7.5 games

Davis will not have the talent to work with that he had in Texas, nor will he ever.

Most of it depends on what KF allows the guy to do. If he ties his hands and expects a KOK clone, then probably not much is going to change. If he expects Davis to use the same 10-play playbook, be entirely predictable, play strictly vanilla, never adjust a gameplan, and not exploit the oppositions weaknesses then not much will have changed. If KF just gives Davis a film of three games from the past 12 years and says, this is what we will do, and this is what I expect every game, then no much will change. It will just be KOK in disguise on the sidelines.

the talent is not everything, we have a solid nucleus on the line, in 4* Donnall at LT, with 4* Walsh and Blythe in the wings at guard, then there is 4* Ward at a Tackle, there is 4* Garmon at rb, that is a pretty good base to work with on the offense.
i just checked their recruiting class they just signed, they have 11 3*'s and 1 2* in this class, their biggest 5* of 2 were a OL and a DT, the rest are 4*'s, so i think your statement of never getting Texas like talent is wrong
i made a mistake that was last year class, this year class has just 2 5* again a OL and RB. either way their class are made up of 2,3,4 and 5* talent, with the majority being 3* talent
No offense (pun intended), but you're crazy!

First of all, there were two main reasons JVB had such a great statistical year. The first reason was Coker, who teams had to respect, thus giving Vandy more time in the pocket and more reliability in the play-action. The second reason was McNutt who ran as good a routes as any receiver in recent memory and could catch virtually anything. Neither one of those players is back. Teams at this point do not have to respect our running game because somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of it is gone. So they can load up on JVB. And who in the heck is he going to throw to? C-Fed hasn't proven anything yet. Davis has been a perpetual bust for the most part, save a good game here and there. And other than the Pitt game, K-Mart has done next to nothing.

In addition, I don't give a rip how many stars someone has next to their name. With the exception of Mike Jones (out of necessity), Reiff and Bulaga (too much talent to keep off the field), name me another 1st or 2nd year OL that has seen much of the field? You can't because it doesn't happen in this system. The schemes are tough to learn and KF isn't going to throw someone out there who isn't technically sound. When you lose two bookend tackles to the NFL, it's going to sting. There's no way around it.

I wish I could smoke what you're smoking because I can guarantee with almost 100% certainty that we will struggle mightily on offense.

You are probably right about the crazy deal...but not on football.
1. You cite two reasons for Vandy's big numbers...

a. coker's presence...well, Iowa was 11th in the league in rushing attack last year,so I doubt there was a ton of respect for our rushing attack.

b. McNutt....true,he was an all-time Hawkeye, but Davis still had 50 catches, over 700 yards, and was hurt the last 3 games. Marvin was great,but had his share of drops also. K-Mart was a frosh who caught 22 passes, but lets face it,not many more to go around when you have a guy catch over 80 passes. If Vandy targets these guys, they can catch the ball more.

c. You are dismissing that Vandy has a great arm,and was very accurate for most of the year. As a senior,he should be even better with decision-making(see Stanzi's improvement jr,to sr). A better Vandy is the best QB in the league outside of maybe D-Rob.

2. O-line. McMillan,Tobin,Scherff,Donnal,Ferentz,Van Sloten,and Boffelli are not 1st or 2nd year players. And of course, Scherff was one of those second year guys that was too good to keep off the field. Why do you rule out that Walsh and Blythe might also be that talented? Reiff was not even an o-lineman until late in his redshirt year,and 9 months later was starting,and you are ruling out that 4 star all american guards like Walsh cannot even attempt to get on the field til their 3rd year? This is college football,and guys graduate every year,and by necessity new guys take their place.
Again, who thought that Zuesevics was a ''bookend NFL prospect'' at tackle when he came in as a junior who had never seen the field and was a volleyball player for much of his HS career? Iowa trains offensive linemen..it is what we do,and will continue to do.
So, I guess we could assume that this group will be unlike the past groups and not be able to transition to the field,unlike the uber-talented volleyball player, but I am going to lean on history that suggests that our coaching staff knows a thing or two about offensive line play.
I do not agree with the concern over our o-line. We have returning guys who have started in Ferentz,Tobin,McMillan,Scherff. We have Van Sloten,Donnal,Blythe and Walsh as 4 star or higher type of players who have been in the program at least a year. We have Boffelli,who was pushing for time last year. That is 9 guys right there who can play. When Zuesevics came in as a junior, some fans were very concerned...he was a volleyball player in HS,for gosh sakes!...now,probably NFL if he gets healthy. O-line will be fine. Center is the key and we have a 3 year starter there.
Our offense is going to be solid,imo. C-Fed,Keenan,K-Mart are all going to have big years as receievers. We have the leading yardage passer returning in the Big Ten at QB. 28 TDs to 8 Interceptions is very solid. At Texas they had 16TDs to 15Interceptions last year.
Running back is wide open,yes. But RB is also the position that is most easy for a newcomer to impact. Lock and load. We have numbers,with Canzeri,Bullock,Rogers,Dawson,Johnson,White and our top recruit 4 star guy,all being in the mix. Davis likes to pass to rbs,which works with some of these smaller guys.

Defense is the question mark. The back seven should be solid with 3 of our top 5 guys back for the secondary,and 5 of our top 6 lbs back.
D-line...need to coach'em up Reese.

I see Iowa off to a 5-0 start,not a lock,but do-able. Then they will win at least 3 more to get to 8-4 minimum,with a top-end of 10-2 with losses only at Mich and MSU.

I am not certain Keenan Davis has hands. He's a poor man's Adrian Arrington. Sort of have to lie to make him seem really good. It's like how you tell your wife that Olivia Munn is not hot.
the talent is not everything, we have a solid nucleus on the line, in 4* Donnall at LT, with 4* Walsh and Blythe in the wings at guard, then there is 4* Ward at a Tackle, there is 4* Garmon at rb, that is a pretty good base to work with on the offense.
i just checked their recruiting class they just signed, they have 11 3*'s and 1 2* in this class, their biggest 5* of 2 were a OL and a DT, the rest are 4*'s, so i think your statement of never getting Texas like talent is wrong
I truly believe Davis will at least have the luxury of a better coached and better performing OL than what he had most of the time at Texas. Might balance out the lesser talented skill players to a degree.

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