What has to come first?

I still hear donors run the show. They aren't giving up their seats. Sucks, but true.

It is a hard situation. While it is a good time with respect to attendence to make changes, it is a bad time to upset your existing paying customers. Even though they might not show up for games, they still buy the duckets. Are you going to tell them you are taking their seats so students, who haven't shown much interest have the possibility of getting courtside seats for a fraction of the price the donors are paying - particularly when these donors are paying for the Carver renovation?

While I don't have a perfect solution, my first move would be to get rid of the huge press section. Those are prime seats. I would move the donors from the South? Side of the arena across to the press section and give that whole part of the arena access to club concessions and restrooms in the new wing. That might placate the moved donors. Then move the print print press up the stadium and put a television table in front of a student section on SRO risers on the Southside. The print guys would have access to the club area, which would placate them. And the TV guys would just be able to walk across the floor to get there.
I, think recruits are wanting to see how this season starts and progresses, especially IOWA kids before they committ. But, on the other hand why wouldn't an IOWA kid want to be able to say I helped rebuild that IOWA program. utoff and wiscky can take a fly------ we will beat there butts. Bo Ryans time is short lived tell him to enjoy the time he has left. Fran will out recruit him in the next couple years. IOWA is going to be back where we were when LUTE was our coach.

This year needs to be a petient year for everyone, fans included. Unless some 7 footer from Argentina or Senagal ends up showing up on campus for fall enrollment, this team is going to get rolled in Big Ten play. Just not nearly enough size on the front line to play in this league. So you need to give the team a break and the fans as well. You really can only ask fans to watch so much losing, before it really becomes a bit sadistic.

I just don't understand the argument that we have to cut the team and coaching staff slack, but we can't do the same thing for the fans.

The point is that everyone got what they wanted in Lickliter getting canned, and an uptempo style being brought in. If you aren't willing to put out some support for the new coach, then you really are just a guy who wants to have something to bit*h about (something I've suspected about you for a long time now).
The point is that everyone got what they wanted in Lickliter getting canned, and an uptempo style being brought in. If you aren't willing to put out some support for the new coach, then you really are just a guy who wants to have something to bit*h about (something I've suspected about you for a long time now).

I don't see anything wrong with a little realism. We don't even know if its going to be "uptempo" at this point as no games have been played. I think we are all going to be a little disappointed in that regard. secondly, if no one was ******** about anything then i'd suspect that you wouldn't have anyone to ***** at (something Ive suspected you like to do for a long time now)...
I don't see anything wrong with a little realism. We don't even know if its going to be "uptempo" at this point as no games have been played. I think we are all going to be a little disappointed in that regard. secondly, if no one was ******** about anything then i'd suspect that you wouldn't have anyone to ***** at (something Ive suspected you like to do for a long time now)...

In case no one here noticed, there's no one disputing the fact that the team will be bad this year. That doesn't give the fans a free pass to not support the program. You got what you wanted, and if you are going to make the coach prove to you he can win before you start going to games, you are the definition of a fair weather fan. Help the program out. If people don't want to do that, then they have no right to complain about it.

And I like to more than bit*h at people who do nothing but bit*h about the program. It's just that I can't stand the cynicism that spews out of a few people on here.
Dude, the Horner, Bru, Haluska, DT, etc. teams were having fun and so was I. Jeeze man what more do you want? They had fun, I had fun. They finished 2nd in the B10 and won the B10 Tourny. Yeah they blew the NCAA game on a fluke shot, but c'mon that was a great year.

Did all those players that transferred under Alford have fun? Did the underclassmen have a good time when Recker and Evans were there...yes they won and fit the role on the court, but not off of it. Just look back and yes when Horner and Brunner were there they were leaders and there was a team, but don't think everything was great just because they won, it wasn't. Why were there websites like www.firestevealford.com? I was at that B10 tournament and it was very interesting watching the team after they won and Conseco was becoming empty. There was definitely player division. Winning doesn't always breed winning or fun, it is the characters that are involved, being a coach I have had teams that had zero talent, but listened and wanted to learn and were a blast, then teams that were good, but had issues with other players or parents. The players and people that are involved make it what it is, not winning, not all the time do we see it as fans.
There are always going to be some issues, but how public do they have to be? That is the real question, how does the team, coach and uninversity handle the adversity. I don't think there has been a coach that has handled it well since Tom Davis. Are the issues going to be academic...then fans will know, are issues going to invlove arrests...then the fans will know. If the issues that players leave over are something that really can't be percieved as a negative toward the program then there really is no issue.
Iowa has to get back to getting the players that are not selfish, well, you have to be selfish, but not to it leading as a flaw.
I don't see anything wrong with a little realism. We don't even know if its going to be "uptempo" at this point as no games have been played. I think we are all going to be a little disappointed in that regard. secondly, if no one was ******** about anything then i'd suspect that you wouldn't have anyone to ***** at (something Ive suspected you like to do for a long time now)...

Negativity for the sake of negativity does not equate with realism. When you look to constantly play the devil's advocate and see the glass as half empty you lose your credibility when you look to offer constructive criticism when the situation calls for it because people see you as someone who constantly complains. And I offer this feedback as a 53-year old who has become pretty cynical about alot of things.

I live in Florida now and will likely never see another Hawkeye basketball game again- have only seen the inside of Carver once when I went back for a football game many years ago. I would love to see this team play live right now as I never missed a game during my college years in football nor basketball. Nothing positive comes from sitting on your hands and waiting until we start winning or looking for things to constantly nitpick at.
And I offer this feedback as a 53-year old who has become pretty cynical about alot of things.

I live in Florida now and will likely never see another Hawkeye basketball game again- have only seen the inside of Carver once when I went back for a football game many years ago. I would love to see this team play live right now as I never missed a game during my college years in football nor basketball. Nothing positive comes from sitting on your hands and waiting until we start winning or looking for things to constantly nitpick at.

And living in Florida means you can't go back to Iowa City to see a basketball game for what reason exactly? And you call yourself a fan? ;)
And living in Florida means you can't go back to Iowa City to see a basketball game for what reason exactly? And you call yourself a fan? ;)

I somewhat expected a sarcastic response. My brother keeps telling me I should try to make it to a football game and I may at some point do that although it involves a great deal of expense and the logistics of trying to secure a motel room. I have no immediate family left in Iowa and at this point a fall afternoon in Kinnick appeals more than flying to Iowa in the dead of a winter for a basketball game. :)

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