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  1. K

    If we beat Wisky and Nebby does that erase the 3 losses?

    I thought Maryland and Minny both looked more talented than Iowa this year. Maryland was definitely quicker than us. Minnesota was more developed along both lines and at linebacker.
  2. K

    We were a late comeback against BSU from being 6-6, ouch

    Without a picture, we will never know.
  3. K

    Pelini fired

    No. Iowa's all time win loss record is the most obvious sign of this.
  4. K

    Pelini fired

    They recruit better than anyone in the division.
  5. K

    Iowa Football - Talent be Damned

    So, I take it we can just make up anything we want to say?
  6. K

    Interesting Factoid About Gary Barta

    KF would not start Weismann over a top flight running back. We unfortunately have not had one of those for a number of years so MW gets the carries by default.
  7. K

    If Jake Starts The Remainder of the Season, Is CJ Gone?

    Man, you guys are depressing.
  8. K


    Does Ferentz have a history of starting his sons over better players?
  9. K

    Today is not about Greg Davis, or Jake Rudock

    Why do people refer to the team as a product ?
  10. K

    Iowa-Minnesota Game Notes

    No one but fans of the two schools are interested. Nieither team is ranked and nationally, it’s felt that the west will come down to Nebraska and Wisconsin with Nebraska the hoped for winner. That would maybe pit two one loss teams in the Bigten championship.
  11. K

    Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field

    Congrats on finding something to complain about today.
  12. K

    Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field

    I heard something about grades.
  13. K

    Going to see Wadley this week?

    I think Dyer was one of the top rated running backs in the nation coming out of high school (as you stated). We don't have anyone close to him. I guess that's the biggest problem.
  14. K

    Where did the rushing defense go?

    Linebackers are small, slow and inexperienced.
  15. K

    Who is the big money behind Iowa?

    What in the world was your point in this post?
  16. K

    The Linebackers are the Real Problem

    We finish near the bottom amongst all power 5 schools in recruiting and that shows.
  17. K

    Beathard Rudock Question

    I agree that it’s a huge game. It could very well be the game that the season hinges on. Homecoming, already lost at home and the offense has stunk. I like CJ but I hope Jake kills it Saturday.
  18. K

    Bad game day coaching aside....

    Bama will have many more nfl players, especially high level ones going forward, than Iowa.
  19. K

    If I had my wish...

    Stoops has great ohio connections and is much closer to Ohio than we are. He's also benefitting from the trend of exodus of Midwest players to the south.
  20. K

    Kirk apparently confirms Jake is the starter

    Ya, this purposeful misspelling of peoples names is really one of the finest things about this forum. Never once fails to lift my mood. So funny.