ESPN pulls live coverage on Stanford band after it mocks state of Iowa

Good God but this is about the most insufferable post I've read in my entire life.

How many mirrors do you have in your house? Have you actually harmed yourself patting yourself on the back?

And ask yourself this: how many of those Stanford band members have ever traveled to Iowa? Do they really think that's what Iowa is like?

They used a dairy cow costume. Not sure why they were making fun of Wisconsin.
Des Moines was rated recently by Forbes as the #1 city in the United State for young professionals. NUMBER ONE. We have a low cost of living and business opportunities for people who want to work. The people in California are the rubes who don't get it. They think they can tax their way to prosperity. I was at the game. The Stanford band was ridiculous. Not funny; not cute; not clever; just DUMB

I'm a little passionate on this particular topic so I apologize for continuing a non football related discussion.

Des Moines, Sioux Falls, Omaha, Oklahoma City. Forbes have all 4 in the top 6 for young professionals, young families, cost of living, lowest unemployment, public education, places to retire comfortably, and overall quality of life. Population flows are trending out of the major cities and coasts.

To each their own, and not all folks in either the coasts or midlands are ignorant. Many are, and much like of the "social media world" now, the ignorant and extremists are the loudest and most visible. It's interesting that there is so much ignorance in a time that any/all information is available in everyones pocket 24/7.(although i believe that access also is leading to the social skills/communication downfall of the younger's ironic)

End mini rant.
coastal snob instead of corn-on-the-cob

oceanic azzhat instead of a cowboy straw-hat

living in a building with an elevator that stores people during the night hours instead of grain during night season

having a pool on the roof of a high rise filled with sh!!theads floating on it instead of a pool in the ground filled with pigsh!t

doing the trendy thing and buying a mid-century house because you want to rather than living in the mid-century house since the mid-century because you want to...

those first things are the things that mean you have culture.

Pr!cks versus hicks.
They used a dairy cow costume. Not sure why they were making fun of Wisconsin.

They suck at mockery...and that's pathetic. It's like slamming a Red Sox fan because the Yankees suck.

To to your other point: it's not just the coastal snobs who don't know what a great city Des Moines is; a great many rural Iowa rubes are ignorant of that fact as well. My position is that the entire lot of them can p1$$ off and rot.

Also Stanford's band is garbage, mockery or not.
Good grief. I love Iowa as much as the next person but some of these hyper defensive comments only underscore the humor behind the Stanford band's depiction of Iowa (I personally thought it was very funny, BTW). Like it or not, Iowa DOES lack the geographic diversity and cultural opportunities offered by a huge and complex coastal state like California. No comparison, and nothing to apologize for. Anyway, we don't all aspire to the same things, or choose the same trade-offs when it comes to deciding where we live. That's why it's good for people everywhere to travel, see other places, experience other things, and hear contrasting views. The world will be a better place if you do.
Good grief. I love Iowa as much as the next person but some of these hyper defensive comments only underscore the humor behind the Stanford band's depiction of Iowa (I personally thought it was very funny, BTW). Like it or not, Iowa DOES lack the geographic diversity and cultural opportunities offered by a huge and complex coastal state like California. No comparison, and nothing to apologize for. Anyway, we don't all aspire to the same things, or choose the same trade-offs when it comes to deciding where we live. That's why it's good for people everywhere to travel, see other places, experience other things, and hear contrasting views. The world will be a better place if you do.

Maybe you'll understand it if I put it this way:

We Iowans were guests of the Rose Bowl, traditionally the most prestigious and classy bowl game there is. We traveled a vast distance, at great expense, to be a part of the Rose Bowl experience, only to be insulted by a juvenile performance by the opposing team;s "band", complete with offensive regional stereotypes.

I'm actually not mad at the Stanford Band--they are children, too young and stupid to apparently know what's appropriate.

No, I am mad at a) the Rose Bowl for allowing their event to be tarnished and their guests from Iowa to be insulted by that band's antics, and b) the Stanford administration for allowing a band THAT THEY BANNED FROM TRAVELING to participate in the Rose Bowl festivities and insult an opposing fanbase with cheap regional stereotypes, which may have been a surprise to many of us but certainly would NOT have been a surprise to the Stanford administration. I thought their show was stupid, with only a couple of funny lines in it, but I was not all that personally offended. But crap, you should've seen the people around me in the stands, they were livid, thousands of them who came all the way from Iowa only to be insulted by a pack of children behaving like fools.

I tell you--if you treated your guests the way the Rose Bowl treated we Iowans, and the way the Stanford administration allowed us to be treated by their band, you'd be pretty unpopular in a pretty big hurry.
You've got a bunch of postmodern band teachers/administrators using South Park humor. First, apparently the kids in the band think it's clever and fun. And, at a crass level of humanity it certainly entertains. Secondly, it's a philosophical statement of sarcasm, doubt, and chaos, postmodern to the core. Third, this is what you get when morality sinks to a level where everyone is doing their own thing. Finally, I'm glad I live in Iowa, but it would be interesting to sit down and visit with someone like Bob Bowlsby who has been in both places to get his take on it.
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Sure would like to know how much money Iowans dumped into their economy only to get made fun of by a bunch of Idiots. I really do hope cities in the East and Midwest get a chance to have some of these bowls. Time to start moving them around IMO.
Maybe you'll understand it if I put it this way:

We Iowans were guests of the Rose Bowl, traditionally the most prestigious and classy bowl game there is. We traveled a vast distance, at great expense, to be a part of the Rose Bowl experience, only to be insulted by a juvenile performance by the opposing team;s "band", complete with offensive regional stereotypes.

I'm actually not mad at the Stanford Band--they are children, too young and stupid to apparently know what's appropriate.

