Iowa Athletics COVID-19 Discussion

Boy oh boy. You're throwing huge stones in a glass house giving anyone shit about his or her grammar, Skeezix.
It's pretty ironic that you missed both an apostrophe and a comma in a sentence chastising someone about his comma usage.

What the F is a "siscilpin?"

You either need to read up on definite/indefinite articles (add a "the" in there), or make the word "generation" plural. The way you typed that makes it "sound like telegram from 1800s STOP Need make complete sentence STOP"

What the hell is a "Drink teen?"

Nope. That's a fail. The phrase "until recently" requires past tense verb agreement and "is down" is present tense. Here are some possible alternatives that make sense:

Bottom line, don't shit your pants and give someone a hard time about farting.

This made me laugh the most today. Never should I post with my phone. It's new this past weekend. Anyway we need more posts. Thx for responding :)
I taught a semester of high school and then 3 years of middle school back in the early to mid-80's. No one told us or I didnt hear when studying in college in Education that schools go with social promotion and there are no real negative consequences to not learning.

If students hardly tried and they failed then still got sent to the next grade. We as a society do not know what to do with them, they know it and their parents know it and accept it and dont do anything to get little jill or johnny to get better and smarter.

We have a lot of dumb ass lazy parents who perpetuate the cycle by allowing their kids to be dumbasses.

Parents...agreed. We have a lot of dumb lazy assed teachers too.
The root of the problem is getting people to wear masks en masse.

But whether you're for it, against it, or indifferent to it, the conversation is totally moot. 100%, completely academic wasting of breath and keystrokes.

Hate masks and mask mandates, and don't think they do anything but violate "mah cahnstitooshunul rahts?" Don't worry. A wide-scale mandate is never gonna happen. There are over 100M people in this country who refuse to wear masks. That includes judges, lawmakers, and law enforcers. It. Will. Not. Happen.

Do you think masks are the answer to slow this thing down and that we should put in place a national mandate complete with harsh punishments for those who refuse to wear them? Go ahead. Try and get a law and punishment for breaking it put in place. You going to fine every one of them? Throw them all in jail? Take their babies and birthdays away? 150,000,000 people? Good luck. Let me know how that turns out.

This country is going to be the first large scale science experiment of what happens to a society on a macroeconomic and macrosocial level when a pandemic tears through it. No one's gonna change that. Not even a little.

There is only one thing you can do for the next 8-10 months until The Shot is ready and that's to look out for yourself. Sure, you can go on social media and bark about how no-maskers are assholes killing people, and write articles, and assemble socially-distanced protests down at City Hall, but it ain't fuckin' happening, Jack. All you're doing is making yourself more vulnerable.

Control what you can control. The US is too big to enforce anything (yes, anything) on a large scale. You simply cannot do it. You might feel like you did the noble thing by speaking out and railing against anti-maskers on twitter and on your blog, but you're screaming in a forest where there's no one to hear that tree fall. Doing the noble thing when you know you'll have no effect is stupidity in reality. Total waste of time second only to prayer on the effectiveness scale.

Again, control what you can one individual can control whether there's sports this year, or whether businesses fail because of lockdowns, or whether people do or don't wear masks, because NO ONE AGREES AND THEY NEVER WILL. Give it the F up, people. You want to be 100% sure that you don't get the virus or give it to anyone else? Stay home. Otherwise, take whatever personal amount of risk you're willing to take while at the same time limiting your proximity to other people for their own safety. I should make one thing clear...I don't say "stay home or take whatever risk is acceptable to you" because I'm anti-mask. Quite the contrary. I think if every living soul in the US masked up for 8 short weeks we'd be done with this.

I say that because no matter how much the pro-mask side says "YOU HAVE TO WEAR A MASK!" statistically 50% or more of the total populace (including those people with the power to enforce a mandate) will refuse, and there's no way you can punish that many people and, hence, enforce a mandate. So wear a mask, limit travel, and all the other shit to limit transmission. But for F's sake quit whining about it on Twitter and podcasts and instagram and Fartbook. Masks aren't happening in the States ever, so give the spiel a rest and look out for yourself until The Shot gets here.
In other words, learn to live with it.

Respect the threat, don’t fear it. If the media is fear mongering it and spreading non facts, turn it off. There are people out there who say in person school is unsafe.. it is more dangerous for the well being of many young kids to NOT be in school. Wear masks and have the school nurse do a temp check for all who enter. It’s not rocket science.
In other words, learn to live with it.

Respect the threat, don’t fear it. If the media is fear mongering it and spreading non facts, turn it off. There are people out there who say in person school is unsafe.. it is more dangerous for the well being of many young kids to NOT be in school. Wear masks and have the school nurse do a temp check for all who enter. It’s not rocket science.
What our school is doing is a good compromise, imo.

They are offering two options right now. One is in-person learning. desks will all be 8 feet apart and all facing the same way, hand washing stations have been installed in all classrooms without existing sinks, and class sizes are being reduced (obviously the typical scheduling block is changing for this year to compensate). I am not an anti-masker (I wear one in public), but I'm torn on requiring them in school--that's a whole separate discussion. To accommodate spacing and class size requirements they've set up portable walls for classes in our gyms, auditoriums, and commons areas. PE will only be held outside and weather allows. There's a whole lot of other stuff they're doing but my posts are already way too long.

The second option is distance learning. As in all school districts there are students who are immuno-compromised, and there are students whose family members are as well. This is a no questions asked policy, nobody has to prove any special needs or requirements. All classes will be recorded and available for students to watch, and the teachers have a portion of their day dedicated to meeting 1 on 1 with each distance learning student for any questions, individual needs, etc. A portion of their day will include a Zoom session with the distance learners as a group, and there is also a time requirement to be logged on and actively working for those students. From what I've heard there are 6 students who will be participating as of right now, and our guidance counselors have said they will have daily contact with all of these students to make sure everything is going well, and it will include in-home contact visits if the family is ok with it, whether that is in the house, from the doorstep, etc.

