Iowa Athletics COVID-19 Discussion

Are college FB players supposed to stay in a "bubble"?

No. I explained this two weeks ago.

I can't imagine that a college will be able to maintain much social distancing, particularly after this lockdown stuff. Back when I was in college, I basically ran panty raids like every other weekend and I've gotta assume there's a lot of guys running panty raids like twice a week now.
The Florida Marlins are cancelling games already with about 10-12 players testing positive for Covid 19. Four games into the season and they have multi-millions of dollars to do rapid testing.

An NBA player escapes the "safety bubble" of their hotel or isolation plans and goes to a strip club and contracts Covid.

It is getting really hard to see how college football can go very long without teams cancelling games and seasons. Are college FB players supposed to stay in a "bubble"?

How long are Miami U, Florida, and Florida St going to stay Covid negative?

The problem as I see it is all the safeguards in place depend on compliance and in most cases, a controlled environment with regards to playing in the bubble. Those safeguards are irrelevant if individuals refuse to obey those rules and do their own thing, because the rules don't apply to them or they're "fine and won't get it".
The Florida Marlins are cancelling games already with about 10-12 players testing positive for Covid 19. Four games into the season and they have multi-millions of dollars to do rapid testing.

An NBA player escapes the "safety bubble" of their hotel or isolation plans and goes to a strip club and contracts Covid.

It is getting really hard to see how college football can go very long without teams cancelling games and seasons. Are college FB players supposed to stay in a "bubble"?

How long are Miami U, Florida, and Florida St going to stay Covid negative?
There isn't going to be a season. There's just no possible way, but if this country would have done what other countries did right away, then we would be having one. The way this has been handled, and continues to be handled is absolutely pathetic.
There isn't going to be a season. There's just no possible way, but if this country would have done what other countries did right away, then we would be having one. The way this has been handled, and continues to be handled is absolutely pathetic.

I think you are highly probable to be right at least as it is for a full season or even half a season.

And I dont think but I know you are absolutely right about how pathetic the outbreak has been handled from the top level Federal govt level to governors of many states.
Why so much fear. Why, why, WHY.

We overcame the Spanish flu, the polio crisis, economic depressions and wars. But why this.

Here is my best answer. Social media. People really don’t fear this virus. They fear the ramifications of being the butt of Facebook or twitter if they cause, or are perceived of, causing an outbreak.

“Did you hear that Danielle. Patty sent little Johnny to school and he got his whole fourth grade class infected.”

This would be Patty’s worst nightmare, being the scourge of social media. That’s what people REALLY fear.

By the way, I incurred Danielle’s name for good reason. I have yet to meet a Danielle who wasn’t a bee-atch. Apologies to any Danielle’s, or spouses of Danielle’s out there.

Yup social media, the media in general and how we consume it just stirs folks into frenzies. Politicians have agendas so they aren't trust worthy (not a new earth shattering take with that) Big pharma is all about getting rich not being right on the first try. So I feel like this will drag out way longer then it should. Also we the people take little personal responsiblity either. We don't like our lives disrupted be it masks, staying home what have you.. Mix it all up and here we are.
There isn't going to be a season. There's just no possible way, but if this country would have done what other countries did right away, then we would be having one. The way this has been handled, and continues to be handled is absolutely pathetic.

One has to question if other countries are actually accurately reporting the truth. Also, every country is a different landscape. Countries that are much more wide-open (more space) or a less dense population are going to do better.

You can have all the rules you want but if people don't comply it ain't making a difference. We have selfish it's all about me people who live in the US. The only way it could possibly have been better if martial law was declared where people were arrested being out or not having the required PPE on (mask, shield, etc.).

What do you do, shut down the country 100% completely sooner. Do that and you kill the economy putting most American's in Bankruptcy or a hole they can't did out of.

Just look at the cause and effect relationship now and the effects of shit when the snowball effect happens. Now there's a coin shortage because people aren't out spending money and prob ordering online with cards. There is an aluminum shortage because people aren't allowed to take cans back to the stores or haven't during this. This is just a small sample. There is a lot of snowball effect and it really affects the balance of lives.

Oh, and there will be a season or they will try their hardest to have on. The universities are so much in debt now that they drag anybody out there to play, healthy or not. They can only get to September budget-wise now then will really be in the black.
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There won't be college football or college basketball this season. It sucks but it's better to accept that reality now instead of holding out hope. ISU scheduling Ball State in Iowa's place is simply an exercise in futility.
but if this country would have done what other countries did right away, then we would be having one

This is laughable. The Germ hasn't disappeared anywhere other than places with relatively small populations that are isolated. There is nothing "the country" could have done to protect college football. Absolutely nothing. The Olympics are a comparable sporting event to NCAAF (and even those have fewer participants). They were supposed to start last Friday night. Would that have been wise, even had they excluded "reckless" countries like the US? No, because The Germ is still in Japan. Yet somehow, if Orange Man had been more draconian in the early stages, we are to believe The Germ would be gone here and we'd be starting football. Yeah right.

