McCaffery's NBA comment on Gesell


Justin VanLaere
Thought this was interesting from today.

"When he makes the NBA, it’ll be as a point guard." in regards to Mike.
I love it. The way McCaffery talks about his players and how they perform just makes me pumped for Iowa basketball. I really think Gesell is going to be even better than most think.
I love listening to FM pressors. Compared to so many coaches, the amount of insight and thought he puts into his answers is unbelievable. He actually answers the question without throwing people under the bus.

Storm, he also seemed to address my concern about the wing saying he could play Clemmons, Gessel and Ingram together at the same time. It sounds like he thinks Ingram has enough strength and quickness to neutralize most wings.
That was a sweet presser! I was pleasantly surprised when FM mentioned the NBA in the same breath with Gessel... pretty cool.

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