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  1. O

    Who ya got....Huskers or Penn State

    If Paterno and McQuery are on the sideline, then Nebby, OSU, Wisky & Bowl Opponent (even a SEC team) over PSU.
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    At least we made one list...

    Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue Airplane Clips: Lloyd Bridges - YouTube
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    This post will probably tick everyone off

    2009 OSU Game. Please review the last minute of regulation. B10 Championship on the line and KF decides not to go for the win.
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    KF: the definition of mediocrity

    The issue with this coaching staff is that the same issues keep occurring and never get fixed. Even in the years Iowa had success, the same issues keep coming up. Examples: 1. 2002 season, Lose to ISU. Iowa runs the table in the B10 but loses at home to ISU? Really??? 2. 2004 season, clock...
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    Fire Ferentz

    Why does everyone say we are rebuilding. We are rebuilding off an 8-5 season? If going 8-5 last year and stating now we are rebuilding, what are rebuilding to, 8-5 again in a couple of years?
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    End of 1st Half- every game

    Go figure. Sit on the ball at the end of the half again. Shows KF doesn't have confidence in this team. Lose by 1 point to a horrible team.
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    Does Kirk go to church on Sundays?

    Alot of people predicted the defense would struggle this year. Thus all of the blitzing. This meant relying on the O to make up for a young and inexperience D. Unfortunately, our offensive coor. does not call plays based on keeping the O in high gear through out a game. Even with a mis-match...
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    Well, nice to see at least one Big Ten coach has some testicular fortitude.

    Michigan had 2 TDs within 5 minutes. End of the game, had just enough time to go for a possible TD and if not, then kick the FG. That is how you coach to win. Play calling to what works and use your mismatch to a max. Iowa had mismatches with their WRs all day and instead ran into a 8 man...
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    Miller: A Revealing Loss in Ames

    This game reminded me of the NW game last year. It seems the 2nd qt to mid-3rd quarter Iowa's play-calling was way to predictable and never tried to exploit the mis-match our WRs had. Most will look at the end of the game as did with the NW game, but like last years NW game, Iowa did nothing...
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    Ban Me, I Don't Give A ****!

    I'm not done but Iowa fans should be ****** about losing to another inferior opponent. This is a broken record and the Iowa coaching staff never learns from their past mistakes.
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    KOK Needs To Go

    Iowa will never win the Big 10 (outright) with KOK as the Off Coor. Talk about a badly called game. 2nd and 3rd quarters were just like NW and Minny last year. Iowa clearly had an advantage with their WRs and all KOK kept on called was run up the middle crap. 3+ million for this crap. Just...
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    TV for Saturday's Game

    Do you know the channel number for Comcast SportsNet+? I can't seem to find it or the game itself for saturday. I live in Chicago and looked through the comcast programming site.
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    Why isn't the IRS investigating the OSU players?

    My question is why the Columbus PD isn't arresting Prior for drive with a suspended licence all the time.
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    Cam Newton

    Just as long as the Bears don't draft him in the first 3 rounds, I could care less who drafts him. After the third round, then i think he would be forth it for the bears to draft him. If another team is willing to draft him higher than the third round, it is their waisted money.
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    Iowa's chances at Nationals

    Does anyone have a breakdown of number of wrestlers each team is bring to nationals? I know Iowa has 9 and PSU has 7.
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    Ballard secured spot in 1st round

    Nice to see Ballard grade out at a 1st round pick according to this write. Not sure if all NFL teams will grade him in the 1st round but I'm sure some will. Just don't be surprised if he doesn't get picked in the 1st round. There are many players that have been graded a 1st round pick that...
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    Miller: Ferentz Under Siege

    Nice article. It was nice for once to actually read an article about the program that wasn't an entire bash session. BTW, I just got done reading the Forde article w/comments, someone is linking this article on the comments. I believe more people will read this article than what was originally...
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    Pat Forde Rips into Iowa

    Many of the comments on the article are pretty negative toward Forde. Some of those comments are from non-Iowa fans. I'm begining to see some fans from other programs are defending KF and ripping on ESPNs coverage. I'm usually not a fan of boycots, but I'm real close to stop going...
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    Miller: Iowa's PR Decisions Raise Questions

    Does anyone have an idea where this 'situation' goes from here? Will KF hold another press conference relating to this? Will the university just send 'canned' updates on player status (not naming names though)? Will there be an explanation to the public on the 'cause' when it is determined...
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    We can win the "Leaders" next year.

    I haven't seen an outright conference championship since the 1980s. That isn't such a short time ago. BTW, enough with the personal insults.