They also have what I think is a very reasonable plan for going with a hybrid schedule if there's an outbreak. I'm nopt one for relying on government and administration to make good decisions and plans, but I have to admit that I'm very impressed with what they've laid out and how open they've been with communication. Our district's teachers and admins have taken an "all hands on deck" approach to do what they think is best for kids and staff, and I applaud all of them. I couldn't do those jobs well. I hope other districts are the same way.

Is it perfect? No.

But I really do feel it's the best option. It's my belief that a distance learning only scenario would be damaging to certain students who don't function well under that education model. My son is one of those students and I've been very forthcoming about that. Some people disagree with me and that's fine; I'm not going to argue the point. Some people may also feel I'm selfish for thinking the way I do because they think schools should not reopen. And that's ok too. I've never had an issue personally with people disagreeing with me. The two-option model is what I think is best because it allows those who don't feel comfortable to stay safe. Is there a possibility that in-person school could increase community spread? I'm not so arrogant as to say it's not a possibility. But when I weigh out the benefits (again, this is selfish) against the detriments to kids not being in school, I think it needs to happen. One thing I do think should be considered is the actual community itself and how severe the pandemic has been. If I lived in Florida or Arizona I might be a little more hesitant. I live in a small town and county, and we have 13 active cases right now with a total county population of 34,000 and no hospitalizations. Our population density is very low and there is no large group anything going on. All of the local celebration days, fairs, festivals, etc have been canceled out through at least September. Our county made that plea to all towns knowing full well that they couldn't enforce it and cities have been great at sticking together and saying they're not going to have large gatherings until this thing gets under control.

And per my other post, it's personal responsibility. Individuals have to do what they feel is best for themselves for the next 8-10 months because no matter how much anyone screams and whines about it, no one else is going to look out for them.
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What our school is doing is a good compromise, imo.

They are offering two options right now.

And per my other post, it's personal responsibility. Individuals have to do what they feel is best for themselves for the next 8-10 months because no matter how much anyone screams and whines about it, no one else is going to look out for them.

I think those are two very good options as is about the same thing of half the kids who are to be in-person going on even numbered days and the other half on odd numbered days and they are in distance learning when not in school. This can help school districts not have to but a lot of extra desks and chairs, hire more teachers etc, when tax dollars are lowered.

And the total distance learning option is important for those parents who absolutely do not want to send their kids into a petri dish of an experiment. Yesterday it was reported that 330 of covid patients hospitalized in Florida are kids/minors.
I think those are two very good options as is about the same thing of half the kids who are to be in-person going on even numbered days and the other half on odd numbered days and they are in distance learning when not in school. This can help school districts not have to but a lot of extra desks and chairs, hire more teachers etc, when tax dollars are lowered.

And the total distance learning option is important for those parents who absolutely do not want to send their kids into a petri dish of an experiment. Yesterday it was reported that 330 of covid patients hospitalized in Florida are kids/minors.

Our school is rolling on August 24. You can choose online or in person. First 2 weeks are going to be half capacity with rotating 2-day schedules. Then, they are cutting it loose and going 5 days. It's an immersion school and the school just sent an email saying "if you want your kid to get immersion, they have to come to school, but you can leave them at home and we'll accommodate them as well but they'll get very limited foreign language training." It sucks for the people who can't send their kids in because immersion at a young age is the absolute best way to learn a foreign language. If you wait until high school or whatever, it is too late.

That means they might play in the spring. college football is college football anytime of the year. Or start this fall and have to finish in the spring.

Then the 2021 season would start as normal that fall.

These new techniques to make vaccines are really speeding the development along and there is maybe a better chance with less bad reactions to these vaccines since they are almost "building/making" the antibodies/reactive elements rather than having to purify them from lots of plasma and have some minor amounts of other biochemicals in the vaccine that could cause a reaction.

I hope we dont have another pandemic anytime soon but these new vaccine development processes might even be much quicker in the future. Looking back the human genome project just created so many new methods of identifying DNA and RNA genetic sequences that are a boon to cancer research and treatment, research into other illnesses, and maybe now with fighting a pretty highly infectious virus.
I appreciate your mastery of the English language, and your internal affairs style ass whooping of the grammar police, but that last line is truly gold. Well done

Bottom line, don't shit your pants and give someone a hard time about farting.

Edited to add italics


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One has to question if other countries are actually accurately reporting the truth. Also, every country is a different landscape. Countries that are much more wide-open (more space) or a less dense population are going to do better.

You can have all the rules you want but if people don't comply it ain't making a difference. We have selfish it's all about me people who live in the US. The only way it could possibly have been better if martial law was declared where people were arrested being out or not having the required PPE on (mask, shield, etc.).

What do you do, shut down the country 100% completely sooner. Do that and you kill the economy putting most American's in Bankruptcy or a hole they can't did out of.

Just look at the cause and effect relationship now and the effects of shit when the snowball effect happens. Now there's a coin shortage because people aren't out spending money and prob ordering online with cards. There is an aluminum shortage because people aren't allowed to take cans back to the stores or haven't during this. This is just a small sample. There is a lot of snowball effect and it really affects the balance of lives.

Oh, and there will be a season or they will try their hardest to have on. The universities are so much in debt now that they drag anybody out there to play, healthy or not. They can only get to September budget-wise now then will really be in the black.

The coin shortage is caused by the shutdown in production due to the pandemic. The major banks have been so informed. This from a bank VP.

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