See actually works!!!

Hold on comrade, I see I struck a nerve here. I don't hate anyone. I actually stand up for those comrades of yours to protest whatever they choose to that capitalism or social justice.

Nobody wants our political opinions. If you want a nice circle jerk just wander on over to da Wasteland, I'm sure they will validate your points of view.

No emoticon, but I did find something for you


Oh, dean. Our perspectives and stances aren't always simpatico (tho, I think they've grown a bit closer this season) but that, my man ...

The only thing Iowa students would march on is the oppressive, capitalistic somebody please splan to them that KF is taking food out of the mouths of women and children. I think that is the only way they march on anything.

Oh now that's funny....true but funny
Clearly, their priorities are all jacked up.
Yes, the students priorities are jacked up but so are the priorities of much of the fan base on HN.. and ,IMO to a very large degree, the priorities of the fan base of HN are screwed up.

Don't make the mistake, Playmaker, of accusing the HN fan base of being dispassionate. They truly aren't. Start a thread about Greg Davis.. even after Davis' offense, this season, produced the equivalent of the third most yards per game in the 16 years of the KF era... and even then you get nothing but negative feedback. Start a thread, until very recently, about replacing Kurt Ferentz and you always get negative feedback. Start a negative thread about Norm Parker and you always get negative feedback (don't start this type of thread unless you're willing to be banned from HN, BTW).

But, start a thread about Iowa's mediocre performance since 2008 and you hear crickets... The ONLY reason why these mediocre Iowa football performance threads are making any traction onto the HN football board is because Jon is instigating them... That instigation might be because Jon is no longer 'bathed' in the Iowa football atmosphere that Iowa football is always right (that KF is always right). Might be Jon has listened to other out of state and what he might also consider experts on college football that differ from what 'experts' of Iowa football in Iowa put forth.

Anyway, for anything to be done on Iowa's football situation, fan base attitudes and priorities have to change.
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You sir are part of the problem. Go ahead, keep bending over and saying "thank you sir may I have another." Personally I never "long" for 7-5.

No, sir, you are. Again, the team was 5 points away from winning the West. The loss to the Clowns was inexcusable and we prolly should have beaten Maryland, but they aren't awful. The squad was pretty competitive save for the Minnesota game. I was fully expecting this type of year with the LB turnover because it has happened every time the LBs turn over. It's college football and we don't, and never will, have a stacked 2 deep. You guys build up expectations and then get all butthurt when they aren't met. Kurt's gonna get some bounces next year and we'll likely have a better record.
No, sir, you are. Again, the team was 5 points away from winning the West. The loss to the Clowns was inexcusable and we prolly should have beaten Maryland, but they aren't awful. The squad was pretty competitive save for the Minnesota game. I was fully expecting this type of year with the LB turnover because it has happened every time the LBs turn over. It's college football and we don't, and never will, have a stacked 2 deep. You guys build up expectations and then get all butthurt when they aren't met. Kurt's gonna get some bounces next year and we'll likely have a better record.

We were also 9 points away (Ball State and Pittsburgh) from going 5-7.
If my aunt had a package.....................

It's not the 7-5. It's the schedule, and when analyzed, our best win is....Illinois, which is ranked #72 in the latest Sagarin ratings. Ugh!
5 FCS schools are ranked higher than Illinois.
0-0 against top 10. 0-2 against top 30.

It's why Husker fan is upset with 9-3, because of the schedule.
0-1 against top 10. 0-3 against top 30.
They beat 1 of those top 30 teams and lose to, say, Northwestern, I'm confident that Pelini is back next year.

Arkansas was 6-6, and their season was much successful than Iowa's 7-5.
1-4 against the top 10 and 2-6 against the top 30.
It's why Husker fan is upset with 9-3, because of the schedule.
0-1 against top 10. 0-3 against top 30.
They beat 1 of those top 30 teams and lose to, say, Northwestern, I'm confident that Pelini is back next year.

Not exactly. I'm confident that if they had a PC guy like KF at Nebby with the same record as Pelini that he would be back next year. Instead they have a narcissistic delta bravo who alienated the fan base and some of its most prominent alumni. That's a pretty big problem regardless of record.
Not exactly. I'm confident that if they had a PC guy like KF at Nebby with the same record as Pelini that he would be back next year. Instead they have a narcissistic delta bravo who alienated the fan base and some of its most prominent alumni. That's a pretty big problem regardless of record.

Agree,that as much as anything got Pellini fired. He was a PR embarrasment.
No, sir, you are. Again, the team was 5 points away from winning the West. The loss to the Clowns was inexcusable and we prolly should have beaten Maryland, but they aren't awful. The squad was pretty competitive save for the Minnesota game. I was fully expecting this type of year with the LB turnover because it has happened every time the LBs turn over. It's college football and we don't, and never will, have a stacked 2 deep. You guys build up expectations and then get all butthurt when they aren't met. Kurt's gonna get some bounces next year and we'll likely have a better record.

We know kF will be back next year. We'll see if he can make hay with the same weak schedule he had this year. There is always a ready excuse for why KF wasn't as successful as he should. Wiscy replaced their front 7=best college defense. See you can lose players to graduation and not miss a beat. KF=mediocre sans one successful run 2002-2005.
But he is right. Iowa fans are going to be passive. They won't march on the presidents house like UM students did, which got the AD fired. According to Deace in a podcast, they bypassed marching on the AD cuz they figured it wasn't worthwhile. Hoke was the AD's hand-picked coach. Would sally mason even care? only one way to find out.

