Miller: Iowa's PR Decisions Raise Questions

Here is where Barta was, per Mike Hlas' column

Barta left Iowa City Wednesday to go to Naples, Fla., where an annual University of Iowa Alumni Association fundraising golf event will be held Friday. He couldn’t have adjusted his travel plans? Really?

“He made the best decision he could make based on what he needs to do,â€￾ said Iowa senior associate athletic director Jane Meyer, who didn’t flinch from taking questions herself after the press conference.

I am going to break one of my own rules, but thankfully I will save myself.

Are you ******** me?

F****** incredible.
Could have taken a flight tomorrow. no matter the cost. the cost of the negative PR from todays events dwarfs that
I guess I may not fit in here but is this really the big concern in this situation? I know that it perturbs many of you to have these dolts slamming the program but is this the fallout?

No one here knows what the underlying cause is. I am sure that the state epidemiologist has been called in, and each player and coach was a part of the drills will be interviewed. There are 50 theories and the University has clearly identified that all were involved in this workout. What else behind the cause is still open, not for debate by irresponsible journalists, but by health officials.

So since not one of us knows the final analysis, you play the PR game and let that worry you. The PR game that by next week will switch to the latest major BCS school scandal. And unfortunately when the final report is made it will be page 3 fodder. We must pretend that we know what a coach should do, what we would do in this situation, a situation that none of us will ever be in.

I could really care less who or what was said at the press conference. A press conference is for the press, and unfortunately the industry that we once called the press is gone. There is no responsibilty or desire to be accurate in the press any longer.

If the players are going to be okay and something is learned from it than things can move forward. If you want to fret over CBS sports or Sporting News than I afraid this will be a constant problem for you..
Does anyone have an idea where this 'situation' goes from here? Will KF hold another press conference relating to this? Will the university just send 'canned' updates on player status (not naming names though)? Will there be an explanation to the public on the 'cause' when it is determined?

I'm just trying figure out what's next. I assume tomorrow will be another banner day for several journalists and radio talking heads to bash everything that is Iowa football. So I just wonder if there will be another press conference to at least discuss this further.

I believe/hope that all the players are safe and will be discharged from the hospital soon. Then by the weekend, not much from the national media will be covered.

I just hope all players are safe and healthy first, and that this will be the last off the field problem for the program for the next 10 years. If think Iowa made it's quota of off the field issues for the next 10 to 15 years.
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Sorry Jon, but that's weak. Reminiscent of a Geraldo hatchet job. You could have waited for the facts, aside from the hospitalization, to come out, which hasn't happened as of yet. Instead, you chose to jump on the national "opinion" bandwagon you just referenced and indict Iowa. Nice.

There are a few things that have come out so far:

1. Per numerous quotes from past Hawkeye football players, this workout has been routine for years, yet this is the only time these hospitalizations have occurred. Sounds like an anomaly to me.

2. The hospitalized players have expressed their desires to get back to the Hawkeye winter practice session as soon as possible and none of them have expressed a desire to get rid of the squats.

3. You, and many of the others on this forum and nationwide have, for years, praised Doyle and the exact same system you are criticizing him for today.

4. You have also shown no hesitation in criticizing Barta and KF for not being in town today when you have absolutely no idea where they are or what they are doing.....even though they may very well be working hard to resolve this issue from other directions.

They deserve the benefit of the doubt until the full story has been heard. You have chosen not to give them that.

Great post. Nothing I hate more than when people pretend to know facts and then make judgements on them, even though they don't know the whole story. I am making that statement more based on Greg Doyel's piece. I didn't actually read Jon's piece so I can't comment on that. Doyel though clearly has very little facts yet he says KF should be fired. Ridiculous.
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The press has screwed up many times....

I guess I may not fit in here but is this really the big concern in this situation? I know that it perturbs many of you to have these dolts slamming the program but is this the fallout?

No one here knows what the underlying cause is. I am sure that the state epidemiologist has been called in, and each player and coach was a part of the drills will be interviewed. There are 50 theories and the University has clearly identified that all were involved in this workout. What else behind the cause is still open, not for debate by irresponsible journalists, but by health officials.

