End of 1st Half- every game


Well-Known Member
It has become a tradition of Iowa to sit on the ball to the delight of the opposing team to end the first half. Iowa just takes knees and says... here you go? Why waste the opportunity? It is SMUG and costly. Then when Iowa is up by 10+ we gladly let the team score if they are willing to take small chunks of yardage doing so... which forces them into a desperation onside kick while we ASSUME the other team will just kick the ball to us to take a KNEE and waste clock again. We coach a team to play like cowards. It is really ridiculous and humiliating to watch our team lose to teams like Iowa State and Minnesota.
Teams like that will not admit it, but it MAKES their SEASON. Both of those teams could win one game, but beating Iowa was their main goal. Until Iowa unloads and plays to win these games... we will continue to get what we are getting. Something needs to change. We need someone to put a bug into the ear of Kirk... does he not get it? He has become SMUG. Thinking that teams will just be glad to not be humiliated and willing to lose in a close game.
Kirk is a great man... but his coaching has been miserable the last few years and getting worse. I don't know why? Even announcers are confused by his TAKING a knee strategy and POOR clock mgmt skills.
Go figure. Sit on the ball at the end of the half again. Shows KF doesn't have confidence in this team. Lose by 1 point to a horrible team.
I have been screaming at kf for poor clock management as long as he has been at Iowa. My first thought when we started that last drive before half with a couple runs was "PU$$IES!!!!"

I can remember many games when clock management has just killed us....too many to mention.

KF gets paid $4MM per year. I would recommend spending some of that cash on a coach to manage the last two minutes of every half. He obviously can't do it as is...
This is far and away the biggest thing he doesnt understand and it costs us games every year... in that situation teams often play soft they give you chances to get points... and so you should take them. Instead we dont and lose by 1 point.

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