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  1. H

    ESPN pulls live coverage on Stanford band after it mocks state of Iowa

    You've got a bunch of postmodern band teachers/administrators using South Park humor. First, apparently the kids in the band think it's clever and fun. And, at a crass level of humanity it certainly entertains. Secondly, it's a philosophical statement of sarcasm, doubt, and chaos, postmodern...
  2. H

    concerned about the run defense today

    Right on track... exposed our edges again. A team with more talent than North Texas utilizing fast backs (think David Johnson of Northern Iowa last year) would get by our linebackers and score. At least for yesterday the outside running was not shut down by Iowa.
  3. H

    Greg Davis calling the reverse pitch with DMX

    Wrong place on the field to call that play, wrong time in the game, wrong player (Mitchell) trying to execute it. One observation that I am making about the attempts at fakes and special plays is that the coaching staff is a bit bizarre on the timing of play calling in regard to the special...
  4. H

    Most important...Win, graduate, or do things the right way?

    This is an absolutely asinine survey... win or cheat? There are so many grey areas here that it would be impossible to answer this question with a clear answer. Let's take a football team like Michigan State. A number of years ago they aspired to be like Iowa, and now they have surpassed us...
  5. H

    Iowa played so bad that....

    Iowa played so bad that I switched channels to watch the Penn State - Indiana game during the second half.
  6. H

    Is Greg Davis even calling the plays today?

    It's about time. What kills me is how fans can see this about week 2 or 3 and it takes the coaches 6 games to figure it out.
  7. H

    Why I think the offense struggles (It aint all Greg Davis)

    Well put. About 95% of the fans agree with you. Get the QB on the field who brings some excitement and can win games as well. I just don't get how Ferentz can have such a major flaw (stubbornness) and still be the head coach at Iowa. I understand he thinks that game management has won a lot...
  8. H

    Wednesday practice: Rudock/CJB split snaps

    Maybe Short Hair/Long Hair will work for us!!!
  9. H

    Please help this dumb Norwegian..

    Go watch the movie... one of the all time greats in sports movies.
  10. H

    Schwartz nails it- Looking in the mirror

    So, squeaky wheels need to keep on squeaking. Use facts about our offense. The statistics and facts are readily available here on Hawkeye Nation: poor offensive statistics, unintelligible offensive schemes, poor time clock management, bad risk/reward decisions. Speak it. Address it. Bring...
  11. H

    Morehouse brings up a good point...

    THIS IS THE KIND OF POST THAT MAKES ME SO MAD because it's so right on target. Speak the truth, write the truth over and over again until somebody does something about this... Ferentz, Barta, Fans, somebody put the pressure on.
  12. H

    Legitimate question here.

    Kirk's philosophy has always been "play not to lose" and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Combine this attitude with the ineptitude of the Davis' offensive scheming and pipe dreaming and there are even fewer opportunities for big plays. This leads to fan frustration and boring...
  13. H

    Morehouse article

    How difficult is it to run a play action pass? Fake a handoff to Mark Weisman, throw the ball to wide open Willies. Get rid of Greg Davis TODAY. Davis is an absolute failure to strategize plays that work.
  14. H

    The saddest thing about it all

    Things will change if 1. Fans don't go to the games. 2. Big supporters apply pressure for change. 3. Iowa keeps losing because of stupidity in their offensive schemes, ineptitude in game clock management, and lack of offensive adjustments to defensive alignments. Then, #1 and #2 happen.
  15. H

    Couple things I noticed being at the game...

    We've played about 10 minutes of dynamic offense this year... the 4 minutes that CJ played QB and the last 6 minutes of the Ball State game. How in the world can this offense be worse than it was 5 years ago? By keeping the same conservative philosophy that Kirk has always operated by and...
  16. H

    Jon Miller's Instant Reaction of ISU

    THANKS JON. Wow. I kept wondering why we aren't throwing play action passes any more. It's not in the Davis' system. Get rid of this nonsense.
  17. H

    running back rotation

    What are you talking about? They did pound Weisman at the end of the game. That was one of the smarter things that the coaching staff did. Keep Weisman fresh and healthy for the end of the game, and then if we are ahead pound the ball, grind it out, and keep the clock running.
  18. H

    why did we wait to throw deep?

    It doesn't matter how smart Jake is. What matters is his risk/reward profile. He doesn't take chances which is why he is the starting QB. But, if he's going to become a great Iowa QB he has to learn when to take chances and when not to take chances. We've got Willies and Powell and 3 or 4...
  19. H

    Okie state under the NCAA microscope

    Agree! The Bible has nothing to do with such nonsense.
  20. H

    Win or Lose...Coaching Staff deserves all of the criticism that comes their way

    Great win.... awful second half coaching by Ferentz and company once again. Sheesh... what a lack of creativity by Ferentz and Davis.... Run a screen pass! Run a draw play! Run a play action pass. Throw on first down. It's not that hard to be creative.