This ain't Ferguson, MO. We got jobs.:eek:
Holy smokes, pal. Relax. Iowa lost the B1G west by 5 freaking points in the last two games of the year, despite having 3 new starting LBs and some pretty horrific QB play. And it's for the best because God forbid we had won it and then OSU choked behind its new QB and this Iowa team got thrown into some bowl against Arizona, TCU or Baylor in a heavily viewed game. Shudder. Everything is fine - we have the same crap schedule next year, but Nebraska loses Bell and Abdullah plus will deal with a new coaching staff and Wisconsin loses Gordon. Everything just might work out if you have some patience. If Iowa fired the football coach every time the fans got upset, we would be on about our 5th or 6th coach bince 2005 and like Michigan fans, you'd be longing to be 7-5 again.

ya! we're floating just above the bottom of a muddy pond, they're going to drain the swam and we will rise to the top. Just as a rising tide floats all boats, so a when you drain the swam the hawks rise to the top.
It Works! Like that crazy plastic body wrap that women try to sell to each other on facebook? IT WORKS!!!!!!
No, sir, you are. Again, the team was 5 points away from winning the West. The loss to the Clowns was inexcusable and we prolly should have beaten Maryland, but they aren't awful. The squad was pretty competitive save for the Minnesota game. I was fully expecting this type of year with the LB turnover because it has happened every time the LBs turn over. It's college football and we don't, and never will, have a stacked 2 deep. You guys build up expectations and then get all butthurt when they aren't met. Kurt's gonna get some bounces next year and we'll likely have a better record.

Iowa seems to always be "a few points away" from having a better season... But as we see every year, those are the games we lose that should've been W's if not for going into a shell with a lead, mis-managing personnel, special teams blunders, clock management issues, etc. When is Iowa going to WIN some of these games instead of saying "well, we almost won, but that's football"?

You act like the only reason Iowa doesn't go better than 7-5 is because they are just really unlucky, but the fact is, the program just isn't very good. It hasn't been for quite a while.

And if we're relying on "getting the bounces" next year, well, hoping for luck only gets you so far. What happens the year after when the bounces stop going our way again?

And yes, I think we should expect better than 7-5. If that's not realistic, then that's a problem with the program, not the fans' expectations.

As I've said before, we "expected" Todd Lickliter's hoops teams to suck, but are we wrong for expecting more? There's a difference between what you think the program WILL deliver, and what you think the program SHOULD be delivering.
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Lloyd Carr was 'fired' (yeah, he resigned, but he was pushed out) from Michigan after the 2008 season.

How's that gone for them since?

If that can happen at Michigan, can it not happen anywhere else?

Passive? Apathetic? or Ungrateful? and yes, there are other words to describe many on here.
Sorry guys....just had to vent....if I didn't get it off my chest, I'd have felt as wimpy and pliable as a little Pat Harty doll.

Maybe people just don't agree that firing KF right now is what is best for Iowa ? Doesn't mean they like losing anymore than you . Doesn't mean they don't respect your opinion. Just Sayin
Lloyd Carr was 'fired' (yeah, he resigned, but he was pushed out) from Michigan after the 2008 season.

How's that gone for them since?

If that can happen at Michigan, can it not happen anywhere else?

Passive? Apathetic? or Ungrateful? and yes, there are other words to describe many on here.

The apologists always seem to assume Iowa would be worse under someone other than Kirk. You know....they just might be BETTER with a different head coach.
The apologists always seem to assume Iowa would be worse under someone other than Kirk. You know....they just might be BETTER with a different head coach.

could be. what does history tell us about iowa football? the only significantly better time dates all the way back to Evy. More recent history has iowa football signifcantly worse than it is now.

just saying, that if it can happen to schools like Michigan, USC, Florida, yeah, it could happen to iowa as well.

Prior to this new football facility being built, NFL personnel commented that Iowa had the worse facilities in the league - based on said NFL personnel's travels......and they are not even moved into that facility - it's not like iowa is sitting on the fort knox of football.......
Iowa seems to always be "a few points away" from having a better season... But as we see every year, those are the games we lose that should've been W's if not for going into a shell with a lead, mis-managing personnel, special teams blunders, clock management issues, etc. When is Iowa going to WIN some of these games instead of saying "well, we almost won, but that's football"?

You act like the only reason Iowa doesn't go better than 7-5 is because they are just really unlucky, but the fact is, the program just isn't very good. It hasn't been for quite a while.

And if we're relying on "getting the bounces" next year, well, hoping for luck only gets you so far. What happens the year after when the bounces stop going our way again?

And yes, I think we should expect better than 7-5. If that's not realistic, then that's a problem with the program, not the fans' expectations.

As I've said before, we "expected" Todd Lickliter's hoops teams to suck, but are we wrong for expecting more? There's a difference between what you think the program WILL deliver, and what you think the program SHOULD be delivering.

I respect your opinion, but luck will always be a critical part of Iowa football other than the 3-4 times a century we just land all of the pieces at once. I've seen two such years in my lifetime, 1985 and 2002. There was one team like that in the '50's, but that pre-dates me. There is a lot of parity in football and Iowa has been a big beneficiary, as it has allowed to be competitive with much bigger programs. But it also means that lesser programs can compete with us. Unless the squad is just totally stacked, which no one should expect to see more than one or two more times in their lifetimes based on history, we need bounces. Most teams do because the talent is pretty spread out. We had a few stretches where we got the bounces all at once, then they stopped. The Football Gods watch out for us, though, and keep tabs and they are nearing the point of owing us again. Just be patient, bud.

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