Xavier Foster

I agree with that. Ranking a kid who's 16 to 17 years old is a joke and I take that stuff with a giant grain of salt. It's often times based off of potential. Which is why Pat has been so high. I think Uthoff outplayed his ranking. I think Woody didn't live up to it. I think Jok outplayed his ranking. I think Cook hasn't lived up to it. It's a crap shoot, but all we can go off of is what they are ranked. That's what we are basing this off of for this lil spat we're having. Fran has got a couple of in state kids that were highly ranked to stay home. I don't think you can really argue that point. So far your argument has been "well, those kids weren't/aren't really that good". So, basically Iowa can't win with you in regards to recruiting.
All I'm saying is that it's a waste of time to worry about elite recruits whether they're in state or not because they aren't coming here. It'd be like me expecting to date a prom queen just because we go to the same school...ain't happening.

And let's face it, no one recruited Joe Wieskamp. It was a formality and he always said he wanted to be here.

There are two reasons why I harp on this topic.

1) There are tons of people here who can't see the forest for the trees. They can't seem to take off their Mitch King first rounder googles and see that there's nothing attractive about playing basketball for Iowa unless one is a big fan to begin with. (I'll defer to this so I don't have to retype it.) Then when recruits go elsewhere they get all up in arms like the kids tried to bang their sister or something. Let homers have their (completely no chance in hell) hopes because it makes them happy? Fine. But then people turn into complete tools

like this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/threads/carton-is-a-buckeye.83651/#post-1728430

and this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum...g-out-on-d-j-carton.83613/page-6#post-1728073

2) The most important reason, Iowa's staff could be out on the road spending their time and attention digging up guys who might actually come here and who could help Iowa at least have a fighting chance to get lucky and make a tournament or two. I don't know about you, but I say take all the ass kissing and attention that Fran & Co. wastes on the Cartons and Fosters, and give it to a guy who is truly on the fence and might come here. Preferably OVER 200 LBS, FRAN.
All I'm saying is that it's a waste of time to worry about elite recruits whether they're in state or not because they aren't coming here. It'd be like me expecting to date a prom queen just because we go to the same school...ain't happening.

And let's face it, no one recruited Joe Wieskamp. It was a formality and he always said he wanted to be here.

There are two reasons why I harp on this topic.

1) There are tons of people here who can't see the forest for the trees. They can't seem to take off their Mitch King first rounder googles and see that there's nothing attractive about playing basketball for Iowa unless one is a big fan to begin with. (I'll defer to this so I don't have to retype it.) Then when recruits go elsewhere they get all up in arms like the kids tried to bang their sister or something. Let homers have their (completely no chance in hell) hopes because it makes them happy? Fine. But then people turn into complete tools

like this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/threads/carton-is-a-buckeye.83651/#post-1728430

and this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum...g-out-on-d-j-carton.83613/page-6#post-1728073

2) The most important reason, Iowa's staff could be out on the road spending their time and attention digging up guys who might actually come here and who could help Iowa at least have a fighting chance to get lucky and make a tournament or two. I don't know about you, but I say take all the ass kissing and attention that Fran & Co. wastes on the Cartons and Fosters, and give it to a guy who is truly on the fence and might come here. Preferably OVER 200 LBS, FRAN.

Dude, I agree with a lot of what you are saying. There isn't much of an incentive to come play at Iowa at all. I don't blame the top kids for leaving at all. Our arena is empty. Our team has only had minimal success in recent history. Last year was an epic face plant. Which IMO, makes some of the guys Fran has hit on surprising to say the least. He's also had more misses then I'd like to, but that's how it goes for a lot of guys cause recruiting rankings are such an imperfect science. But, your whole premise is off because sometimes the prom queen says "YES" to the nerd and the nerd strikes it rich. He asked, he got up in them guts, he ups his profile because of it. You can't say "completely no chance in hell" because they HAVE gotten them, Woody had a NC offer. Joe would have had offers out the wazoo but squashed it because he could. Both of those players got their asses kissed by Fran and it worked in Woody's case to get to a "tournament or two" and it very well could work out in Joe's case.
All I'm saying is that it's a waste of time to worry about elite recruits whether they're in state or not because they aren't coming here. It'd be like me expecting to date a prom queen just because we go to the same school...ain't happening.

