Future HAWK needs your prayers!


Well-Known Member
**UPDATE* I know this isnt really the place for this but I am doing anything I can. My son was born at 23 weeks and 1 day on thursday and needs your prayers. As of right now he is doing well for where he is. We are at the U of I and I get to look out and see Kinnick each and every day. What these doctors and nurses, heck the whole place does each and every day is nothing short of the most wonderfull job and they are the best. I hope Im not being selfish by asking for more prayers on here but Im sure you all understand. We are holding on to hope with prayers because thats all we have. Thank you in advance.
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Our prayers are with you. You are in great hands at UofI hospital. They are the very best the medical profession has to offer.
You don't ever have to worry about asking for prayer. When faith is all you've got you hold on as tightly as you can. God's blessings to you and your family. You'll all be in my prayers.
I know this isnt really the place for this but I am doing anything I can. My son was born at 23 weeks and 1 day on thursday and needs your prayers. As of right now he is doing well for where he is. We are at the U of I and I get to look out and see Kinnick each and every day. What these doctors and nurses, heck the whole place does each and every day is nothing short of the most wonderfull job and they are the best. I hope Im not being selfish by asking for more prayers on here but Im sure you all understand. We are holding on to hope with prayers because thats all we have. Thank you in advance.

God is the ultimate healer and rest assured that I will say a prayer for the little guy. He may look incredibly small and fragile, but never underestimate the fight a little guy like that can put up. I feel real emotional about this because I have a son also, my only child, and I vividly remember holding him in my arms for the first time. He's 16 now and I love him more and more every day. My heart hurts for you Baustian, but keep holding on and cherish every second you are allowed to spend with him. And try and spend as much time with him as you can, because it's been proven babies can sense when mom and dad are there and they recover and heal faster knowing you are there. Love is the strongest force in the universe.
I have been where you are with a loved one (son) in critcal shape and remember looking out at Kinnick. I know the prayers helped then and our prayers are with you and your family.
My twin daughters were born early 2lbs. and 4lbs. I know where you are now. We celebrate their 1st birthday tomorrow. My prayers are with you and your family.
I know this isnt really the place for this but I am doing anything I can. My son was born at 23 weeks and 1 day on thursday and needs your prayers. As of right now he is doing well for where he is. We are at the U of I and I get to look out and see Kinnick each and every day. What these doctors and nurses, heck the whole place does each and every day is nothing short of the most wonderfull job and they are the best. I hope Im not being selfish by asking for more prayers on here but Im sure you all understand. We are holding on to hope with prayers because thats all we have. Thank you in advance.

Man we are there for you buddy. You are in the best place possible right now (UI Hospitals) and you have the best care probably in the world. Hang in there and keep us updated.
We will keep a good thought for you and your baby, rj. The healing pros and powers at UIHC are unparalleled.
Pls keep us updated.
My twin boys were born 15 weeks early at U Of I hospital. That was 19 years ago. Now they are both healthy typical teen age boys. You baby is in very good hands. Our prayers are with you.
Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Never underestimate the power of prayer...
My thoughts go out to you and your wife. The next several weeks for you will have lots of peaks and valleys. Just try and take everyday as it comes what you are about to go through will be about the hardest thing anyone will ever have to deal with. My wife and I just went through this at the beginning of the year twins born about the same weeks as yours. I will pray for your family.

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