Dom Alvis: ACL Tear

Bump. Nobody wants to argue with our D being young? We will get better, we are not in a cycle and we are not in a downward slide. This year is a down year on D, but even this week shows these guys are good enough to get the job done, IF they play hard for the whole game and put in the work (hard work beats talent...). So many young players should mean next years D will be a bit better and the year after we should be an "older D".
JD, hate to call you an alarmist, but you really are. I have heard a rumor that Stoops is coming here to be the d-coordinator next year and he has 6 juco d-linemen coming with him. Individual members of the group have been compared to Reggie White, Bruce Smith, Warren Sapp and Tony Siragusa. Don't worry about next year.

It's amazing how some people think they are comedians! Sorry friend - everyone is laughing at you, not with you. You just don't get it, do you?!?
Huge bummer, but I guess that's part of the game and we're in November. I hope the D line can hang in there without him for the remainder of the year.

I agree with others who have said that the D line is in a down cycle, but things will get much better. My hope is that we get all of the DL recruiting targets this year, and we know we have some young guys on the team that may be very good in the future.
this offense is young, we lose 2 O-L and 1 WR, on D we lose all four on the D-L, 1 LB and 2 DB's, with Alvis out he will be replaced by a senior, and when the publications come out they look at the last game roster to see what a team loses, so yea the young D will be a issue again
but on the flip side, Davis will replace McNutt as the featured WR, Van Sloten will replace Zuesevic and Scherf will replace Gettis and i believe as long as MacMillan comes back fully healthy he will beat out Tobin, and i believe Reiff will return; so i am not worried about the offense;

on D i see a back 4 of Lowery, Law, Miller and Hyde, LB's i see Kirksley at LEO, Derby at MLB and Morris at WLB

the D-line is anybodies guess, not sure if Alvis will be fully healthy next fall, so i will take a shot without him being ready, LTP will be one DE, Bigache at one DT, Gaglione as the other DT, both are seniors, as for the other DE McMinn at 6'6 and hopefully 260-265, will get a shot, i hope Ekakitie signs and lives up to billing and starts

as i said anybodies guess on the D-line
Mike Hardy, Darian Cooper, Riley McMinn, Louis Trinca-Pasat, Nate Lyman, Carl Davis, Cam Hayward. I think those are all DL or DE freshman. Thats just on the line and not counting soph's, jr's or sr's.
We are young. Infact looking at the roster I think we have 33 fresh and soph on D and 17 jr's and sr's (that cant be right is it?) Anyway it's early so I may have miss counted, but it's close to that. So yeah I would say we are young.

Please give total minutes played for the players listed? So just b/c Iowa has Fr and So on the team, that makes us young? By that analogy, every team in the nation is young. I am speaking of those who actually play. Again, we are absolutely NOT young on defense (meaning this year). Also not exactly playing a ton of Fr on offense either. If we are playing a bunch of Fr and So on D next year then you can say we're young.
I have followed Dom ever since he was in high school. He played at Logan Magnolia with my nephew. He is a good kid who worked very hard to get into the starting lineup. Unfortunately, this injury bug has hit him again. He struggled with injuries his senior year in high school and again last year. It was good to see him finally playing healthy, until yesterday. We try to keep an eye on him while on the field. When I saw him on the ground grabbing his knee, I figured it was not good. Hoping for a good recovery and rehab to get him back on the field!
Please give total minutes played for the players listed? So just b/c Iowa has Fr and So on the team, that makes us young? By that analogy, every team in the nation is young. I am speaking of those who actually play. Again, we are absolutely NOT young on defense (meaning this year). Also not exactly playing a ton of Fr on offense either. If we are playing a bunch of Fr and So on D next year then you can say we're young.

33 fresh and soph compared to 17 jr's and sr's is not young?
Numbers dont lie. As for play time, what are you smoking? 33 to 17 with the 33 not having as much play time. Thats young. If it were switched around and we had 33 jr's and sr's who had been in the program for 3+ years we would be..... what???
i don't know how you could argue about how many young guys we have on the team. we hardly had anyone come back with any major experience outside of Binns and Daniels, who cares what "year" they're in. next year will be worse in that regard.

33 fresh and soph compared to 17 jr's and sr's is not young?
Numbers dont lie. As for play time, what are you smoking? 33 to 17 with the 33 not having as much play time. Thats young. If it were switched around and we had 33 jr's and sr's who had been in the program for 3+ years we would be..... what???

Obviously reading comprehension is not your thing. I said, the players that are on the 2 deeps, the ones who play, the ones I linked, are NOT young. Sure we have fr and so on defense; but the MAJORITY of those who play are NOT YOUNG! Why is this so hard to follow? On D, on the 2 deeps we have: DL- 5 SR, 2 JR, 1 SO; LB-1 SR, 3 SO, 1 JR; CB- 1 SR, 2 JR, 1 SO; S- 1 SR, 2 JR, 1 SO. I'd hardly say that's young.
What are you smoking? Best not to call someone out when you yourself don't know what you're talking about. Iowa is absolutely positively NOT young of defense. An argument could be made that they're not young on offense either.

