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  1. Camhawk

    How Funny..

    Funny... that's what the uncle said.... tee hee
  2. Camhawk

    Rudock talking to Miami?

    Nice thread-zerection.... You realize this thread is from 2011?
  3. Camhawk


  4. Camhawk

    For those on here hoping for a Bob Stoops homecoming...

    Why? What is preventing this from happening besides the current situation? As a fan I am tired of people saying, "we are Iowa we will never be better than we have been. We will never be NC contenders on a regular basis." Please explain to me why this is. With the right coach we can get the...
  5. Camhawk

    Someone sell me on reasons to watch 15' Iowa football.

    Always a ray of sunshine Hawknick. Thank you for being a beacon of hope in these dark time. ;)
  6. Camhawk

    Someone sell me on reasons to watch 15' Iowa football.

    Screen passes for 3 yards... they have been playing 9' football for years now. And you expect them to add 2 whole yards... too many high expectations bringing this program down. /sarcasm off Fair weather fans begone with you.
  7. Camhawk

    Pelini vs. Nebraska soap opera

    When reading the transcript I couldn't help think of the children of divorced parents sitting down with Dad as his last possessions are being put in the trunk of his late-model sedan. "Kids, I'm leaving. Mommy doesn't love me anymore or never did. You are not the reason daddy has to go away...
  8. Camhawk

    Interest Dienhart Bowl Picks

    Interesting. I found MSN has Iowa, MSU and Minny winning (only 3 B1G teams) and the rest loosing.
  9. Camhawk

    Willies Status?

  10. Camhawk

    Willies Status?

    I came here to learn something about Willies' situation and have. Thanks. Spell check is your friend, competent.
  11. Camhawk

    Think back to the season

    I had 1 shred of hope left before the Minny game....
  12. Camhawk

    A couple of positives.

    Get a room you two.
  13. Camhawk

    Is This a Perfect Storm Recruiting Year?

    I see why he is on the list but JC... really? Aside from his OSU start...what did he accomplish?
  14. Camhawk

    What X and O changes do you want to see going forward?

    I think KF is going to blow our minds. He is going to change the meaning of X's and O's. The O's will now be called X's and (wait for it) the X's will now be O's. >mind officially blown< or most likely, as stated by Caddy, nothing will change and if change happens it will be for the worse.
  15. Camhawk

    ISU finishes at 2-10

    I am just glad we can share the spotlight with Toledo. We belong to an illustrious group, a special group of team. In this group we have only one peer, Toledo. And of Power 5 schools we have no peer. You cannot take that away from the team. /sarcasm off
  16. Camhawk

    What are the odds of Iowa trotting out...

    KF knows only 2 types of change: 1. His underwear, every day 2. What the cashier returns to him when he buys a pack of gum. I, too, would love to see a new coaching staff but that is not going to happen.
  17. Camhawk

    See actually works!!!

    "Free Nelson Mandela!!" "They already freed him." "Oh."
  18. Camhawk

    Big $$ Donors

    Anyone of consequence would have a direct line to the athletic department to voice their concerns like the complaints about pop-up tents preventing them from parking in their spots. Money talks... BS walks and no offence but message boards=BS in this instance.
  19. Camhawk

    #retireFerentz, not fire

    If history gives any indication nothing will change and 2020 will be the next change.
  20. Camhawk

    I thought I heard boos

    The only boos I heard (and participated in) were when Wisky left the tunnel before the game.