booting him. And this trickled into the fanbase. Ultimately, Ferentz couldn't come out and tell us that Koulianos was not starting b/c he continues to break team rules or whatever b/c to tell us the truth would mean ticking off the segment of the team that loves them some Koulianos and really cause the fanbase to demand the guy get the boot (something Ferentz decided he could not do). But in the process of not really telling us why Koulianos was in the doghouse, he turned Koulianos into a sympathetic figure among the fans: the misunderstood, young man who walks to a different beat.

Frankly, given everything I've heard and read, I am concerned there may be a drug problem within the team, and that can be a huge dividing force between those that do and those that don't. The ones that don't have to hold their nose and work with the doers, and the first sign of adversity, boom, battle lines are drawn within the ranks.

Just my theory, but for the first time I am really starting to feel sorry for Ferentz and truly hope he comes out of this okay emotionally and professionally. While at Iowa I lived in a housing situation (not the same as a March-situation) where a group of guys did some drugs like coke and ex, and a group of us didn't. I didn't really care what the drug guys did behind closed doors on their time, but when they started doing and taking incredibly irresponsible risks that affected everyone, it became a problem that did not end well. I can only imagine what that might do to a football team, a segment of which is committed to making the sacrifice to win, and another that simply does not want to do the same.
I think you are onto something there, but I still have a hard time figuring out why we have such issues with team chemistry.
Wow... you put a lot of thought into this.... Think about putting your thoughts into something more productive... I think you are way over analyzing this... Your points do make me think this may be why Sash may not be coming back next year ( he is a professed Christian who has expressed his displeasure with College Football)
Hmmm.. Drug problem within the team?

Way to speculate.

Oh what a minute... drug problem anywhere in America.


Once again the brilliance of just another random inter web poster makes us all think!!!
Wow... you put a lot of thought into this.... Think about putting your thoughts into something more productive... I think you are way over analyzing this... Your points do make me think this may be why Sash may not be coming back next year ( he is a professed Christian who has expressed his displeasure with College Football)

He's over analyzing it, but you are insinuating Sash is quitting football? Maybe everyone should quit assuming they know what's going on behind closed doors.
Well, at least you can't say I didn't try to come up with an explanation. If people think this is some isolated incident that has nothing to do with the team chemistry, team performance, or the reasons Ferentz kept this punk on the team for 4 years, all the power to you.
A lot of speculation there. My guess is that any division in the team has to do with offensive or defensive players letting down the other guys with all the losses coming the way they did. Definitely a problem with the coaching staff managing expectations put on the team.
As far as all the other speculations the OP has put out there, I thought Kirk hired a guy for player development (Chichoze Ejiasi). If any part of your theory is true than maybe Chic isn't getting it done and somebody else needs to take over.
Just to reiterate, it's just a theory and yes, I do have too much time on my hands this evening. I'm not saying I have inside info, or have a source, it's just a theory.
Well, at least you can't say I didn't try to come up with an explanation. If people think this is some isolated incident that has nothing to do with the team chemistry, team performance, or the reasons Ferentz kept this punk on the team for 4 years, all the power to you.

Derrell had been nothing but courteous and gracious to Hawkeye fans and the media. He seems to be a nice person that made some mistakes. To call him a punk now that he's admitted to some crimes seems kind of rash. I don't like how people villianize decent human beings to justify confusing behavior. To think that decent people don't ever commit crimes or make mistakes or lack in good judgment is just ludicrous. I'm not trying to put words in Maroons mouth, but I've seen a lot of this kind of reaction and it really gets old in my mind.
All of this stuff certainly stinks for Derrell and the team as well. But whether we like it or not, some things are bigger than football and if he can get his life back on track and learn from his mistakes, than that's what's important. I kind of look at what happened with Josh Hamilton of the TX Rangers, he had a rough patch, but really turned his life around.
I hope (DJK) can do the same.
Derrell had been nothing but courteous and gracious to Hawkeye fans and the media. He seems to be a nice person that made some mistakes. To call him a punk now that he's admitted to some crimes seems kind of rash. I don't like how people villianize decent human beings to justify confusing behavior. To think that decent people don't ever commit crimes or make mistakes or lack in good judgment is just ludicrous. I'm not trying to put words in Maroons mouth, but I've seen a lot of this kind of reaction and it really gets old in my mind.
All of this stuff certainly stinks for Derrell and the team as well. But whether we like it or not, some things are bigger than football and if he can get his life back on track and learn from his mistakes, than that's what's important. I kind of look at what happened with Josh Hamilton of the TX Rangers, he had a rough patch, but really turned his life around.
I hope (DJK) can do the same.