College Player Database - Depth Chart

Really? it looks like you said we are: " Iowa is absolutely positively NOT young of defense".
Wrong 66% of our D are underclassmen. Sooooooo when 66%of our D are upperclassmen, we will have more depth, more experience AND a "older" D.
Really? it looks like you said we are: " Iowa is absolutely positively NOT young of defense".
Wrong 66% of our D are underclassmen. Sooooooo when 66%of our D are upperclassmen, we will have more depth, more experience AND a "older" D.

Hmmm.....I see 8 Sr, 7 Jr, 6 So and 1 Fr on D (2 deeps, granted they've changed a little). 15/22 are upperclassmen (68%) while 7/22 are underclassmen (32%). Even with numbers changing slightly, I still don't see how you can call a D comprised of 45-65% Jr and Sr a "young" team. Guess we'll have to just agree to disagree. Either way, happy with their performance yesterday and glad to get the win.
Per Kirk on post game..that is a tough one..will be hard to be 100% by the start of football season
Figure 7mos. if he works his *** off. Rehab is not difficult but tedious. The true metal is the person getting the injury out of their head and not worrying about the possibility of a 2nd time.
Hmmm.....I see 8 Sr, 7 Jr, 6 So and 1 Fr on D (2 deeps, granted they've changed a little). 15/22 are upperclassmen (68%) while 7/22 are underclassmen (32%). Even with numbers changing slightly, I still don't see how you can call a D comprised of 45-65% Jr and Sr a "young" team. Guess we'll have to just agree to disagree. Either way, happy with their performance yesterday and glad to get the win.

Ok. You are talking 2 deeps not the whole D which is what you said. So by your numbers 8sr's and 7jr's = 15. I think there are 17 jr's and sr's total on D. So almost our whole jr and sr classes that are on D are starting or on 2 deep.
Sooooo. Again I ask when we have all of our fresh and soph's as jr's and sr's (which is 33 compared to 17 we have now) what would you call that? An older D maybe? Would you rather have 17 jr's and sr's on D or 33?
I am not understanding what you dont understand about our D being young. I think you are just trying to argue instead of admitting you were wrong.
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to put it simple we are indeed young in experience only , the grades mean they have been here longer than the others;
so on one hand they are young on the starting, but old as far as being here
to put it simple we are indeed young in experience only , the grades mean they have been here longer than the others;
so on one hand they are young on the starting, but old as far as being here

So in other words, they are NOT young; only inexperienced.
Ok. You are talking 2 deeps not the whole D which is what you said. So by your numbers 8sr's and 7jr's = 15. I think there are 17 jr's and sr's total on D. So almost our whole jr and sr classes that are on D are starting or on 2 deep.
Sooooo. Again I ask when we have all of our fresh and soph's as jr's and sr's (which is 33 compared to 17 we have now) what would you call that? An older D maybe? Would you rather have 17 jr's and sr's on D or 33?
I am not understanding what you dont understand about our D being young. I think you are just trying to argue instead of admitting you were wrong.

I said the guys that are actually seeing playing time. My God, why is this that hard to follow? I don't care this year about guys who are not going to see the field. Look at the 15 or so guys getting all the playing time on D and tell me that they are young. You can't b/c they are not. Over. done. Geesh!
I said the guys that are actually seeing playing time. My God, why is this that hard to follow? I don't care this year about guys who are not going to see the field. Look at the 15 or so guys getting all the playing time on D and tell me that they are young. You can't b/c they are not. Over. done. Geesh!

Sheagle, I am not sure why they are argueing with you. You are correct. The D that is playing this year is not young. Next year we could have Ray Lewis, Chad Greenway and AJ Hawk at LB and it won't matter because we graduate so much on the dline from an already poor defensive front.

You saw what happened when Nardo was out and how much we struggled. The reason we struggled so much with just one guy going down is their is very little talent on the defensive front in the RS freshman, sophmore and Junior classes.
Sheagle, I am not sure why they are argueing with you. You are correct. The D that is playing this year is not young. Next year we could have Ray Lewis, Chad Greenway and AJ Hawk at LB and it won't matter because we graduate so much on the dline from an already poor defensive front.

You saw what happened when Nardo was out and how much we struggled. The reason we struggled so much with just one guy going down is their is very little talent on the defensive front in the RS freshman, sophmore and Junior classes.

Thank you for confirming. Was starting to wonder if I was crazy there for a second. Can't believe it's that hard to understand that the guys that we are putting on the field on D, for the majority, are not young.

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