So since not one of us knows the final analysis, you play the PR game and let that worry you. The PR game that by next week will switch to the latest major BCS school scandal. And unfortunately when the final report is made it will be page 3 fodder. We must pretend that we know what a coach should do, what we would do in this situation, a situation that none of us will ever be in.

I could really care less who or what was said at the press conference. A press conference is for the press, and unfortunately the industry that we once called the press is gone. There is no responsibilty or desire to be accurate in the press any longer.

If the players are going to be okay and something is learned from it than things can move forward. If you want to fret over CBS sports or Sporting News than I afraid this will be a constant problem for you..

but this is not one of them. Any major college football program that doesn't care about its national perception in the media has it's collective head up it ***. For Iowa to succeed, it needs to recruit players from far and wide, not just the state of Iowa. For many across the country, their exposure to Iowa football is through various national media outlets. So yes, PR should matter to Iowa.
What happened today didn't need to. It was a wasted opportunity by the UI to get the national media to look elsewhere. 13 of the football players are in the hospital following a workout. If that happens, a failure of gigantic proportions has taken place.
Really does the perception of the media last that long, hell Jon couldn't even keep his own article as the lead on his own website. I think some of you are so paranoid and want to think that each thing is going to end the world that you freak out over everything. The clown writers will be on to something new by Friday.

Take a deep breath and try not to let everything be so dramatic. Players must never go to NW since a player died and sued the school, was their team walkons the last few years.
As someone who has been thru Rhabdo myself the treatment is the most boring thing you can experience. Drinking and peeing and getting your pee tested and measured each time. Having been through it myself and with my son I can tell you that Coach F coming home would have been nothing but a PR move. He cares little about PR and neither do I.

I think this all goes along with the sensationalist media that has taken over journalism. If PR concerns are the biggest issue here color me unconcerned. PR flows and ebbs. hacks like Doyel and Perrault love these things and then next week they will find something else to freak out on.

Thank goodness for folks like you.

I hate it when folks bite on the sensationalist bullspit.

I frankly think that Jon is actually NOT on target on this issue with his ditty.

What the parents will or should care about is whether the coaches marginalize their kids and/or the conditions of their kids. I'm willing to bet that the parents of those concerned have not been marginalized. My bet is that the coaching staff has been honest in appraising that they're trying to nail down precisely why things happened as they did and that they're really concerned about the wellfare of the young men and that they're going to keep them appraised of everything.

Past that ... reality is as it is. The recruiting game is tough and the head coach has only a limited window to participate and make a big impact. The far bigger impact is forging LONG TERM relationships. That is what Ferentz is doing now.

The young men who have been impacted by all this have surely been contacted by the Iowa staff ... and possibly even by Ferentz himself. I highly doubt that there will be any impact on the squad ... at least with regard to players leaving ... at least, any more than usual.

As for the impact of this "short term" bad press ... this will just end up being a blip on the radar.

The key important point of all this is whether the players are okay ... and, from everything that has been released, it sounds like everybody will be okay. Since the most important issue is out of the way ... Doyle and the medical staff will be proactive and invariably evaluate things to try to reduce the chances that this sort of thing will happen again. That's about as much as you can do (or ask for).

Any other response is simply a foolish overreaction.
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You bring up the case of Rashidi Wheeler...

Really does the perception of the media last that long, hell Jon couldn't even keep his own article as the lead on his own website. I think some of you are so paranoid and want to think that each thing is going to end the world that you freak out over everything. The clown writers will be on to something new by Friday.

Take a deep breath and try not to let everything be so dramatic. Players must never go to NW since a player died and sued the school, was their team walkons the last few years.

the player from Northwestern who did in a preseason workout in August of 2001. Wildcats were coming of a 8-4 season in 2000 and co-champions of Big 10. I would argue that the Wheeler incident had a very large impact on the Northwestern program. Wildcats proceeded to go 4-7 in 2001, then 3-9, 6-7 and 6-6 in the 4 seasons following Wheeler's death. All during that time the civil case against the school was working through the courts.

Of course the media moves on. But Iowa could have by and large put this behind them today had Ferentz, Barta and Doyle been at the press conference. All today did was to keep people asking questions until they do hear from Ferentz, Barta and Doyle.
I'd like to say someone is trying to sabotage Iowa Football but unfortunately it appears to be an inside job. Bizarre.
Sorry, and maybe I'm missing something here, but this is getting blown way out of proportion.

