
I don't think a 4 in 1 out wouldn't do any favors for a team that isn't a great 3 pt shooting team or a team that is good with the dribble drive. All to get looks for a guy who at this point in his career is a marginal scorer.

Fran's bread and butter is always going to be getting out in transition and running his motion offense with a ton of screens and curls. I'm just saying use the 4 out 1 in to give a different look every once in awhile. It would make it easier to get the ball to the post and allow a guy to post his man up. I disagree with you about Woody, I think he can be a very good post scorer given the right match up and space to work with. Also, you can dribble drive with the 4 out 1 in. There is a ton of space available to run some iso because the paint won't be as crowded.
Fran's bread and butter is always going to be getting out in transition and running his motion offense with a ton of screens and curls. I'm just saying use the 4 out 1 in to give a different look every once in awhile. It would make it easier to get the ball to the post and allow a guy to post his man up. I disagree with you about Woody, I think he can be a very good post scorer given the right match up and space to work with. Also, you can dribble drive with the 4 out 1 in. There is a ton of space available to run some iso because the paint won't be as crowded.

Maybe you are right, I mean we will never know, as Fran isn't going to be doing this.
Maybe you are right, I mean we will never know, as Fran isn't going to be doing this.

You're probably right about that. I really wish Fran would find a way to feed the post players more often. Ideally when a much smaller defender is on Woody and especially White. Numerous times White will have a guy several inches shorter than he is guarding him and he is out there running around the perimeter. I just don't get it haha.
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I don't think a 4 in 1 out wouldn't do any favors for a team that isn't a great 3 pt shooting team or a team that is good with the dribble drive. All to get looks for a guy who at this point in his career is a marginal scorer.

It's been pretty established that he doesn't get wide open dunks and obviously isn't the first man into the lane on those big fast breaks. Yet 51% this year and virtually identical last year, with the FT at 70% this year. He's at 53 in B1G games alone this season and my point with that first sentence is that none of them are cheap. While I agree there aren't enough basketballs to feed every individual scoring talent on the rotation thus no need to draw up new stuff just to get Woodbury more touches, there is nothing marginal about it. Given experience level and degree of difficulty of his shots, he has very natural and efficient scoring ability. And it's improving by game.
If Woody tried to dunk every time he got the ball under the basket, you would see a high percentage of missed dunks. If people want to complain that he needs to work harder to improve his vertical then that's one thing. But complaining that a guy who can't dunk very well doesn't dunk enough is pretty dumb.

I agree, when Woody is flat footed he has to coil himself before going up to dunk it. That makes it easy for anybody, even guards, to knock the ball out of his hands. But jumping from a flat footed position is not easy, even Basabe got blocked by the rim trying to dunk it.

What I want to see more of from Woodbury is his lefthanded hook shot, when he makes those he becomes tough to defend. The next couple of years I can see Woodbury becoming more of a scoring presence in the paint.
I hope so, but I don't see Woodbury averaging more than 7 points a game for the rest of his career.

Do you realize how little Woody would have to improve to average 7 per game? Even if he doesn't improve at all he will probably average 7 due to other players graduating and needing to pick up the slack.
I hope so, but I don't see Woodbury averaging more than 7 points a game for the rest of his career.

What makes you say that? Right now he is averaging 5.7 ppg in only 16 minutes per game so he would be averaging double digit in points now if he was averaging 30 minutes per game. By his senior year I expect Woodbury to be averaging 25-30 minutes per game and double digit in points.
Probably stated for the 3,712th time - but we were under the impression, because UNC wanted him so bad, that Woodbury was ready to come in as a freshman and dominate. Then, we realized he wasn't. And we took it out on him, as if it was his fault that our expectations were out of whack with reality. But, the good news is that he works hard, and his game is improving. He's better now than he was at the start of the year - if that's not recognized then you're not paying attention. I expect him to get better, too. That's a realistic expectation.
I will be very surprised if Woody doesn't end up averaging at least around 10 points a game his senior year. Just think about it, Olaseni will be gone so he will be getting the majority of the minutes at center. So even if he doesn't attempt more shots per minute he should get there. Factor in that Marble, Basabe, McCabe, Oglesby, and White will also be gone so there will be more shot attempts to be spread around. Sure Gesell, Uthoff, Clemmons and Jok will be around to take some of those shots but who knows how ready guys like Ellison, Uhl, and the freshmen that year will be. You can't forget about Meyer either but at this point he hasn't shown much potential of being anything other than maybe a role player in the future. So I will be shocked if Woody can't average at least 7 a game and am expecting at least 10 a game by the time he's a senior.
I hope so, but I don't see Woodbury averaging more than 7 points a game for the rest of his career.

