Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field


We have gone an entire season seeing Bullock play 50% of the game, averaging 2.0 yards per game. Now, only by a stroke of sheer luck, having 3 rbs hurt, does the rest of us get to see what Ferentz has been seeing in practice every day for two years. Wadley can play. Why did he only get his first touches today?

I think Willies leaving was a wakeup call for the staff. We never got to see what he could do...and it would have taken injuries to Martin Manly and Vandeburg for him to have ever got the opportunity to show his stuff.

That time is now to stop playing favorites and deferring to upper classmen for playing time on this team. Teams all over the country are starting talented freshmen who beat out older guys. We ned to do the same.

shows how little you really know...bullock hasn't played 50% all yr. he basically has played on the 3rd downs and sparingly in other downs. Kmm will probably go down as the most productive WR in Iowa history, so why should willies play in front of him. Vandeberg and kmm and smith all have catches of over 30 yds today.

Coaches es play the players they believe give them the best chance to win...anyone who doesn't believe that is not that smart as it is their job on the line at this level if they lose. Plus position coaches usually have a lot of say in who plays. I find it funny when people think the head coach makes all personnel decisions. The people with the players the most typically make those decisions.
Wadley is a RS Fresh. Could still be developing this year. Probably not fair.

I hope this is a breakout game for him, but he is young. A first year player that redshirts gets little meaningful playing time. He is learning the game and the staff is learning about him.
I think its clear that Ferentz is trying as hard as possible to lose, and the players won't let him.
We have gone an entire season seeing Bullock play 50% of the game, averaging 2.0 yards per game. Now, only by a stroke of sheer luck, having 3 rbs hurt, does the rest of us get to see what Ferentz has been seeing in practice every day for two years. Wadley can play. Why did he only get his first touches today?

I think Willies leaving was a wakeup call for the staff. We never got to see what he could do...and it would have taken injuries to Martin Manly and Vandeburg for him to have ever got the opportunity to show his stuff.

That time is now to stop playing favorites and deferring to upper classmen for playing time on this team. Teams all over the country are starting talented freshmen who beat out older guys. We ned to do the same.

Rantings of the clueless... by the way... the smart kid made
you look bad again today... just sayin'
Wadley was hurt since camp. I think he is finally healthy. Looks better than Parker as a true running back.
We have gone an entire season seeing Bullock play 50% of the game, averaging 2.0 yards per game. Now, only by a stroke of sheer luck, having 3 rbs hurt, does the rest of us get to see what Ferentz has been seeing in practice every day for two years. Wadley can play. Why did he only get his first touches today?

I think Willies leaving was a wakeup call for the staff. We never got to see what he could do...and it would have taken injuries to Martin Manly and Vandeburg for him to have ever got the opportunity to show his stuff.

That time is now to stop playing favorites and deferring to upper classmen for playing time on this team. Teams all over the country are starting talented freshmen who beat out older guys. We ned to do the same.

Today is a voting machine, long term is a scale. Don't you think Wadley will have a bad day in his career? We can't overreact to today.
Vandeberg can play. He's underestimated and under valued by a lot of Hawk fans for some reason. It's a shame.
I think its clear that Ferentz is trying as hard as possible to lose, and the players won't let him.

Apparently, you weren't watching the same game I was today. I know Northwestern doesn't have Michigan State's defense, but I saw enough of Wadley today to see that he has a very bright future. That fumble was not what I would call a rookie mistake. It could've happened to any running back in the same situation. I would not be surprised one bit to see Wadley listed as the #2 RB on the depth chart next week.
iowalaw - why don't you add to your thread the reasons that Ferentz hasn't played Wadley prior to today? Why don't you add to your post why Wadley was ahead of Parker, but then was moved down? If you are going to spam this website with your Ferentz hate, at least be accurate.
fyi - i know the troll OP won't do it, so I will. Ferentz has said that they are very high on Wadley, but he was having grade issues. But I'm sure Ferentz is poor for doing that too - making sure the kid has his grades in order.......
Grade issues? lol It is the middle of the semester. Somehow, "grade issues" that kept Wadley from sniffing the field all season long are cleared up 6 weeks before final exams? Players don't suddenly become academically eligible mid season. Good try to make sense of Ferentz, but even the biggest homer has to admit that if Wadley can gain over 100 yards in his first ever game, he probably could have been utilized earlier this season when we were averaging 2 yards per carry. Ferentz was merely trying to cover his *** on keeping a deserving guy on the bench until he was absolutely forced into action. What else could he say? Wadley "didn't look good in practice" and that's why he didn't play? That's the excuse Kurt came up with after CJ debuted in a major way earlier this season due to Jake's injury.

Let me guess, Willies was having grade problems too? CJ too?

fyi - i know the troll OP won't do it, so I will. Ferentz has said that they are very high on Wadley, but he was having grade issues. But I'm sure Ferentz is poor for doing that too - making sure the kid has his grades in order.......

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