Well, nice to see at least one Big Ten coach has some testicular fortitude.

Hoke is going to Bring Michigan back within the next couple of years and it will NOT be pretty.
Michigan had 2 TDs within 5 minutes. End of the game, had just enough time to go for a possible TD and if not, then kick the FG. That is how you coach to win. Play calling to what works and use your mismatch to a max.

Iowa had mismatches with their WRs all day and instead ran into a 8 man box. 2nd & 3rd quarter play calling allowed ISU to come back...sorry I digressed
ISU is better than noter dumb. How you like them apples.
Apples / Oranges,

Not apples & oranges. The fact is that in the final 1:17 there were three combined scores. Michigan went 80 yards in 28 seconds, and took a shot at the win rather than playing it safe. Michigan and Notre Dame both played the entire 60 minutes and neither team quit playing. They executed their two minute offenses to perfection. We've shown time after time that we'd rather conservatively kneel out or run out the clock in the final minutes of the first half rather than trying to put points up and again elected to do the same at the end of this game.

Not apples and oranges. Fact is this conservative mindset and a refusal to play for the win in the closing minutes of the game came back to bite us again.
Not apples & oranges. The fact is that in the final 1:17 there were three combined scores. Michigan went 80 yards in 28 seconds, and took a shot at the win rather than playing it safe. Michigan and Notre Dame both played the entire 60 minutes and neither team quit playing. They executed their two minute offenses to perfection. We've shown time after time that we'd rather conservatively kneel out or run out the clock in the final minutes of the first half rather than trying to put points up and again elected to do the same at the end of this game.

Not apples and oranges. Fact is this conservative mindset and a refusal to play for the win in the closing minutes of the game came back to bite us again.

That is correct we again really struggle at the end of a game. As many close games as we play we should have it done after 13 years still not any better at end of game. Every game is a 50-50 with KF and Iowa.
Apples and Oranges???

This team is going to have to rely on the offense because the defense, at this point, is terrible.

Our coaching staff is not about to turn the offense loose or take ANY chances. They are never going to take a chance and let the offense see what they can do. They will never trust the offense. I bet that makes our offensive players feel good. This staff has decided that every year Iowa will put everything on the defenses shoulders, even if the defense couldn't stop water pouring through a colander. They will lose a game first. Then say...our players did not execute. When they run a play into the game, they should send another player to give the play to the opposition...oh wait, they don't have to, the opposition ALREADY knows what one of seven plays Iowa is going to run.

Because of this attitude, Iowa is going to lose a lot of games this year and any gains we have made in recruiting better players is going to go right out the window. This coaching staff becomes more vanilla every year, kind of like the older they get the more cautious they are getting. Gosh, someone might make a mistake...can't have that! Iowa goes into games with one hand tied behind its back. Why doesn't the coaching staff just mail our playbook to the opposition...oh wait, the opposition knows exactly what Iowa will do so they already have Iowa's playbook.

And if the coaching staff thinks they can run Coker 35 times a game, Iowa will shortly be running their 3rd and 4th string running backs all the time. Iowa is bound and determined to run the ball and they are not going to adapt to game situations. That would almost be unfair and our coaches if anything don't want to be unfair to the opposition. Time for Norm and our offensive coach to retire. Iowa needs some younger coaches with fire and who want to play modern day football. Oh wait, KF would tie the new coaches hands too and make them play the same old vanilla Iowa way.
that's the way I feel too, NewMex. Maybe i'll feel better about the loss in a couple of days, or shrug it off like the coaching staff. I feel we played 'don't beat ourselves' instead of 'beat the other team', again.

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