
We don't go 11 deep...we play 8 or 9 and clemmons and jok get in but aren't in rotation. If you don't get 10 min or more you aren't in the rotation.
Basabe has good hops and has a ton of impressive dunks in his career...and he was blocked by the rim today. It happens to the best of them.
Posts like this, with all due respect, are just silly and counterproductive. Yes, many great athletes exhibit the above attributes. But many - so, so many - don't. A list long enough that it's not even worth compiling. Don't try to negate Woodbury's, or anybody's, potential because they don't fit into your favorite archetype.

Babe Ruth says hello, by the way.

Reminds me of the old saying:

If you throw a shhhhushhhh finger into a pack of dogs . . . the one that yelps is the one you meant to hit.

I can see how you both misunderstood the intentions of my post. I could be wrong about what his meaning was intended to be but I took AW's shushing action as saying - yeah I dunked, no big deal, just doing my job. I took it as an attempt on his part to down play the situation.

If one only goes by the numbers to determine greatness then I accept the greeting from Babe Ruth. From what I have read he was undisciplined, lazy, and vigorously sought the spotlight. Those are not attributes that define greatness for me. Obviously wundergrape, you are entitled to your own definition.
Woody with the flush, proving it was no fluke!!

The great ones - in any field of endeavor rarely, if ever, draw attention to themselves. They just quietly go about their business - like an assassin.

Except that isn't true. Pete Rose, Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Mohammed Ali, Babe Ruth, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, John Lennon, JFK, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Stephen King, Bruce Lee, Michael Senna, Einstein, Oppenheimer...

The game is rarely changed by the ones who quietly and confidently do their work. For the simple reason that when you are truly great you are passionate about what you do and can't help but express that passion. I call this the myth of the humble servant - humility does not begat greatness and it is a false idol meant to keep you from achieving your fullest potential. It should not be aspired to. Do great things and talk them up or you won't be noticed and nobody will remember them.
Except that isn't true...

Since there are as many definitions of greatness as there are people I'm not sure how you are in a position to tell me that how I define it is not true for me. :(

I'm certainly not going to tell you that how you define it is not true for you.
Except that isn't true. Pete Rose, Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Mohammed Ali, Babe Ruth, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, John Lennon, JFK, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Stephen King, Bruce Lee, Michael Senna, Einstein, Oppenheimer...

The game is rarely changed by the ones who quietly and confidently do their work. For the simple reason that when you are truly great you are passionate about what you do and can't help but express that passion. I call this the myth of the humble servant - humility does not begat greatness and it is a false idol meant to keep you from achieving your fullest potential. It should not be aspired to. Do great things and talk them up or you won't be noticed and nobody will remember them.

What makes his comment even more amusing, is this. Woodbury is precisely the kind of guy who HASN'T tried to draw attention to himself. He's played withing the framework Fran wants him to, shared minutes and by all accounts been a great teammate. After taking a lot of heat he makes one small gesture (which would have gone largely unnoticed if the camera didn't catch him for that brief moment) and suddenly he's a showboat?

Let's not overreact.
The most impressive part of that dunk by Woody was how in ran the floor. You just don't see 7'1" guys get up and down the floor like that very often. And Gabe is even more athletic. I think Gabe and Woody will be a force next year and Iowa will be more of an inside to out team. If we have some shooters, Gessell, Jok, Oglebsy, Utoff, etc.....they will be dangerous. And with White and his inside and out game, the Hawks should do just fine next year.
Except that isn't true. Pete Rose, Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Mohammed Ali, Babe Ruth, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, John Lennon, JFK, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Stephen King, Bruce Lee, Michael Senna, Einstein, Oppenheimer...

The game is rarely changed by the ones who quietly and confidently do their work. For the simple reason that when you are truly great you are passionate about what you do and can't help but express that passion. I call this the myth of the humble servant - humility does not begat greatness and it is a false idol meant to keep you from achieving your fullest potential. It should not be aspired to. Do great things and talk them up or you won't be noticed and nobody will remember them.

Barry Sanders and Jerry Rice say hi
Hardly think it qualifies Woody has a mouthy player...

I tend to agree with the "act like you have been there before" mentality... but every now and then a little personality isn't low class.

It's the dudes that never shut the eff up about themselves that drive people crazy.
Barry Sanders and Jerry Rice say hi

Jerry rice was actually a pretty big talker on the field and around the league. In fact he said he was the best wr in the nfl before he was even drafted...yes he fulfilled it but he was far from quiet about how good he was.
The most impressive part of that dunk by Woody was how in ran the floor. You just don't see 7'1" guys get up and down the floor like that very often. And Gabe is even more athletic. I think Gabe and Woody will be a force next year and Iowa will be more of an inside to out team. If we have some shooters, Gessell, Jok, Oglebsy, Utoff, etc.....they will be dangerous. And with White and his inside and out game, the Hawks should do just fine next year.

I think Gabe and Woody are going to be a force the rest of this year. Can any team in the country match these 2 combined at the 5? Both get plenty of rest and are sharp within the games and well rested for the next game. They also give us 10 fouls to use inside. And if there is another team that matches us at the 5 can they run with Woody and Gabe?
What makes his comment even more amusing, is this. Woodbury is precisely the kind of guy who HASN'T tried to draw attention to himself. He's played withing the framework Fran wants him to, shared minutes and by all accounts been a great teammate. After taking a lot of heat he makes one small gesture (which would have gone largely unnoticed if the camera didn't catch him for that brief moment) and suddenly he's a showboat?

Let's not overreact.

Exactly, Anyone who considers him a showboat hasn't been paying attention. This was a great game for the team and and for him. He ran the floor well and had a nice dunk. He was excited and after so many fans talking **** about him I can't say that I blame him for taking one little dig at them. I probably would have done the same thing.
It's sports. People who whine about a player doing anything celebratory are stupid.

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