And let's face it, no one recruited Joe Wieskamp. It was a formality and he always said he wanted to be here.

There are two reasons why I harp on this topic.

1) There are tons of people here who can't see the forest for the trees. They can't seem to take off their Mitch King first rounder googles and see that there's nothing attractive about playing basketball for Iowa unless one is a big fan to begin with. (I'll defer to this so I don't have to retype it.) Then when recruits go elsewhere they get all up in arms like the kids tried to bang their sister or something. Let homers have their (completely no chance in hell) hopes because it makes them happy? Fine. But then people turn into complete tools

like this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/threads/carton-is-a-buckeye.83651/#post-1728430

and this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum...g-out-on-d-j-carton.83613/page-6#post-1728073

2) The most important reason, Iowa's staff could be out on the road spending their time and attention digging up guys who might actually come here and who could help Iowa at least have a fighting chance to get lucky and make a tournament or two. I don't know about you, but I say take all the ass kissing and attention that Fran & Co. wastes on the Cartons and Fosters, and give it to a guy who is truly on the fence and might come here. Preferably OVER 200 LBS, FRAN.

You just went from saying we can't get highly ranked kids to saying rankings don't matter. And if you're not impressed with Wieskamp it's because one of two reasons. He committed to Iowa, or he's white. He's the most talented Iowa guard since Ricky Davis and baring injury, he will go down as an all time great at Iowa.
It doesn’t really matter, if Iowa gets XF then Fry can just say it doesn’t count because he grew up an Iowa fan.

@Fryowa My question is how does Keion Brooks visiting our school on his own dime play into this? Sure we probably won’t get him at the end of the day but the fact that a 5* recruit paid to come to our campus makes me believe he has at least some interest or consideration of playing college ball at Iowa.

What about Tyler Cook? He is one of the most talented guys we’ve landed in quite sometime. I don’t recall reading that he grew up an Iowa fan.
Lol. It’s a matter of honor to stay in-state when you have better personal opportunities elsewhere?

My bad. Could have sworn you were insinuating Carton's parents might have been paid so he would go to tOSU.

But I guess you're saying we'd have to pay his parents to stay here while you wouldn't have to pay them to go to the more prestigious tOSU.
I did hear Wieskamp ate Carton up when they matched up last season. Admittedly, he is one year older.

I've also heard that JW is a way bigger recruit then Carton as far as impact and grand scale of things, but Iowa really needs a PG, so it sure feels that DJ was a bigger hit. Plus, the whole, we got JW so, that means he sucks and the guys that go somewhere else, that means they're good and Iowa never gets those.
outside the box thinking here, but I heard XF broke his foot and is out for some time. Does this delay his explosion up the rankings and does it allow Iowa to stay with him like they did Jok? Or, is it not that big of an injury and the blue bloods are gonna stay with him?
I've also heard that JW is a way bigger recruit then Carton as far as impact and grand scale of things, but Iowa really needs a PG, so it sure feels that DJ was a bigger hit. Plus, the whole, we got JW so, that means he sucks and the guys that go somewhere else, that means they're good and Iowa never gets those.

I would bet big money on JW being a better college player. Not because I think it's a sure thing. Just that the odds are so much in his favor that it's worth the gamble. And people who say we need a point guard bad are crazy. The 2/3 position was by far our worst last year.
outside the box thinking here, but I heard XF broke his foot and is out for some time. Does this delay his explosion up the rankings and does it allow Iowa to stay with him like they did Jok? Or, is it not that big of an injury and the blue bloods are gonna stay with him?

It could scare some blue bloods away, who can just go and get another great big instead. Broken bones in bigs isn't that uncommon but sometimes those can be chronic for them.
I would bet big money on JW being a better college player. Not because I think it's a sure thing. Just that the odds are so much in his favor that it's worth the gamble. And people who say we need a point guard bad are crazy. The 2/3 position was by far our worst last year.


