Xavier Foster

I would bet big money on JW being a better college player. Not because I think it's a sure thing. Just that the odds are so much in his favor that it's worth the gamble. And people who say we need a point guard bad are crazy. The 2/3 position was by far our worst last year.
Agreed. JW is a better player, IMO.
I don't get it. Point guard was our 3rd weakest position. No way Moss was a better all around player than Bohannon last year. No way anyone trying to play the 3 was better than Bohannon last year. We had way below average play at the 2 and 3 last year, at both ends of the floor. Yet people want to talk about the point guard.

Then you have guys like Gold saying Jok played like a point guard. So what do we need, a true point guard or a 2 or 3 that can play like a point guard like Jok did? Who by the way played almost nothing like a point guard and almost everything like a jump shooter.

Go back and look at the video. I dont get that some dont get the pt guard issue.
If you're going to go with that joke, at least say something about a moped.
I thought about it, but in taste decided not. Having had a serious knee I get the mental aspect of not wanting to do it again. The guy did drive on occasion and could do it well either direction. Opponents knew that.
Oh I get the point guard issue. I just think the 2 and 3 issue was worse.

2 snd 3 would clear up more with the pt drive option. The D doesnt collapse which changes 2 and 3 soacing and how they receive the ball. How they receive the ball changes the square up and shoot for both and the slashing angle for the 3 for the attack. The motion needs attackers. Hawks are limited there. The 1 and 3 for should ve and having 3 would be better. Jok could attack. Cook can attack but the 1 and 3 are still needed in that capacity. Cook would be all world with that help.
2 snd 3 would clear up more with the pt drive option. The D doesnt collapse which changes 2 and 3 soacing and how they receive the ball. How they receive the ball changes the square up and shoot for both and the slashing angle for the 3 for the attack. The motion needs attackers. Hawks are limited there. The 1 and 3 for should ve and having 3 would be better. Jok could attack. Cook can attack but the 1 and 3 are still needed in that capacity. Cook would be all world with that help.

I think Wieskamp will drive better and more often as a freshman than Jok as a senior. It won't take much. I don't remember one single time Jok burned his man off the dribble in the half court.and went to the hoop. I'm not saying it never happened. I'm just saying it almost never happened.
I don't think Wieskamp is all that. He's definitely not Collison or Hinrich material, and not even Carton or Foster.

Now now sir. There is absolutely zero evidence that Hinrich was any better than Wieskamp. Actually the evidence is to the contrary since Wieskamp out performed that of Hinrich's high school career.
Jok was never a driver. He improved in that regard some his senior year, but it was few in far between where he would drive by someone and get all the way to the hoop. He was a jump shooter by trade.
I don't get it. Point guard was our 3rd weakest position. No way Moss was a better all around player than Bohannon last year. No way anyone trying to play the 3 was better than Bohannon last year. We had way below average play at the 2 and 3 last year, at both ends of the floor. Yet people want to talk about the point guard.

Then you have guys like Gold saying Jok played like a point guard. So what do we need, a true point guard or a 2 or 3 that can play like a point guard like Jok did? Who by the way played almost nothing like a point guard and almost everything like a jump shooter.
I totally agree as far as the offensive end goes. The defensive end I'd say they were all bad... Like to the point of your splitting hairs trying to blame one more than the others. An argument can be made that it starts with the other teams PG being able to dribble drive to break down the D to start with I suppose but our help D and rotations were slow and terrible...
Yes, watch his videos on how he creates shots and yes he did go to the hoop when he had to do it and effectively.
I dunno about that... Teams often played all up on him forcing him to come off screens just to get touches. He was often a 2 or 3 dribble guy on the wing that would either free him up to shoot his J or he'd pass. He had to have an open lane to the rim before he'd consider attacking it. I wish what your saying was more true because if he had been he'd have gotten to the free throw line more where he was automatic. But that just wasn't his game. He relied on others screening and passing for him to help get him open looks way more than he ever created for himself going to the hoop
Wow Gold, you are trying to re write history here. Maybe his Sr. year he became a decent drive and pullup player. Getting to the rim really wasn't part of Pete's game.

I just see it differently. Yes it was his senior year. Always felt he didn't do it more due to his knee. Go back and look at some highlights. Not the majority but they are there along with the pullup and good passing. He did in passing that something currently missing. JBo passes from the side. Jok hit the shooter square up.
I dunno about that... Teams often played all up on him forcing him to come off screens just to get touches. He was often a 2 or 3 dribble guy on the wing that would either free him up to shoot his J or he'd pass. He had to have an open lane to the rim before he'd consider attacking it. I wish what your saying was more true because if he had been he'd have gotten to the free throw line more where he was automatic. But that just wasn't his game. He relied on others screening and passing for him to help get him open looks way more than he ever created for himself going to the hoop

Watch the videos. They backed off.

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