why did we wait to throw deep?

Jake threw deep a few times. The pass to #18 down the middle in the second half is the most memorable. The other 2 that stand out to me ended up being pass interference calls on UNI. One of those was on Iowa's first scoring drive.

Those stretch running plays and that horizontal passing scheme are going to be the death of me this season. I can't stand them.
Derrick Willies = Clinton Solomon on roids. Going to be special.

And yes, *please* Iowa, keep passing it downfield. And yes, *quit* trying to change 50% of the calls at the line.

i didn't say iowa 'held back'. you learn crawl, walk and then run, in that order. these opening games are developmental in nature, as is the iowa program. if you don't learn to crawl first, how are you supposed to walk, or even attempt to run?

watch this video - start at 6:30 and watch at least one minute beyond this. this guy has a lot of credibility around here - unfortunately the current guy seemingly does not.


Yep that part makes total sense. With the exception of Welsh all those guys have significant playing time so don't get how that completely applies or Jake checking in to a bad zone run play based on defensive front repeatedly ok first couple times fine....but the whole game. Then the idea about with the exception of BYU etc. well my friend that's where college football has significantly changed from Hayden's glory years. I would expect we'll see Phil make adjustments based on where the LB group is. I also suspect we'll see more Bo Bower based on his play. He seemed to be in the correct position more than not. Maybe he just learns quicker.
How did Fry's team approach its home opener v. UNI? Crawled to a win of 66-0 or so.

Read Gamefilm's tweets. Begging JR to go to 4 and 22.

And yes, JR threw it downfield "a few times." As you note, each attempt had a positive result. So why only 3....?
We took 4 shots downfield. 2 pass interference calls, as we were attempting to go over the top, and they drew a penalty for us. We took a shot for Bullock, but Rudock overthrew him, and Rudock hit Willis deep. So 3 of the 4 attempts were 15 yards gains or better.

I don't think it was the over the top attempts we lacked. I think it was the 10-20 yard passed that Rudock checked down on all day long. I remember just a couple over the middle to KMM for that 10-15 yard gain, but not many other targets in that range that I remember.
I'll try to put a positive spin on this. A common belief (which I tend to agree with) is that teams make great strides between their 1st and 2nd games. Jake's a smart guy, he'll see the film and learn from it. There will be more shots down the field in our next 2 games.
In Jake's defense, I think it was more game planning than missing reads. Chuck Long spent the entire half bemoaning the fact that Jake was coming off his primary read too quickly. Assuming Chuck is correct, since he was there and has credibility, that just seems too consistent to me. Another thing that makes me think this conservative approach was game planned, Chuck also spent the entire second half saying Jake needed to do a 'check with me to a pass play from a run play' because UNI had figured out he was only checking from left to right and staying with the run. I really believe that Jake is smart enough to check to a pass play, once in a while.
because the point of these early games is to get the run game going - to get the OL in sync. this is preparation for games down the road.

Ankle, we have a veteran OL and, according to most folks in Iowa and many B1G and some national pundits, it is the best OL in the B1G. We shouldn't need to spend an entire game letting them get in sync. Yes, focus several series on it, because getting in sync is, of course, very important for the OL. But we have more important things we need to work on; such as, a QB that struggled with the long ball, last season, and multiple new WR's that needed reps. Willies and Smith should have been targeted much, much more often than they were. Vandeberg should have been targeted way more. We already know what our TE's and RB's can do out of the backfield. I just feel the game plan was wrong for what we needed to work on the most.
I'll try to put a positive spin on this. A common belief (which I tend to agree with) is that teams make great strides between their 1st and 2nd games. Jake's a smart guy, he'll see the film and learn from it. There will be more shots down the field in our next 2 games.

I'm kinda thinking the same thing. Until the Pitt game I really do not think there will be a need to push the ball down the field a ton. They can gradually work in more seam routes, more vertical routes.
because the point of these early games is to get the run game going - to get the OL in sync. this is preparation for games down the road.

enough with the intelligent responses...you are going to disrupt the flow of the moron meltdowns over a win against a solid opponent with a summer and fall to prep for us.

Our margin of victory was taken away with a fourth and one debacle in the red zone, a turnover, and a drop by our senior TE. You have to make those plays...and if we do, we are up 15 at the end of the game...probably more.

Farley is a good coach and he found a way to get the ball to his best player in space. Hats off...but he's still a loser this morning.
Also, UNI was playing three deep a lot of the time. You don't throw deep when the defense is playing that way...it's low percentage and it does risk a turnover. My only take is that Jake had all day to throw the ball most of the time...he didn't have to check down as quickly as he did. But it's often about timing...and the clock in his head.

You take what the defense is giving you...and you have to be patient.
I'd say its a combo of the following things.

1. Coaches telling him to protect the ball.
2. Rudock himself being more comfortable with short/med routes.
3. Rec were covered.
4. Ruddock missed open deep targets.

Iowa airing it out deep all over the field is probably never going to happen with this QB and this OC... however we can still win if we run the ball and play decent defense.
Your QB returns w/ at least 5 WRs, 4 TEs and 2 RBs who can catch it out of the backfield, all who played significant snaps last season in the same offense w/ the same coaches. Do they forget how to play every year? Have you watched any other games today? I see a lot of teams not crawling or walking.

Wisky is up 10 on LSU w/ a QB starting his first game, and he has gone deep more than JR did today. There are other considerations with stretching the field. "hey opposing safeties: come on up toward the LOS to stuff our running lanes. We're just larnin' to crawl today!"