I would be willing to stake a pretty healthy chunk of vDiesels (or whatever the hell those things were called) on this statement not being true.

I really believe he is a sleeping giant in terms of being a scoring threat.
You can't be serious?
I read gildinghawk's prognostication and just kind of shrugged it off as a person with a limited view of history. Woodbury came in as a freshman as good as Les Jepsen and Acie Earl when they were in their junior years. In the 2nd third of this season, his sophomore year, he is where Jepsen and Earl were when they were seniors. Too many people are focused on his stand still jump and missing the space he can cover as a defender and rebounder. He runs the floor far faster than most 7 footers and has instincts on where to place himself.
If he doesn't improve one iota from this point forward he's still worth anywhere from 12-14 PPG and 7-9 RPG, 2 BLK *vs conference talent* depending on what you use to extrapolate his current production. His 40 Minute Averages are 13.9, 9.2 and 1.8 in conference play.

Obviously that's ludicrous, so people like to do it based on how many minutes a minimum 12-7 guy would get. 32 MPG would leave him with 11.1-7.3, just by having him out there. Those people are forgetting something huge; Marble, Basabe and McCabe shoot 24 times combined. Give Woodbury some of those extra shots along with the minutes. And let's face it, a Center shooting 53% and 67% from FG and FT would have to be considered a viable scoring threat. He'd also be on the hook for some of Basabe's missing paint work on the glass as well.

All told, what Woodbury is doing against B1G competition to be worth a line of 13.0, 8.5 and 1.5, and that's if his progression is nil. Obviously Olaseni fits in here somewhere but I'm strictly using math based on efficiency.
Not arguing the projections, but would his minutes be able to climb that much while staying out of foul trouble?
Not arguing the projections, but would his minutes be able to climb that much while staying out of foul trouble?

That would be key, but he has improved quite a bit since last year.

In conference play as a freshman: 52 fouls in 275 minutes = 7.56 fouls per 40 minutes
In conference play this year so far: 26 fouls in 178 minutes = 5.84 fouls per 40 minutes

I'd like to think he could continue to improve as he gains more experience and continues to get stronger.
If he doesn't improve one iota from this point forward he's still worth anywhere from 12-14 PPG and 7-9 RPG, 2 BLK *vs conference talent* depending on what you use to extrapolate his current production. His 40 Minute Averages are 13.9, 9.2 and 1.8 in conference play.

Obviously that's ludicrous, so people like to do it based on how many minutes a minimum 12-7 guy would get. 32 MPG would leave him with 11.1-7.3, just by having him out there. Those people are forgetting something huge; Marble, Basabe and McCabe shoot 24 times combined. Give Woodbury some of those extra shots along with the minutes. And let's face it, a Center shooting 53% and 67% from FG and FT would have to be considered a viable scoring threat. He'd also be on the hook for some of Basabe's missing paint work on the glass as well.

All told, what Woodbury is doing against B1G competition to be worth a line of 13.0, 8.5 and 1.5, and that's if his progression is nil. Obviously Olaseni fits in here somewhere but I'm strictly using math based on efficiency.

Good post, I think Woody sees a major increase in both ppg and rpg next year. Maybe 10 and 7. Another thing to consider is that Woody is on the court with Basabe a lot and Basabe is a beast on the defensive glass, grabbing 23.4% of defensive rebounds when he is on the court, 61st in the nation. White and Uthoff are also top 300 guys in defensive rebounding percentage so there is a lot of competition from his own teammates for defensive boards. On the offensive end, Woodbury is currently 167th in the nation at 11.5%, he was 119th last year at 12.0%.
I think Woodbury could be a solid scoring presence in the paint. He has some post moves. Our style of offense doesn't really fit his scoring style. His ability to pass fits in perfectly with what we do though.

When we're struggling to score though I wouldn't mind seeing Woody getting some more touches. It might open up the three point line a bit and he'll see the open shooter.

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