Herkynerd, I don't disagree with you, but my calling him a punk has NOTHING to do with the drug stuff. It's with the stupid facebook posts, "press conference on 1/1", "I'll tell you why I didn't start if you give me 200 likes" and slight digs at his coach, and the fact that he obviously could not abide by whatever rules were in place that caused him to be benched on several occasions that make him a punk. He can totally get his life back on track and I hope he does. A lot of college students experiment in drugs, but it's a little different than living with someone you know is dealing out of the place, especially when you are a high profile person in a small community and have literally a hundred other living options. Choosing to live with this guy wreaks of arrogance and stupidity.
Derrell had been nothing but courteous and gracious to Hawkeye fans and the media. He seems to be a nice person that made some mistakes. To call him a punk now that he's admitted to some crimes seems kind of rash. I don't like how people villianize decent human beings to justify confusing behavior. To think that decent people don't ever commit crimes or make mistakes or lack in good judgment is just ludicrous. I'm not trying to put words in Maroons mouth, but I've seen a lot of this kind of reaction and it really gets old in my mind.
All of this stuff certainly stinks for Derrell and the team as well. But whether we like it or not, some things are bigger than football and if he can get his life back on track and learn from his mistakes, than that's what's important. I kind of look at what happened with Josh Hamilton of the TX Rangers, he had a rough patch, but really turned his life around.
I hope (DJK) can do the same.

Good post, Herkeynerd. Like your thought process.
Herkynerd, I don't disagree with you, but my calling him a punk has NOTHING to do with the drug stuff. It's with the stupid facebook posts, "press conference on 1/1", "I'll tell you why I didn't start if you give me 200 likes" and slight digs at his coach, and the fact that he obviously could not abide by whatever rules were in place that caused him to be benched on several occasions that make him a punk. He can totally get his life back on track and I hope he does. A lot of college students experiment in drugs, but it's a little different than living with someone you know is dealing out of the place, especially when you are a high profile person in a small community and have literally a hundred other living options. Choosing to live with this guy wreaks of arrogance and stupidity.

That's fair. I don't follow facebook (yeah I know I might be the only one left under the age of 60) so I don't know about all of that, I was just going on what I thought to be passing judgment on him. I read quite a few of those posts already and it manifested itself here. We cool, I'm not calling you out, but my above statement still stands.:)
That's fair. I don't follow facebook (yeah I know I might be the only one left under the age of 60) so I don't know about all of that, I was just going on what I thought to be passing judgment on him. I read quite a few of those posts already and it manifested itself here. We cool, I'm not calling you out, but my above statement still stands.:)

That's cool. I'm for everyone getting a second chance to get it figured out. This entire post comes from my stupid, lame theory that essentially is the result of part boredom. Obviously not a good idea.
I know the people that responded to my theory laughed me off the forum the other night, but I'm beginning to fear it may actually have some validity.
Not the craziest thing I've ever heard. No clue as if it's true or not, and I doub't we will ever find out but it's certainly possible it happened that way.
This is all starting to come into focus for me. Granted this is just my theory.

And this is the point where I realized I wasn't going to read anything valuable. Thank you for prefacing your four paragraph rant with this to save me 90 seconds of reading.

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