Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field

We have gone an entire season seeing Bullock play 50% of the game, averaging 2.0 yards per game. Now, only by a stroke of sheer luck, having 3 rbs hurt, does the rest of us get to see what Ferentz has been seeing in practice every day for two years. Wadley can play. Why did he only get his first touches today?

I think Willies leaving was a wakeup call for the staff. We never got to see what he could do...and it would have taken injuries to Martin Manly and Vandeburg for him to have ever got the opportunity to show his stuff.

That time is now to stop playing favorites and deferring to upper classmen for playing time on this team. Teams all over the country are starting talented freshmen who beat out older guys. We ned to do the same.

Totally agree. Weismann only got the call at RB when 4 other guys went down. Many examples going back in time, can't understand why they are not better judges of talent of their own guys. Wadley runs like a real tailback. Good for Iowa football. Wonder if he will see the field next week.
Totally agree. Weismann only got the call at RB when 4 other guys went down. Many examples going back in time, can't understand why they are not better judges of talent of their own guys. Wadley runs like a real tailback. Good for Iowa football. Wonder if he will see the field next week.

Congrats on finding something to complain about today.
Grade issues? lol It is the middle of the semester. Somehow, "grade issues" that kept Wadley from sniffing the field all season long are cleared up 6 weeks before final exams? Players don't suddenly become academically eligible mid season. Good try to make sense of Ferentz, but even the biggest homer has to admit that if Wadley can gain over 100 yards in his first ever game, he probably could have been utilized earlier this season when we were averaging 2 yards per carry. Ferentz was merely trying to cover his *** on keeping a deserving guy on the bench until he was absolutely forced into action. What else could he say? Wadley "didn't look good in practice" and that's why he didn't play? That's the excuse Kurt came up with after CJ debuted in a major way earlier this season due to Jake's injury.

Let me guess, Willies was having grade problems too? CJ too?

The program gets constant feedback on an athlete's grades. Professors have to fill out academic progress reports for all student athletes every quarter semester: are they coming to class, what is the current grade, are they asking for help, etc.. This allows the Student-Athlete Support people to intervene prior to an individual actually becoming ineligible. So if any athlete had academic issues within the first few weeks of a semester, the coaches would definitely know about it.
Grade issues? lol It is the middle of the semester. Somehow, "grade issues" that kept Wadley from sniffing the field all season long are cleared up 6 weeks before final exams? Players don't suddenly become academically eligible mid season. Good try to make sense of Ferentz, but even the biggest homer has to admit that if Wadley can gain over 100 yards in his first ever game, he probably could have been utilized earlier this season when we were averaging 2 yards per carry. Ferentz was merely trying to cover his *** on keeping a deserving guy on the bench until he was absolutely forced into action. What else could he say? Wadley "didn't look good in practice" and that's why he didn't play? That's the excuse Kurt came up with after CJ debuted in a major way earlier this season due to Jake's injury.

Let me guess, Willies was having grade problems too? CJ too?

keep trying troll.

you are digging a hole.
Uh... Weismann did really well today.. But Wadley was better.

And this is precisely what identifies you as a negative wannabe
critic who really doesn't know as much as he thinks he does.

Different does not mean better.

Wadley is not better than Weismann at what Weismann does
best and Weismann is not better than Wadley at what Wadley
does best.

Different is not better... or worse.
I heard something about grades.

KF said he was having grade issues this past spring. Nothing was mentioned about this semester.

Like I mentioned in another thread, Wadley looked good and fast in the summer/fall scrimmage as did Parker. I was excited to see the young talent/speed and told people that at the time. If you think Wadley ever would have seen the field this year barring two backs ahead of him out with injuries then you are delusional or havent been paying attention.

Also hearing people say a running back isn't ready 1 1/2 to 2 yrs into a program just makes me laugh. Only at Iowa. Look at all the great freshman running backs throughout the frickin country the past 30 years. Good grief just look no further than Alabama or the SEC. Running back more than any other position is based on natural ability and instinct. Everyone knows that. Correct?

For how many years has Akrum been using the spin move you think? Is that what they have been teaching here for almost two years?

As Chuck Long said today Iowa (KF ) wants him to dance less and run straight ahead more. Good thing KF wasn't coaching Ronnie Harmon back in the day or Ronnie Harmon never would have been Ronnie Harmon.

I want my QUICK and slashing RB running outside. Not Weismann.