The government has far less power to contain these sorts of things than you people seem to think. There is one way and one way only to have contact sports and that is an impenetrable quarantine of all participants for an extended period. That is it. Not Orange Man telling people to wear masks and not Orange Man ordering everyone to stay home. If colleges wanted to have a football season, they needed to quarantine the kids starting about June 1. Each one in their own totally sealed off room for 2 weeks. Test. Release into the team with another quarantine bubble around the team that no one could leave or enter. It would have cost millions of dollars. That is what the leagues that have successfully restarted sports have done, like Euro soccer and baseball in Asia and we have known that model for months. I am personally of the opinion that you can't lock down college kids like that for months on end without compensation and find it farcical that the assclowns who run these schools can, with a straight face, pretend that their half measures can preserve their precious cash cows.
I...find it farcical that the assclowns who run these schools can, with a straight face, pretend that their half measures can preserve their precious cash cows.
What they should have done weeks ago is shut a full year of sports down completely. Workouts, testing, meals, medical staff, medical services, administrative staff, etc all cost money, and to be brutally honest, sports are something that you can mothball and put in storage at little cost if you do it right. Coaches making a over an arbitrary amount of say, $150K can be cut down to that $150K level temporarily with a stipulation that a percentage of it gets prorated back spread out in future years once sports resume (where are they going to go? No one's quitting). You're not really saving a lot of money cutting salaries of people making $50-60K a year, KF, BF, PP, Barta...those are the people where you'd get back some meaningful cash. Facilities have minimum maintenance, but that can be absorbed and isn't huge.

I know it wouldn't be a popular decision, and there will be current players and incoming high schoolers who get hurt in certain situations, but the world is a hard place. It happens.

And it's also inevitable anyway. People who think there will be successful reintroductions of American sports teams before a vaccine is widely distributed are loony toons.
There won't be college football or college basketball this season. It sucks but it's better to accept that reality now instead of holding out hope. ISU scheduling Ball State in Iowa's place is simply an exercise in futility.
On the positive side, I cancelled YouTube TV once sports shut down, and since Iowa Football and basketball are the only reasons I had TV I've saved a bunch of that money. YTTV is $65 plus tax now, and since there won't be college football until September of next year, I'll have saved over $1,100 total by then.
What they should have done weeks ago is shut a full year of sports down completely. Workouts, testing, meals, medical staff, medical services, administrative staff, etc all cost money, and to be brutally honest, sports are something that you can mothball and put in storage at little cost if you do it right. Coaches making a over an arbitrary amount of say, $150K can be cut down to that $150K level temporarily with a stipulation that a percentage of it gets prorated back spread out in future years once sports resume (where are they going to go? No one's quitting). You're not really saving a lot of money cutting salaries of people making $50-60K a year, KF, BF, PP, Barta...those are the people where you'd get back some meaningful cash. Facilities have minimum maintenance, but that can be absorbed and isn't huge.

I know it wouldn't be a popular decision, and there will be current players and incoming high schoolers who get hurt in certain situations, but the world is a hard place. It happens.

And it's also inevitable anyway. People who think there will be successful reintroductions of American sports teams before a vaccine is widely distributed are loony toons.

I said something similar a few weeks ago when Iowa announced staff pay cuts. I wouldn't go after people making under some number, like say $75k, maybe $100k, but I would have slashed everyone above that, particularly top brass, and given them a commitment they would get trued up either partially or maybe even fully (LOL) depending on revenue numbers for the year and that if they didn't like it, they could sue the school and press their luck with a jury and out in the job market.

If I was a senior official or AD employee at Iowa making big boy coin, I would feel guilty as hell and I would cut my pay to a buck and just make sure I stayed on health insurance. These schools are in an existential fucking crisis. Show some loyalty. The only guy who might have a colorable argument I can think of off the top of my head is Day at OSU. He's only made big boy money for a year, but these guys who have been head coaches or coordinators bince the '90's, need to nut up and take the hit for the schools. There's a shit sandwich on the table and everyone has to take a bite.

These schools and ADs have made ungodly money and used it to bloat the ever living piss out of their own salaries and fiefdoms. It isn't about the kids or the fans. It's fucking disgusting. You can tell we got a bunch of carpet bagger city folks in a bunch of these programs because they don't know the saying "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered."
On the positive side, I cancelled YouTube TV once sports shut down, and since Iowa Football and basketball are the only reasons I had TV I've saved a bunch of that money. YTTV is $65 plus tax now, and since there won't be college football until September of next year, I'll have saved over $1,100 total by then.

Wow, I did the same. NASCAR taking the knee freed up my Sundays and saved me $65 a month! I did the same math and ordered a $1200 telescope. The balls on these content sellers to hold on the price or increase it with no fucking content is probably the most remarkable aspect of the pandemic. I can't wait until Disney publishes their next disclosure of traditional ESPN subscribers. That shit is going to be a bloodbath.
On the positive side, I cancelled YouTube TV once sports shut down, and since Iowa Football and basketball are the only reasons I had TV I've saved a bunch of that money. YTTV is $65 plus tax now, and since there won't be college football until September of next year, I'll have saved over $1,100 total by then.
If I could convince the wife she doesn't need the local news or Real Housewives of Whatever, I would definitely ditch it too. I never watch it.
If I could convince the wife she doesn't need the local news or Real Housewives of Whatever, I would definitely ditch it too. I never watch it.

You're in a safe space here, friend. Tell us more. Does this so called "wife" of yours spend an inordinate amount of time talking about "respect?" Does she immediately seek out a manager if she goes somewhere and orders an 8 piece chicken wing and only gets 7 pieces? Does she say things like "Chickenlounge, why are you so emotionally detached?" Again, this is a safe space. If your life has been ruined by one of those shows, please let us know so we can provide you support. We can't help you if you keep it all bottled up inside.