Where is all the love??

Wasn't posting cause I was at the game, some think I'm a negative poster but I try to be objective and give praise where it is due. First the crowd was great, I though it was great against Mich St too. Fran coached his ass off. His assistants were emotional. That Iowa Golden Girl was AMAZING! Wisecamp, Garza, Kreiner, JBo, make life without Cook and Moss next year nothing to be scared of. Gonna miss the Bear! He makes senior plays! Cook can make a lot of money overseas. Don't know if shooting jump hooks gets you a place in the League. Running our offense through Cook is questionable, he doesn't even draw a doubleteam anymore. Iowa needs to start rerouting the offense through Wisecamp. He doesn't touch the ball enough. Garza or Wisecamp need to touch the ball on every halfcount pocession. The finger pointing after a Wisecamp score between the Michigan players was Terrific! Opponents are gonna stop underestimating Jo's jumping ability and quickness soon. He will score 40 this season in a game, that's a prediction. Positive posts going forward, not saying we won't face a blow out on the road yet this season, hell we play at Whisky, Indiana, Maryland still, but we're playing with house money now. Bring it on!

Do you think Moss is leaving? For where Europe? Same with Cook. Hope they both stay. Iowa would then be serious big10 title contenders.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Moss/Dailey/Cook gone next year.

I can't see Moss leaving. Cook could probably play in Europe, but Moss would play for a low level European team at best. He's better off just playing his senior season at Iowa and seeing what happens after that. I could see Dailey leaving if he'd prefer to get more minutes at a D2 school, but he gets PT now so not sure he would leave either.
I can't see Moss leaving. Cook could probably play in Europe, but Moss would play for a low level European team at best. He's better off just playing his senior season at Iowa and seeing what happens after that. I could see Dailey leaving if he'd prefer to get more minutes at a D2 school, but he gets PT now so not sure he would leave either.
It would be great if they would all come back and contribute in different ways, for the good of the team, whether it be in a ton of minutes or less minutes. Experience and contentment are valuable for a developmental program like Iowa which isn't loaded with sure NBA talent.
By far, the best game atmosphere I've been to at Carver (going to games for 4 years). Not only from the crowd but the music & in game announcer were improved. Loved it!

We were eating after the game & heard another table full of QTips complaining about people standing. Good job Hawkeye fans! When the Qtips are complaining, its a good crowd.

Let's keep it up, Go Hawks!
Went to the game last night with my 27 yr old son, our first game in 2 years. It was a doozie and really enjoyable from the pre-game pyro and cell phone light show to the 1st half play, to the halftime show, through the crowd storming the floor. Carver is an interesting crowd -- some crowds actually pull their team into goodness, Carver crowds seem to respond mainly after Iowa plays well...but there were a couple times when the crowd really came through. We were up and down the entire game going crazy and yelling our asses off -- as were the two guys behind us...I sure HOPE we upset everybody sitting down! I thought the game was one of Fran's better coached games...when Michigan started to get comfortable with the zone, switching to man at the right time, switching back, eventually a 1-2-2 or 1-3-1 at the end. Michigan is a team with weaknesses, they had an off shooting night, and the Hawks caught them at the right time of year compared to how they played at the start of the season, but WOW, that was fun and a great win! When you punch your ticket to the Big Dance, it's worth celebrating!
LOVE this team, FRAN, and it's GRIT!! Hoping this win turned a little corner for us!
I can't see Moss leaving. Cook could probably play in Europe, but Moss would play for a low level European team at best. He's better off just playing his senior season at Iowa and seeing what happens after that. I could see Dailey leaving if he'd prefer to get more minutes at a D2 school, but he gets PT now so not sure he would leave either.
Moss isn't going anywhere and Dailey sure isn't either. Cook shouldn't. Dailey is having as much fun as any player on the team. Just watching the others react when their teammates are doing well tells it all. This is a TEAM and NO ONE is looking for another college team to play for. Dailey just logged a significant amount of minutes against the #5 Team in the country and was ear to ear smiles all night long. Playing 40 minutes for Valpo doesn't measure up to that.
Millennials...always looking for their pat on the back and their participation ribbon.