Look how teams have hurt us this year with their quick backs around the edge. If the RB doesn't fit your system then don't recruit him. That's the dilemma and awful marriage between GD and KF. GD wants it, KF hasn't made it a priority? That's how the game has changed and KF hasn't kept up? Or has it? Funny thing is Hayden saw how speed kills but he just struggled at times getting those guys here so he paid visits to the track team.

We can rip on Davis all we want but at least he apparently has stressed the need for speed on offense. Maybe that will be his lasting legacy. KF I don't think has ever appreciated that or knows how to coach it, or NOT coach it. Speed.

After all the Steelers of the 70's won without it for crying loud. LOL
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As Chuck Long said today Iowa (KF ) wants him to dance less and run straight ahead more. Good thing KF wasn't coaching Ronnie Harmon back in the day or Ronnie Harmon never would have been Ronnie Harmon.

I want my QUICK and slashing RB running outside. Not Weismann. If the RB doesn't fit your system then don't recruit him.

So, what you're saying is you didn't understand what Chuck said.
My man AK with a great game! I just would like to say he has his head on right too. He's a great person, and everyone close to him knew he had this in him! AK25 has just begun.
Great game by Iowa today. It seems that Canzeri is the new Bullock and Wadley is the new Canzeri to the haters....only the haters could actually be ticked off by a 48-7 win....bravo Haters, bravo.
Good thing KF wasn't coaching Ronnie Harmon back in the day or Ronnie Harmon never would have been Ronnie Harmon.
Yeah, If KF was the coach back then, he probably would have given Harmon only 7 carries as a freshman and then moved him to WR.
So, what you're saying is you didn't understand what Chuck said.

Know I don't think you understood what I said. Was most of Akrum's yards today from running straight ahead or a product of his moves including the spin and getting outside?

You can try and coach spin moves but it is more of natural instinct. It worked when he was outside, not running straight ahead.

When you have a quick back, who has natural ability, do you want to "overcoach" him or "undercoach" so to speak?

Are you recruiting a back based on his natural ability or based on your system?

The most successful backs, at least the speed backs (Melvin Gordon for instance), are the ones that just have natural ability - vision/speed and the ability to cut/improvise. I think GD aprreciates it. I am not sure KF does or has made it a priority. Not necessary for his system?
First you don't know what the coaches have been seeing in practice. He fumbled once doing his spin move inside and Kirk made mention about ball security with Arkum, so they probably have been seeing that in practice. Indiana just sat Coleman for a good part of the first half for fumbling. Second Weisman gained his yards early in the game when the defense was at it's freshest. Look where he is in career rushing and touchdowns. Kirk has loyalty towards his players for what they have done. People like you don't have any loyalty toward anyone.
Yeah, If KF was the coach back then, he probably would have given Harmon only 7 carries as a freshman and then moved him to WR.

Totally irrelevant. Did you forget where he ended his career?

I know I set you up on that one. No, I am not talking about those fumbles in Pasadena. Just the position.
Totally irrelevant. Did you forget where he ended his career?
Why don't you wait to see where Wadley ends his career?

It's just seems stupid that people are complaining about this. KF did not need to play Wadley at all today. He could have run Weisman about 40 times. Certainly he had an excuse to bench Wadley after the fumble, but he didn't. Why not give him some credit for that?
Know I don't think you understood what I said. Was most of Akrum's yards today from running straight ahead or a product of his moves including the spin and getting outside?

You can try and coach spin moves but it is more of natural instinct. It worked when he was outside, not running straight ahead.

When you have a quick back, who has natural ability, do you want to "overcoach" him or "undercoach" so to speak?

Are you recruiting a back based on his natural ability or based on your system?

The most successful backs, at least the speed backs (Melvin Gordon for instance), are the ones that just have natural ability - vision/speed and the ability to cut/improvise. I think GD aprreciates it. I am not sure KF does or has made it a priority. Not necessary for his system?

I understand all that... so does Chuck. He said nothing about any of that.

He said they want the kid to dance less and run more. Spin and juke away
but when you see the hole square up the pads and run downhill. That's what
Chuck was saying. He tends to have happy feet. I love what I saw from the
kid but Chuck makes a good point.
Why don't you wait to see where Wadley ends his career?

It's just seems stupid that people are complaining about this. KF did not need to play Wadley at all today. He could have run Weisman about 40 times. Certainly he had an excuse to bench Wadley after the fumble, but he didn't. Why not give him some credit for that?

Again, i will give him credit as I did a few posts ago.

I think KF has changed and is more flexible. Someone, some people, have influenced him to recruit more speed and not run your backs into the ground. See ARob and Weismann.

Still believe he has a tendency to stick with upperclassmen too long while leaving a lot of talent on the bench.

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