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  1. S

    Football Song

    Although this may be blasphemous pay homage to Tennessee FB, here is a song Chesney did in tribute to longtime UT radio man John Ward. One of my all-time favorite KC songs...listen closely to the words. YouTube - ‪Touchdown Tennessee‬‎
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    Bags/Cornhole is where my reuseable stencils came from. $20. Very durable material...I bet I've used them a dozen times.
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    Ron, thanks! I had no clue you sold Hawkeye gear. Anyway, $34 for 8 BEAN're joking, right?
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    Scottttyd, those are worth $150, easy! Just painted this set this morning for my nieces n nephew.
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    The most electric, unforgettable play I've ever seen.

    Quick couple notes on Timmy D. My folks went to a handful of Iowa games every year, but didn't get season tix until my Dad saw Dwight play a game in person. He still talks about all the amazing things he did on the field that you never saw on tv. I'll never forget a game as a Charger. One of...
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    Corn only. For years to come, the corn will constantly emit a dust, if you will, and will always slide "just right". Even if they get wet, then dry. We tried beans once and it just wasn't the same... Hey, I'm no expert, just sharing my experiences. Let me know if you come up with a...
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    Fair price. I pay my Mom $20 to make the bags for my sets.
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    I don't paint a ring. I paint a 9"(ish) square over the hole. I'm about to paint a set early next week. I'll add a pic. They look's difficult to paint that perfect circle so that's why I square them.
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    What has to come first?

    Hmmm... -1
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    I hope you take this as constructive criticism... Go to Lowe's and invest in a 6" hole saw. They are $40 (cheapest I've found, even on-line), but here's why: It is IMPOSSIBLE to cut a perfect circle that size with a jig saw. Painting a border around your free-hand cut accentuates the...
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    100 Days and Counting

    No, no, no....I get on this board multiple times a day but I typically keep my jack-*** thoughts to myself. ;) I don't know what you do for a living, but if you're not in the media or writing blogs or something, you should.
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    100 Days and Counting

    :) My point was that there was nothing in the article that really did anything for me. Yeah, it's great to read niceties about your guys going to battle, but... AND, I hope you've already started thinking of something great for your upcoming 4,000th post. Talk about getting...
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    100 Days and Counting

    I read the article and all I got is that Fran thinks he's hired four great assistants... Don't get me wrong, I'm REALLY excited. But until I see his product on the court, all I know so far is that he has some talented colleagues.
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    Love being a Hawk and here is why...

    I wore my KINNICK shirt to Lowes in West Des Moines the other day and a guy said "Go Hawks" in passing...I really had to stop and make sure I WAS in Iowa.
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    Ruh Roh....tailgating smack down looming

    Good luck, Sally...
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    My attempt at an iowa hawkeye banner

    Agreed. BUT, very creative and sharp design overall. Nice work!
  17. S

    Better luck with this Jake?

    YouTube - Jake Rudock Football Junior Year Highlights This kid reminds me of a very polished Drew Tate (if you could ever imagine that).
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    Future HAWK needs your prayers!

    It's great to be a Hawk, isn't it? ;)
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    Future HAWK needs your prayers!

    Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Never underestimate the power of prayer...
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    Adrian Clayborn Medical Issues?
