Eating Crow.

I hope the hawks have a great season, win the B1G, win the B1G title, and end up in a BCS Bowl. I am still a Hawk fan and have been for more than 55 years...I just have no expectations for the Iowa football program anymore...

I have just tempered all of my expectations and just don't expect much more than a 7 win season with this staff any more regardless of the talent we have, that's all. I just refuse to get excited anymore at the beginning of the season only to be disappointed by losing to the likes of the Iowa States, Minnesotas, Indianas, and so forth who ruin what would otherwise be a fine season. Especially now that the rest of the B1G knows how to beat Iowa and this staff will do nothing different.

I just refuse to sit here and jump on a bandwagon with many others and shout and tell everyone how great a coach Ferentz is when he is average at best. Great coaches adapt to a changing game, which is what college football is doing. Ferentz is the Tom Davis of college football...he plays one way, and one way only. Adapting to a changing landscape is not in Ferentz's playbook, regardless what happens. He could be a great coach but he will remain an average coach because of his stubborness and his refusal to adapt even a little bit.

I have accepted that...that is Ferentz but I don't have to cheer about it and make excuses for him. Iowa will be an average or below average team in the B1G in the coming years but most Iowa fans are more than happy with that. On occasion, Iowa will get lucky and have a better than average year and fans will toot Ferentz's horn and call him a truly great coach because he is at lowly Iowa and Barta will want to give him another big pay raise.

That's just the way it is... DO still have expectations, or you wouldn't be on a message board.
I have accepted that...that is Ferentz but I don't have to cheer about it and make excuses for him. Iowa will be an average or below average team in the B1G in the coming years but most Iowa fans are more than happy with that. On occasion, Iowa will get lucky and have a better than average year and fans will toot Ferentz's horn and call him a truly great coach because he is at lowly Iowa and Barta will want to give him another big pay raise.

That's just the way it is...

If you truely have beena "Fan" of Iowa football for 55 years...then your indifference to the team and malcontentness with KF is unfounded.
If I am wrong and we do much worse than we are now and it doesn't seem to be trending upward then you can start a thread tell us all off.
I think most of us expect 2012 to be a little rough. We are young on the D-line, and lost some key people on both sides of the ball. So if we go 7-5, I really hope people don't start blaming it on these internal hires. If anything, blame the head coach for some of the chaos the last couple of years. With that said, we have had a couple of strong recruiting classes, and I am confident we can have some strong seasons in the near future.

I am hoping for the best but logic would dictate expecting 2012 to be a rough year. We may be lucky to get seven wins. We struggled this year with a record breaking receiver and smash mouth running back, both of which are gone. The defensive line took a hit also and this was with a defense that struggled. Obviously someone is going to have to step unexpectedly. I am always hoping for the best but it may not be until 2013 that we seen the program bounce back a litte.

I hope Parker brings in some new ideas and a little more aggressive defense and hopefully the new offensive coodinator can bring in a more dynamic offense scheme that at least makes the opponent wonder what is coming on the next play instead of stopping one of the twelve plays that we currently use. Yea that's a bit of an exageration but it seemed like we only ran twelve different plays. Go Hawks and good luck to the new coordinators!!!
Well, my thoughts on the matter is that there's nothing I personally can do about any of this besides continue to be a fan of Hawkeye Football and hope that KF's coaching staff shakeup works well.

But I'll go on record and say that I'm skeptical that merely shifting around the current coaching staff and giving them new/different responsibilities won't do much to change the status quo. My fear is that it could break up whatever stability there might have been amongst the staff and players and do more harm than good, as opposed to plugging in a new DC/OC and leaving the rest of the staff as-is. If this works well and the program bounces back to 2002-04 levels, or even 2008-09, I'll be glad to eat plenty of crow.

Granted, with Norm retiring and KOK leaving, we're short 2 coaches, so KF will HAVE to make a couple of hires, so we'll see how it goes.

The OC position is the one I'm looking at with great interest. I hope KF gets it right, because the offense is what most needs to improve IMO.
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I'm actually not upset about PP taking over DC. The timing was awful and, essentially, hung PP out to dry. Now everyone gets to second guess whether he was the first choice or the only one left after the dust settled. Doesn't seem fair to him.

I have a bigger worry about Wilson to DBs. Not sure why but special teams preformance doesn't help. Morris doesn't seem to have progressed like I'd hoped either.
I agree. I'm fine with Parker and Morgan, but iffy on the Wilson move. He was a d-back though, so maybe he'll do okay there. I would like ST to somehow get back to what they were 8-10 years ago.
Granted, with Norm retiring and KOK leaving, we're short 2 coaches, so KF will HAVE to make a couple of hires, so we'll see how it goes.