And that's all he did. He chucked the long ball entirely too many times. It back fired big time. When you throw the deep ball, and don't connect, you basically just threw a play away. Our passing game was solid. We took some shots (completing some & getting. PI calls on some), threw some decent short yardage routes, and opened up the run game some because of it. JR threw for 250 yds today, which in IMO, is a solid performance.

Why are you beeching? Cuz we didn't 40 point an FCS opponent? Get over yourself.
I don't think Jake was seeing the field very well in the first half. He left at least 3 TD passes on the field; once when Smith was wide, wide open behind the defense, once when a TE was breaking open across the middle, and a third time when another WR (?Hillyer?) was just achieving separation behind the defense. All three, if the ball had been thrown their direction, would have walked into the end zone.

He did better in the 2nd half, but if Jake hits even two of those open receivers in the first half, we're talking a much more relaxed ballgame.
It was the classic Miami vs Penn State NC game. Miami came in with a high powered offense known for getting big chunks in the passing game and beating teams with speed. Penn State takes away the deep ball completely and forces Miami to dink and dunk their way down the field. Miami was in capable of being patient and taking what Penn State was giving them...they had to throw deep. It's really not that different and Rudock showed incredible poise to not take the bait and kept moving the chains.

The kid was 31-41 for 250 yards and two TDs with three drops. He did exactly what he was supposed to do...exactly. Could he have taken more chances, yes, and he probably would have if we had converted a fourth and one in the red zone and converted it to points...and if Hamilton hadn't dropped a ball right in his hands and we converted that to points. Trust me, it's a lot easier to take on additional risk when you are up by 17 points. UNI would have been forced to take more chances too...that opens up the game for more vertical passing.

The thing that I was impressed with is his accuracy...that's what we need him to do. Montana didn't have a cannon...He was accurate and placed the ball perfectly. Rudock will continue to improve on the deep ball. He's the least of our worries...that being said, if we get our LB's to play pass defense...we are going to damn good defensively also.
It doesn't matter how smart Jake is. What matters is his risk/reward profile. He doesn't take chances which is why he is the starting QB. But, if he's going to become a great Iowa QB he has to learn when to take chances and when not to take chances. We've got Willies and Powell and 3 or 4 other WRs that can break it open. GET THE BALL TO THEM!

One question: Is Jake limited in his audibles by the coaching staff? Is he even allowed to audible to a pass play other than the occasional sideline pass when the CB is playing off the ball?

In Jake's defense, I think it was more game planning than missing reads. Chuck Long spent the entire half bemoaning the fact that Jake was coming off his primary read too quickly. Assuming Chuck is correct, since he was there and has credibility, that just seems too consistent to me. Another thing that makes me think this conservative approach was game planned, Chuck also spent the entire second half saying Jake needed to do a 'check with me to a pass play from a run play' because UNI had figured out he was only checking from left to right and staying with the run. I really believe that Jake is smart enough to check to a pass play, once in a while.
And that's all he did. He chucked the long ball entirely too many times. It back fired big time. When you throw the deep ball, and don't connect, you basically just threw a play away. Our passing game was solid. We took some shots (completing some & getting. PI calls on some), threw some decent short yardage routes, and opened up the run game some because of it. JR threw for 250 yds today, which in IMO, is a solid performance.

Why are you beeching? Cuz we didn't 40 point an FCS opponent? Get over yourself.

Yes, I don't think FCS teams should play us to within 1 pt in the 4th qtr b/c our team culture is terror of risk. Read Hawkeye Gameday's tweets. Listen to Chuck Long. Even KF acknowledged they needed to get it down field "a little better." I'm not way out on a limb here.

In 14 starts, yesterday's 250 yds was his 2nd highest total (257 in the loss to NIU last year). That is pretty weak imo in this era of D1 CFB. Chuck Long made a great point yesterday: Iowa needs Rudock to be more than a game manager for Iowa to take the next step this year. I like Rudock's guts re: his personal safety; he is not afraid to get hit. But he sure is terrified to make a mistake, or just committed to showing he doesn't "lock in" on the primary like his back-up supposedly does.

I watch the games to be entertained. Not giving a chance to our most athletic/fastest/most explosive players detracts from the entertainment value. Try to step on some throats, please.
It doesn't matter how smart Jake is. What matters is his risk/reward profile. He doesn't take chances which is why he is the starting QB. But, if he's going to become a great Iowa QB he has to learn when to take chances and when not to take chances. We've got Willies and Powell and 3 or 4 other WRs that can break it open. GET THE BALL TO THEM!

One question: Is Jake limited in his audibles by the coaching staff? Is he even allowed to audible to a pass play other than the occasional sideline pass when the CB is playing off the ball?[/QUOTE]

HT, in my opinion, this describes an example of how I feel the game plan by the coaching staff is too conservative. I don't think there is a qb on the planet that wouldn't want to throw on every play. Per Chuck Long, Rudock wasn't calling any passing audibles. That's the coaches game plan.
Ankle, we have a veteran OL and, according to most folks in Iowa and many B1G and some national pundits, it is the best OL in the B1G. We shouldn't need to spend an entire game letting them get in sync. Yes, focus several series on it, because getting in sync is, of course, very important for the OL. But we have more important things we need to work on; such as, a QB that struggled with the long ball, last season, and multiple new WR's that needed reps. Willies and Smith should have been targeted much, much more often than they were. Vandeberg should have been targeted way more. We already know what our TE's and RB's can do out of the backfield. I just feel the game plan was wrong for what we needed to work on the most.

Everyone SAYS this, but the right side of the OL still needs work/synch-ing. Almost every "dump off" pass yesterday was to the left side. The right side was jammed up around the line.

What worries me isn't the front 7--or ANY 7--of our offense, it's the back 7 of our defense.

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