Ban Me, I Don't Give A ****!

I'm done with this ******* ******** until we have a new coaching staff! Don't forget your calculators for the Northwestern game!

I'm not done but Iowa fans should be ****** about losing to another inferior opponent. This is a broken record and the Iowa coaching staff never learns from their past mistakes.
I'm not done but Iowa fans should be ****** about losing to another inferior opponent. This is a broken record and the Iowa coaching staff never learns from their past mistakes.

The sad fact is, Iowa didn't lose to an inferior opponent. ISU is the better team. If it weren't for their own mistakes, they would have beaten us by 3 touchdowns today...
Bingo! This game should not have even been close. They are bigger, faster, and stronger. More so than losing the game that is the sick feeling I have for the rest of th year. It's gonna be a long road ahead, but we've done it before after a loss to them. I just don't see the horses this time around to do it.
Sad thing is that team that beat Iowa is picked to finish last in the Big 12, Iowa is not a very good team period.
Hilarious that people have no faith in our coaches to get these guys to improve as the season goes along. We are a work in progress, especially on D. We will get better
Everybody take a freaking deep breath. Yes we lost and it sucks! Our d line from the last couple years is in the NFL. We got exposed badly. As much as I hate to say it iowa state beat us...straight up. Sober up, think clearly and realize that we're a 7-8 win team this year.
Hilarious that people have no faith in our coaches to get these guys to improve as the season goes along. We are a work in progress, especially on D. We will get better

What's hillarious is the fact that alot to the anger toward the staff isn't related to the coaches getting these guys to improve. It's the belief that the coaching staff is to bullheaded to correct things that have previously cost us games and their unwillingness to make changes to that philosophy. Case in point, were on the road at OSU two years ago with a tie game and we take the gutless approach of deliberately sitting on the ball so that we can run the clock out and lose in over time.

Today, hostile environment on the road and guess what with 1:17 on the clock we sit on the ball and take the game to overtime. In the past, I've almost always been the guy to stick up for our coaches but I'm tired of. We always hear from the staff that the game is 60 minutes long, yet for some reason we decide to pack it up in the closing minutes and sit on the ball so we can flip a coin in overtime. With an unproven defense IMO it's inexcusable to deliberately take a game into overtime against a team that is at home and playing what they consider the biggest game of the year.

This one's as much on the coaches as it is on the players. ISU won the game, because they wanted it more and never stopped playing.
OK, will do

thank you jon. some of these fans are so ridiculous. as i'm ****** about the loss, i can respect the game that Iowa State played. the only thing that really put me to the edge was not trying to go for the win with 1:17 and three time outs. Go Hawks!!
Yeah, I guess that decision to do that against Ohio State isn't one he regrets and he'll probably do it many more times. Play the percentages is what they say. Just seems like were always the one on the short end of the stick.
thank you jon. some of these fans are so ridiculous. as i'm ****** about the loss, i can respect the game that Iowa State played. the only thing that really put me to the edge was not trying to go for the win with 1:17 and three time outs. Go Hawks!!

Or going for it on forth and one in a 3rd OT, where we know a FG won't do it.

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