Iowa dark horse candidate?

One full year under Fran will have helped Gatens tremendously. As a senior he will be will have the experience necessary to be a very good player this year. You have to remember he had two seasons under Lickliter, which would set ANY player back. Gatens is now very used to Fran's system as are the rest of the team. We will see a much more improved Gatens on the floor this year. Many players have so so careers and then act like a new player their senior year. Gatens will be a very solid player this year.

Plus after two miserable years under Lickliter, players like Gatens finally get to have fun playing bb again.
The question is: Is Gatens experienced enough now to NOT take the ball to the basket when the game is on the line and get his sh** blocked EVERY time!
Iowa might finish .500

There is good reason they are picked to come in 10th in the conference despite the delusions of the majority of rHe posters on here

This...I don't get it...They will be alright. But just don't get too excited for this year. Fran is rebuilding things and it is coming along great, but we're just not there this year.
Am I the only one who thinks Gatens will rise to a level just short of Luke Recker's his senior year? I think there were two things holding him back last year #1. conditioning #2. the injury bug.

I think nearly everyone on the team has improved #1. Body weight is down on the team as a whole and muscle is up. This will help with Fran's offense + with the rugged style of the Big Ten.

For #2, he's healthy healthy healthy--which means he can focus on the fundamentals like defense and getting his shot right.
Am I the only one who thinks Gatens will rise to a level just short of Luke Recker's his senior year? I think there were two things holding him back last year #1. conditioning #2. the injury bug.

I think nearly everyone on the team has improved #1. Body weight is down on the team as a whole and muscle is up. This will help with Fran's offense + with the rugged style of the Big Ten.

For #2, he's healthy healthy healthy--which means he can focus on the fundamentals like defense and getting his shot right.

Well Gatens last year was not that far off Recker's Junior/Senior year. Luke attemped 3 more FG/game and one more FT/game compared to Matt. Matt averaged 12.6 points per game last year. Heck if he figures out how to make one more 3PT shot a game he could have averaged 15 points per game.

I don't really expect Matt to put up 19-20 points a game just because he is a senior. I think Recker was a better basketball player than Matt because he was a touch more athletic. Matt's athleticism will not imporve from what we have seen. Matt just needs to knock down a a couple more 3pt shots a game which maybe he will if his hand/foot is fully healthy. Maybe he can figure out a way to get to the line one or two more times a game and I will be perfectly happy.

Others need to raise their game way more than Matt needs to for Iowa to be more successful. Matt can probably add 3-4 points per game to his average and that will be fine assuming he doesn't shoot the ball 19 times a game to do so. I would think with more deptch maybe Iowa will play a bit mroe up tempo and Matt will find a few more easy shots per game.

All in all Matt is what he is and that is a very solid player but not somene who will carry you. The thing that holds him back most is not being able to creat off the dribble consistently. But for his lack of athleticism on the wing compared to other Big 10 wings he does a fine job of producing.
I don't blame gatens at all for his bad shooting his sophmore year. Based on the complete lack of talent and terrible offense he was forced to take some terrible shots. I do blame him somewhat for his poor shooting last year as he was afforded several chances down the stretch to put games away with a wide open three point shot and missed almost everytime.

I think it got into his head a bit.

Gatens doesn't have to do anything magical for this team to win several more games. He doesn't have to suddenly be able to reverse dunk, beat his man one on one etc. IF he simply hits 50% on his open three point shots this team will have 3-4 more wins. We were competitive last year and should be more so this year. We just need our senior shooter to make em when he is open.
I don't blame gatens at all for his bad shooting his sophmore year. Based on the complete lack of talent and terrible offense he was forced to take some terrible shots. I do blame him somewhat for his poor shooting last year as he was afforded several chances down the stretch to put games away with a wide open three point shot and missed almost everytime.

I think it got into his head a bit.

Gatens doesn't have to do anything magical for this team to win several more games. He doesn't have to suddenly be able to reverse dunk, beat his man one on one etc. IF he simply hits 50% on his open three point shots this team will have 3-4 more wins. We were competitive last year and should be more so this year. We just need our senior shooter to make em when he is open.
I dont think dribbling til 2 seconds on the shot clock is anyones fault except he who wont be mentioned. However it probably would take the pressure off of buzzer beater shots...If they ever needed them that season.
i like how people write a player off before his career is over, he was coached his 1st two years by the worst coach in the history of Iowa BB, he was 10x worse than Alford and that's being nice, i can think of numerous players that played so-so til there Senior year, with Gatens we have a player who has led this team 3 straight years in scoring, he was also was voted Defensive player of the team this last spring, even Fran has praised his improved defensive ability, this year he will not be the only offensive weapon to defend, Basabe will be the inside threat, May, Cartwright will be outside threat as well, Marble also brings a scoring from the inside and out, with his ability to penetrate and does have the willingness to take the pullup jumper, the Center spot will have more options as well with White, Brommer, Olaseni and Archie;
White bring both the inside outside game to the table, Ogleby bring the shooters mentality, and will stop many dbl teams on the outside and inside;
then we have McCabe who also can play inside as well as shoot the 3; this team has more weapons and more versatility than we have seen in years, so if you would please refrain from degrading a player until their career is over; Gatens has a chance to do something few players in the history of Iowa BB and that is lead Iowa in scoring for his 4 years of being here
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Gatens is the type of player who becomes much more effective when the talent around him is good. I thought he was going to be the biggest benefactor with the Hubbard signing, but that fizzled out. This team really needs another strong driver to take a step up and it doesn't seem to be there this year.

Hopefully Gatens worked on his two dribble and pop move, because I don't think I can withstand another year of him getting blocked every time he drives in the paint.

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