No, I am mad at a) the Rose Bowl for allowing their event to be tarnished and their guests from Iowa to be insulted by that band's antics, and b) the Stanford administration for allowing a band THAT THEY BANNED FROM TRAVELING to participate in the Rose Bowl festivities and insult an opposing fanbase with cheap regional stereotypes, which may have been a surprise to many of us but certainly would NOT have been a surprise to the Stanford administration. I thought their show was stupid, with only a couple of funny lines in it, but I was not all that personally offended. But crap, you should've seen the people around me in the stands, they were livid, thousands of them who came all the way from Iowa only to be insulted by a pack of children behaving like fools.

I tell you--if you treated your guests the way the Rose Bowl treated we Iowans, and the way the Stanford administration allowed us to be treated by their band, you'd be pretty unpopular in a pretty big hurry.

Good post.

The answer to this is wait until the playoffs expand to 8 teams and the Rose Bowl will no longer be relevant at all.
Maybe you'll understand it if I put it this way:

We Iowans were guests of the Rose Bowl, traditionally the most prestigious and classy bowl game there is. We traveled a vast distance, at great expense, to be a part of the Rose Bowl experience, only to be insulted by a juvenile performance by the opposing team;s "band", complete with offensive regional stereotypes.

I'm actually not mad at the Stanford Band--they are children, too young and stupid to apparently know what's appropriate.

No, I am mad at a) the Rose Bowl for allowing their event to be tarnished and their guests from Iowa to be insulted by that band's antics, and b) the Stanford administration for allowing a band THAT THEY BANNED FROM TRAVELING to participate in the Rose Bowl festivities and insult an opposing fanbase with cheap regional stereotypes, which may have been a surprise to many of us but certainly would NOT have been a surprise to the Stanford administration. I thought their show was stupid, with only a couple of funny lines in it, but I was not all that personally offended. But crap, you should've seen the people around me in the stands, they were livid, thousands of them who came all the way from Iowa only to be insulted by a pack of children behaving like fools.

I tell you--if you treated your guests the way the Rose Bowl treated we Iowans, and the way the Stanford administration allowed us to be treated by their band, you'd be pretty unpopular in a pretty big hurry.

This is no joke, I was around tunnel 16 and between the slaughter on the field and then this performance the natives were getting extremely angry, I was one of them. It made the language used in Goodfellas by Joe Pesci look like Sunday bible school. I contemplated punching the first Stanford nerd who opened his yap after the game, just because of that.

I actually asked some kid "Are all of you Stanford people as classless as your band is?!" His exact words "Please don't judge us by our band, they have been banned from numerous sporting events, we are not like that."
I can't believe there are actually people who condone what the Stanford band did.

I guess things like respect, class, sportsmanship, etc. are outmoded ideals that have no place in today's world.
Outside of Iowa, this is how the rest of the country's fb fans see Iowans.

Outside of Iowa, this is how the rest of the country's fb fans see Iowans.


You obviously weren't at the game then. Most of the Iowa fans stayed at the Rose Bowl, through the azz kicking and continued to cheer for the Hawks. Most of the fans stuck around to cheer on the Hawks when they left the field after getting their azzes kicked. That to me isn't what a baby does. What a baby does it run to a message board and start ripping on players, coaches, and the team because they is mad.

So yeah, I agree the Hawks have their fair share of babies for sure....yet the majority of the fan base, the fans at the Rose Bowl represented Iowa very well.
You obviously weren't at the game then. Most of the Iowa fans stayed at the Rose Bowl, through the azz kicking and continued to cheer for the Hawks. Most of the fans stuck around to cheer on the Hawks when they left the field after getting their azzes kicked. That to me isn't what a baby does. What a baby does it run to a message board and start ripping on players, coaches, and the team because they is mad.

So yeah, I agree the Hawks have their fair share of babies for sure....yet the majority of the fan base, the fans at the Rose Bowl represented Iowa very well.

I'd like to see that baby try to type on here, bud.
I'm a little passionate on this particular topic so I apologize for continuing a non football related discussion.

Des Moines, Sioux Falls, Omaha, Oklahoma City. Forbes have all 4 in the top 6 for young professionals, young families, cost of living, lowest unemployment, public education, places to retire comfortably, and overall quality of life. Population flows are trending out of the major cities and coasts.

To each their own, and not all folks in either the coasts or midlands are ignorant. Many are, and much like of the "social media world" now, the ignorant and extremists are the loudest and most visible. It's interesting that there is so much ignorance in a time that any/all information is available in everyones pocket 24/7.(although i believe that access also is leading to the social skills/communication downfall of the younger's ironic)

End mini rant.

When you think of the things California doesn't have, it is easy to see why they get jealous.

1) Adventureland
2) Zombie Burger
3) 80/35 Music Festival
4) Iowa State Fair
5) Iowa Hawkeyes Football and Basketball
6) Iowa Cubs
7) Principal Building - they can't have tall buildings there due to earthquakes
8) Tasty Tacos
9) Jordan Creek Mall
10) Affordable housing

I could go on, but in the time it took me to write this post, some Standford dork just signed a petition for rent stabilization in San Fran and two more San Fran condos were sold to wealthy mainland Chinese residents in all cash deals. Enjoy your cesspool, Standford dorks.
I didn't watch the halftime show nor did I read this thread, however, I can say that it's embarrassing that our band trots out the same K-billy super sounds of the 70's every week. No one listened to Cream then, and no one wants to listen to a marching band's rendition now. I feel our band could use a shot of youthful adrenaline in the future.
I like to think that Stanford are stuck in 70's . Based on their helmet logo , tree represents a tree that never change except to grow old.

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