Yeah, I'm not a millennial either.

If the Hawks won the big ten, or we're in the midst of making a deep NCAA run, or even a sweet 16.. Then yeah, I'd be pretty stoked.

Overall, I just don't get as high with the highs, or as low with the lows, as I used to when I was a kid.

Michigan - big win to be sure and I feel good about it, but it's also one step in a 30 game or so season.

My fear is a February meltdown - we're at that time of year where the wheels have come off. I hope the success continues!
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Winning a home game against Michigan doesn't change the fact that we do not have a PG, continue to have lapses (collapses) on D, a childish coach who thinks that motivation comes from yelling and screaming like a petulant little child, inexplicable losses against generally inferior teams, and an inability to MAKE the NCAA tournament.

Did you see the stats they were throwing up on the screen about this years 2nd half meltdowns?

Did you watch when Iowa was up 15 about 6 minutes into the 2nd half and then let Michigan pull within 5 without even a timeout called? In 6 minutes of clock we went from up 15 to up 5 and got bailed out by our C hitting a clutch 3-point shot. o_O

So no, the season is not saved and Fran still hasn't figured out how to actually coach or recruit. He did great after the crater that was left from alford and Lackluster but let's not kid ourselves.

This season was not in need a saving lol.

As Gary said Uconn is loaded with guards.... but who is having a better season bud?

After the msu comback lose and minn road dissappointment, the season was trending down from a very good start.

The weakness at guard will make post season a challenging journey, but after last season ill be happy with an ncaa win, two wins would breaking through expectations with a sledgehammer.
I think it is well documented that I am not a big Fran fan. That said, I am enjoying the hell out of this season. I really don’t think Iowa is sweet 16 caliber, but they are top 32 level for sure, and they are entertaining to watch. I think last year was just so tough to watch that some haven’t let go of that even yet.
Great tier One win.
Can the Hawks keep up the intensity going to Indy? Certainly a beatable team even at their place.
Honestly, in regards to Cook, I’d have no issue whatsoever if he left next year. Frankly, I’ve had my fill of his hero ball, highest turnover rate in the conference, and his lack of willingness to put forth maximum effort on the defensive side of the court. There’s a reason we’re 2-0 on the road with him sitting.
I think I can speak for everyone in this.... :)

When Iowa loses in frustrating ways, I need to vent. This is my outlet to vent. When Iowa wins , even huge games like this, I go on with my life and just enjoy things a little more. But that means I post less.

On the same note, I am not a fan of Fran. At first I loved him and loved hearing him talk basketball because he really talks up his players and I bought in. But now I see that telling them and everyone else how great they are has hurt their ability to sustain consistency. This year is the perfect example. When the outside noise gets negative, this team can rally. When it is too positive, it goes to their heads and we see the defensive effort drop. I hope Fran is able to keep the switch on, but I won’t hold my breathe, as coaches in year 9 at a school usually are who they are.
I'm 50 and also not a spring chicken. I think some of us are amazed that hawk fans can't get excited about a program win every now and then. It was big. And awesome.
I'll get excited when it's in the NCAA tournament.............and the play in game doesn't count
Do you think Moss is leaving? For where Europe? Same with Cook. Hope they both stay. Iowa would then be serious big10 title contenders.
I totally agree but both tested the waters last year, usually that means there thinking of going. Neither are ready for the NBA but there are always people that tell them they are. They might never be ready, what we have going for us is Cook watching players like Jok and Uthoff still looking for work. I guess like some posters I'm torn between how much Cook helps or hinders the team. Year three looks a lot like year one for Cook. How can you play ball your entire life and have no jump shot? Garza's basketball IQ like Jo's is off the charts. Cook and Moss are reading "basketball for dummies". I'm just saying I could envision this team without them and being replaced by more well rounded players. I will say though, Moss has shown vast improvement this year.