Hawks need a pt guard more than anything.

Hawks need a pt guard more than anything.

meh - I am with P/C - our 2 - Moss & Ellingson were a way bigger void and our 3 - Baer, Wagner and Nunge were non existent on both ends of the floor. At least Jordan was consistent in assists and scoring- can't say that about 2 or 3.
All I'm saying is that it's a waste of time to worry about elite recruits whether they're in state or not because they aren't coming here. It'd be like me expecting to date a prom queen just because we go to the same school...ain't happening.

And let's face it, no one recruited Joe Wieskamp. It was a formality and he always said he wanted to be here.

There are two reasons why I harp on this topic.

1) There are tons of people here who can't see the forest for the trees. They can't seem to take off their Mitch King first rounder googles and see that there's nothing attractive about playing basketball for Iowa unless one is a big fan to begin with. (I'll defer to this so I don't have to retype it.) Then when recruits go elsewhere they get all up in arms like the kids tried to bang their sister or something. Let homers have their (completely no chance in hell) hopes because it makes them happy? Fine. But then people turn into complete tools

like this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/threads/carton-is-a-buckeye.83651/#post-1728430

and this fucking idiot, https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum...g-out-on-d-j-carton.83613/page-6#post-1728073

2) The most important reason, Iowa's staff could be out on the road spending their time and attention digging up guys who might actually come here and who could help Iowa at least have a fighting chance to get lucky and make a tournament or two. I don't know about you, but I say take all the ass kissing and attention that Fran & Co. wastes on the Cartons and Fosters, and give it to a guy who is truly on the fence and might come here. Preferably OVER 200 LBS, FRAN.

You are starting to sound like KF. I agree they aren't coming here. They aren't coming here because of this:
meh - I am with P/C - our 2 - Moss & Ellingson were a way bigger void and our 3 - Baer, Wagner and Nunge were non existent on both ends of the floor. At least Jordan was consistent in assists and scoring- can't say that about 2 or 3.

I like JB a lot. He can't make the others look better. A good real PG would. Take Ronnie Lester off of his teams and what is left. A bunch of decent to average players though I think Kenny A was a great 2. Moss is capable with the right combo and he's demonstrated that. You can't light up as much as he did and not have the tools.
You are starting to sound like KF. I agree they aren't coming here. They aren't coming here because of this:

I like JB a lot. He can't make the others look better. A good real PG would.

meh, Jok made em look better the year before. No pg anywhere was going to make Moss, Ellingson, Wagner and Nunge look better last year. I'd also argue his outside shooting opens up things for Cook quite a bit.
meh, Jok made em look better the year before. No pg anywhere was going to make Moss, Ellingson, Wagner and Nunge look better last year. I'd also argue his outside shooting opens up things for Cook quite a bit.

Jok played a lot like a pt guard. Teams knew he could drive, shoot, or dish.
You are starting to sound like KF. I agree they aren't coming here. They aren't coming here because of this:

I like JB a lot. He can't make the others look better. A good real PG would. Take Ronnie Lester off of his teams and what is left. A bunch of decent to average players though I think Kenny A was a great 2. Moss is capable with the right combo and he's demonstrated that. You can't light up as much as he did and not have the tools.

Ronnie Lester was one of the best players in Hawkeye history. Of course you can say that about him. You can also say the same thing about the other top 20 players in Iowa history, reguardless of position.
meh, Jok made em look better the year before. No pg anywhere was going to make Moss, Ellingson, Wagner and Nunge look better last year. I'd also argue his outside shooting opens up things for Cook quite a bit.

I don't get it. Point guard was our 3rd weakest position. No way Moss was a better all around player than Bohannon last year. No way anyone trying to play the 3 was better than Bohannon last year. We had way below average play at the 2 and 3 last year, at both ends of the floor. Yet people want to talk about the point guard.

Then you have guys like Gold saying Jok played like a point guard. So what do we need, a true point guard or a 2 or 3 that can play like a point guard like Jok did? Who by the way played almost nothing like a point guard and almost everything like a jump shooter.

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