The OC position is the one I'm looking at with great interest. I hope KF gets it right, because the offense is what most needs to improve IMO.
I'm personally not a big fan of the hire, but I'll be the first one to admit that I'm praying they give me a reason to change my opinion of the hire. I'm more than willing to eat crow should we see positive results. I hope it's a big friggin crow!!

i just ran over the crow , do you want me to hand to you on plate.?
I have been on record saying KF has three years 7 or less wins and 3 years 8 or more wins. Don't see how these hires change that.

Sorry, but you can't win without players and next year the Hawks won't have the players.

When some of last year's and this year's recruits start to see the field in the second half of 2013, things will begin to change. However, these coaching moves will probably result in a slight downturn in recruiting, which will be felt in 2016 and really in 2017 when the 2011 and 2012 classes start moving on.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
Put me on the record as saying that it could be worse.
You may call me a dreamer, but I'm not.
I have been on record saying KF has three years 7 or less wins and 3 years 8 or more wins. Don't see how these hires change that.

Sorry, but you can't win without players and next year the Hawks won't have the players.

When some of last year's and this year's recruits start to see the field in the second half of 2013, things will begin to change. However, these coaching moves will probably result in a slight downturn in recruiting, which will be felt in 2016 and really in 2017 when the 2011 and 2012 classes start moving on.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Where do you get your numbers? KF has 4 years of 10+ wins over the last 10 years, KF has 6 years of 8 or more wins in the last 10 years. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010. He has 4 years of 7 or under in the last 10 years. 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011 Over the last 10 years Iowa has the 18th best winning % in d1 college football.

I agree about the hires, as no hire was going to make them much better this upcoming year.
I can't get upset with the Parker hire because I've been saying the job was his since the day Norm retired.

The OC choice is more important for me. This is where Kirk's good 'ol boy loyalty needs to get thrown out the window. Iowa's offense is mediocre, AT BEST (statistics prove this). You are not going to get fresh, innovative ideas by promoting from within. Once in awhile you have to think outside the box and move out of your comfort zone.

I'm not saying Iowa needs to totally re-vamp the can put in new wrinkles and imagination in the pro set Kirk likes to run. But Kirk needs to BACK OFF and let the man he hires do his thing (within Kirk's generalized framework).

We'll find out with the OC choice whether Kirk really want's new blood/ideas, or if he is happy with his ultra conservative play not to lose same old-same old.
Where do you get your numbers? KF has 4 years of 10+ wins over the last 10 years, KF has 6 years of 8 or more wins in the last 10 years. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010. He has 4 years of 7 or under in the last 10 years. 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011 Over the last 10 years Iowa has the 18th best winning % in d1 college football.

I agree about the hires, as no hire was going to make them much better this upcoming year.

First three years 7 or fewer wins. 2nd three years 8 or more wins. 3rd three years 7 or fewer wins, 4th 3 years 8 or more wins, last year 7 or fewer wins...

Using anything less than his entire tenure as HC is selective mathematics. The entire schedule shows the comprehensive pattern.
First three years 7 or fewer wins. 2nd three years 8 or more wins. 3rd three years 7 or fewer wins, 4th 3 years 8 or more wins, last year 7 or fewer wins...

Using anything less than his entire tenure as HC is selective mathematics. The entire schedule shows the comprehensive pattern.

Got it, I thought you were saying total wins, not the 3 year pattern.
I think most of us expect 2012 to be a little rough. We are young on the D-line, and lost some key people on both sides of the ball. So if we go 7-5, I really hope people don't start blaming it on these internal hires. If anything, blame the head coach for some of the chaos the last couple of years. With that said, we have had a couple of strong recruiting classes, and I am confident we can have some strong seasons in the near future.

I wonder how many of us will still be here when next the mighty Iowa Hawkeyes (ahem) make it to a Jan 1st or BCS bowl.

2008 and 2009 didn't remove the stench from 05-07 for a lot of folks. Especially when coaching faux pas and SNAFUS resulted in mass emmigrations from the team 2010 and 2011. Iowa is right in the midst of another 2005-2007 rut.

Remove the glitz of the stadium facelift, and the new indoor facility. Aside from attracting fans with some shiny baubles, what is really happening besides $$$$$ changing hands? These amazing facilities I keep reading about aren't exactly pulling in droves of talent. The few blue chip kids we many graduate?

This revenue generator is going to hit the skids if serious progress is not made beyond an aggregate 7-5 average. We can watch Clemson and Boston College on TV. We don't need to replicate them in IC.

KF's own words: "What we told recruits is we're going to have good coaches. Just look at who's*‑‑ I mentioned the guys that have left here. We've had a lot of guys leave here to go to successful, more, quote‑unquote, elite jobs or prestigious jobs, whatever. We've had pretty good guys here."

Somebody wanna diagram that sentence or put it into formal logic?

He compared successful, elite jobs, prestigious jobs on the one hand and "here" = Iowa on the other. Language is pretty important.

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