From what I can tell, they are getting fluids and will probably be back to working out in a week. Shoot, heat stroke is more serious and that happens all the time.
The lack of common sense within the department of external affairs never ceases to amaze me. 80% of this national backlash is 100% avoidable by simply having the press conference this morning and having KF and Chris Doyle attend. Perception is reality. Paul Fed should not have to answer to the state and national media, many of whom are starving for a college football story to write about this time. Yet another massive FAIL from external affairs. When are things going to change?
OK, so KF was out of town and could not attend. We understand.

Where was Barta? If this is a PR disaster, the SID office reports to him. Is he not accountable, either for his football coaches' training methods, or the public relations decisions? Why did he choose to send Iowa football personality #500 (see Miller story)?

BMG ... Barta must go. The man is a no show when it comes to crises, real or perceived.
I think this all goes along with the sensationalist media that has taken over journalism. If PR concerns are the biggest issue here color me unconcerned. PR flows and ebbs. hacks like Doyel and Perrault love these things and then next week they will find something else to freak out on.
Spot on - great post. I agree 1,000%
Sorry, and maybe I'm missing something here, but this is getting blown way out of proportion.

From what I can tell, they are getting fluids and will probably be back to working out in a week. Shoot, heat stroke is more serious and that happens all the time.

These guys are athletes, the issue was diagnosed and treated promptly, and this all went down not far from a first class medical facility.

Was it a cause for concern? Absolutely. But I think the people out here spouting off that these players had life-threatening injuries were exaggerating the situation quite a bit.

Jon, I'm kind of alarmed by your "turn" on this. Previously, you (correctly) people shouldn't jump to conclusions about DJK issues, ARob issues, drug "problem" issues, etc.

Now, some true "hacks" weigh in, and you jump ship?

Frankly, who was releasing this info in the first place? And why would the Register--or any other "legitimate" news outlet--start asking questions in a realm they KNOW is off-limits (HIPAA)?

The answer that SHOULD have been released, without a press conference, is that the UI is monitoring the situation, conferring with medicall personnel, etc., but that, due to confidentiality LAWS, will not release any information until all medical/legal issues/hurdles have been properly cleared.
Jon, I'm kind of alarmed by your "turn" on this. Previously, you (correctly) people shouldn't jump to conclusions about DJK issues, ARob issues, drug "problem" issues, etc.

Now, some true "hacks" weigh in, and you jump ship?


Again, my criticisms in what I wrote have everything to do with how yesterday's press conference was handled, why it was called without Kirk or Gary present, and the damage that decision has caused. My item only addressed the 13 as saying I am glad they are recovering.

Please read it thoroughly.
Again, my criticisms in what I wrote have everything to do with how yesterday's press conference was handled, why it was called without Kirk or Gary present, and the damage that decision has caused. My item only addressed the 13 as saying I am glad they are recovering.

Please read it thoroughly.

I DID read it thoroughly. Basically, you gave credence to the "hacks", some of whom raised enough "media" questions to give rise to a press conference that didn't need to happen.

Question the press conference, if you will, but at least understand--and acknowledge--that UI didn't EVER need to have a press conference unless/until they understood the full scope of things, NOT who actually showed up to answer questions.

And what actual "damage" has been caused? Any players confirmed to have short- or long-term health problems?
You have to be kidding...

I DID read it thoroughly. Basically, you gave credence to the "hacks", some of whom raised enough "media" questions to give rise to a press conference that didn't need to happen.

Question the press conference, if you will, but at least understand--and acknowledge--that UI didn't EVER need to have a press conference unless/until they understood the full scope of things, NOT who actually showed up to answer questions.

And what actual "damage" has been caused? Any players confirmed to have short- or long-term health problems?

if you can't see the point of Jon's post and see how that is separate from the issue of the players' health.

Jon's whole point was that IF you are going to have a press conference, don't have it be an disaster where it just ends up raising more questions than it answered. And that is the fault of the UI, not the media. Good grief, think about if the news was that 13 players from "School X" any school not named Iowa were hospitalized. It WOULD be big news and as an outsider we would assume that they way they are running things at School X is a joke.

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