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  1. DarthKinnick

    Are there any advantages to a pay site for Hawkeye sports?

    If you like spending money to get "access" to rumors then go for it. Otherwise, no. Boats n hos
  2. DarthKinnick

    DJK cut by Barnstormers

    Nobody needs a team pharmacist? Or sort of a part-time team chemist? Who knew?
  3. DarthKinnick

    Kirk NOT Kurt!

    Wut? Are you the guy that stinkfingered Newt's wife?
  4. DarthKinnick

    7.5 games

    I am not certain Keenan Davis has hands. He's a poor man's Adrian Arrington. Sort of have to lie to make him seem really good. It's like how you tell your wife that Olivia Munn is not hot.
  5. DarthKinnick

    Satisfied with coaching staff?

    Not a whole lot of win. Kurt pooched the screw on this one.
  6. DarthKinnick

    I think Kirk Wants to hire Tom Moore

    I find your lack of win disturbing.
  7. DarthKinnick

    I think Kirk Wants to hire Tom Moore

    I know he has UI ties. From eastern Iowa. But how will this affect recruiting? Is he diabetic or suffering congestive heart failure or some other chronic illness? Before piling on, recall we just endured some business due to advanced age and degenerative disease on the staff. I think...
  8. DarthKinnick

    I can't wait for the meltdown!

    Persecute the heretic! They fell out of the skoy! They had foyer in their oyes and they had horns!
  9. DarthKinnick

    Ferentz on Coker

    Re: Ferentz on Coke WUT?:eek:
  10. DarthKinnick

    bipolars on the board?

    Teaching. There is a difference.
  11. DarthKinnick

    "We don't need to hire a superstar coach"

    Rubbish. NFL ball is not for everyone, and lots of folks appreciate college football much more. You seem to inhabit that intellectually small space where humans imagine that things should be evaluated by money. There are few things more wasteful or meaningless than professional sports...
  12. DarthKinnick

    bipolars on the board?

    Uh....nice list. Now please ascertain how many passing touchdowns have been given up by Iowa over their years in the program. DBs at iowa are not the same thing as DBs at elite, prestige programs. How many lockdown corners are in your list? How many guys that can play bump n run? Those are...
  13. DarthKinnick

    bipolars on the board?

    NO I'M BRIAN AND SO'S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
  14. DarthKinnick

    "We don't need to hire a superstar coach"

    Is it? Is simply any job in teh Leeg (NFL) by default "better" than a job at UI? If so, why? He have any power over that? Some folks like NCAA football much more than the NFL. Are they deluded? Why isn't Iowa a prestige job? And if he doesn't think it is, GTFO.
  15. DarthKinnick

    Coaching philosophies

    I think the refusal to change is an indirect index of a treading water ploy. He's maintaining, neither building nor rebuilding. I now see what some folks mean about the lack of institutional control over the guy. He's too expensive to fire, so they tolerate the BS. They crank up the SID...
  16. DarthKinnick

    Miller: Staff Moves Elicit Emotional Responses...WHY?

    Why JM? Just my own thoughts. 1) Because many of the folks on the board are alumni, and they have a vested interest in the program because it affects the currency and status of the degrees they earned at UI. They are NOT "just fans". Alumni get to complain, and the UI hears them when they...
  17. DarthKinnick

    "We don't need to hire a superstar coach"

    That and the bizarre statement about coaches leaving for successful, prestigious, elite jobs: "What we told recruits is we're going to have good coaches. Just look at who's*‑‑ I mentioned the guys that have left here. We've had a lot of guys leave here to go to successful, more...
  18. DarthKinnick

    Eating Crow.

    I wonder how many of us will still be here when next the mighty Iowa Hawkeyes (ahem) make it to a Jan 1st or BCS bowl. 2008 and 2009 didn't remove the stench from 05-07 for a lot of folks. Especially when coaching faux pas and SNAFUS resulted in mass emmigrations from the team 2010 and 2011...
  19. DarthKinnick

    Is it commonplace among big programs to interchange position coaches?

    Is Iowa really a "big" program at this point in time? Or did the OP mean a B1G program? Was that a Want of Bee or was it a Want of Anteaterexpealadocious?