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    McCaffery's NBA comment on Gesell

    I love listening to FM pressors. Compared to so many coaches, the amount of insight and thought he puts into his answers is unbelievable. He actually answers the question without throwing people under the bus. Storm, he also seemed to address my concern about the wing saying he could play...
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    My Article on Iowa's Exhibition Win

    Spank, what are your thoughts at the future of the wing. While Fran has certainly done a better job of retaining players and recruiting players compared to Lick I think he is making a big mistake. He already has Basabe, McCabe and White who all look to play the four position for the next 2...
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    Dom Alvis: ACL Tear

    Can it be improved? Maybe a little but it takes a rare guy his size to be able to play with leverage. He has some promise. It is defensive end that I am really worried about. I wonder if they will move Gaglione out to dend.
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    For those who attended, are we really that slow?

    I realize a lot can change from now until Jan. Just look at last years team as proof of that. We had no inside game at all and PG was a crap shoot at this time last year. I am not saying that Fran can't or won't get us back but it is still a long road ahead and the excitement of the great...
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    Hawks Win Exhibition, Player by Player Thoughts

    Agree that you shouldn't read to much into the first game in and of itself. However, these are things that are a carry over from last year that were not really addressed with recruiting. We didn't get a backup PG, we didn't land a wing with ball skills and Basabe had attitude problems last...
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    Dom Alvis: ACL Tear

    Sheagle, I am not sure why they are argueing with you. You are correct. The D that is playing this year is not young. Next year we could have Ray Lewis, Chad Greenway and AJ Hawk at LB and it won't matter because we graduate so much on the dline from an already poor defensive front. You...
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    Hawks Win Exhibition, Player by Player Thoughts

    Overall a very poor effort. NWMST owned the inside game. Basabe played very poorly and got into foul trouble despite limited minutes. We are not quick on the wing. I am excited about the recent recruiting as well but this years team will not be good unless Basabe can learn to play more...
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    For those who attended, are we really that slow?

    I watched online. NWMST had a wing player (the leading scorer) who was a transfer from Ill St. He was the best wing on the floor. From what I saw this team has four primary weaknesses and this in order of importance 1. We don't have a wing player that has great quickness to get to the...
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    Iowa dark horse candidate?

    I don't blame gatens at all for his bad shooting his sophmore year. Based on the complete lack of talent and terrible offense he was forced to take some terrible shots. I do blame him somewhat for his poor shooting last year as he was afforded several chances down the stretch to put games away...
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    Players That Need Playing Time

    I was sickened when Colin Sleeper and Jack Swanson were put in the game for the last drive against Indiana instead of Nico Law. This is why a lot of players leave. A guy who is busting his butt on special teams and burned his redshirt to help the team is never seeing the field. I don't care...
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    Forced myself to watch the 1st half again.

    This. On two of the series Coker ran us on long runs down inside the twenty and thus was being spelled. Since we don't have anybody with size at runningback that hurt us.
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    urohawk: I stand corrected

    It would be really nice if we got a couple of guys that could come in during the spring. How many JUCOs you take depends on the prospects at DE in the highschool ranks. Looking at the current roster we need 2 DEs that could contribute next year and probably one DT. Jaleel Johnson is a guy...
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    urohawk: I stand corrected

    thanks homer...I don't know where you get your information and I truly hope that you were more correct than I was, but if the observation you have heard are true it does seem things could be ugly. I agree that somebody like Bigach has looked much better this year than I had hoped coming in...
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    Raymon officially gone

    If you think I am 100% false that Kroul was forced to play in 2005 because of lack of talent and depth...well I guess I would have to say you are 100% false. As far as our current guys. I am not saying none of them can become good... I really don't know. All I know is what I have seen on...
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    Indiana's initial 2 scores: An amateur breakdown

    You highlight a key problem I have...I am obsessed with hawkeye football and I look ahead to much.
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    Raymon officially gone

    No, which is why I think dline will be extremely bad next year unless we have some miracles happen.
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    Raymon officially gone

    "Why believe that we won't see guys continue to emerge in '12?" I guess my answer would have two parts. In most cases I would say that there is a difference between playing time and emerging as an impact player. In the years you cited most of those guys may have made small contributions but...
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    Indiana's initial 2 scores: An amateur breakdown

    I appreciate the debate homer and I don't mind at all the difference of opinion. I do mind you saying that I don't provide any support to my arguement. I think I provided excellent support with my player analysis in multiple posts. When examining the roster as is for next year I don't see any...
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    Raymon officially gone

    That pretty much sums it up for next year. Given that 5 of those guys are not seeing any meaningful action despite injuries and poor play that is a real problem. Another will be a true freshman. Gaglione is way to small to be an impact player at DT. That leaves Bigach, Davis and Alvis...
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    Indiana's initial 2 scores: An amateur breakdown

    I haven't forgotten the 2010 season at all Dude. In fact that is foremost on my mind. That a defense with 4 NFL players still couldn't get the job done with the current scheme. And yes while we have 4 guys that are currently getting reps on the dline who will be back next year, this is not...