When was the loudest you have ever heard Kinnick?

2006 when #1 OSU was in town and gameday was here. Most electric atmosphere I've seen at Kinnick. Super loud at the beginning.
I really dont know what the loudest was. The following are what I remember as the loudest in no particular order:

2010 Wisconsin
2008 PSU
2003 Michigan
2002 ASU
2002 Purdue after Clark's TD

Loudest FB game I was ever at was 2009 OSU ot game at the Shoe. That was an event.

I admit I have not been in attendance for very many home games over the last "lots of years" thanks to some off field issues, but I was in the first row of the endzone for the 2002 Purdue game (and made a brief apperance in the endzone on the Scothawk video) but that was far and away the loudest I have ever heard Kinnick. As for the loudest game I have ever attended, that would be a Broncos at Chiefs Sunday night game in the mid 90's, not sure the exact year, but I was in the first few rows at Arrowhead and you could almost see the stadium shaking. It was actually Christian Okoye's last game, I think, he broke his arm and never played again.
From what I seen at the game there seems to be plenty of alcohol available.

in the stadium?

now a days the crack down is on outside the stadium, not to mention inside. Mid 80s relatively lenient inside the stadium - botas, etc.

btw, my response was primarily meant as a joke.
2010 vs wisky right before that int. Like Jon said. It wasn't like a happy cheering loud either, it was a very angry type of loud. Like every hawk fan was just ******. Just amazing. But the loudest has to be the 2006 game vs #1 tOSU. The stadium was packd very early on and the moment the hawks came out was just electric. Iv never been in an atmosphere like that sense. I don't care what you say, that moment was the loudest.
Two games stick out in my mind. The first is the '85 Michigan game. The other one is the '81 Rose Bowl clinching victory over Michigan State. All the women & coeds holding roses. It was just one large party from beginning to end.

I came out of both games like a basketball game in the old place. I was hoarse & my ears were ringing. I could barely talk & I definitely couldn't hear. Those two games stick out in my mind because the noise level was like the Field House.
When I saw the thread title my thought was Wisconsin 2010. My ears were hurting at times during that game and I don't recall that happening at another time.
1985 Michigan State game.

Smaller crowd but louder, rowdier bunch than anything we see these days.

Plus, you had no trouble sneaking in as much beer or alcohol as you wanted. There were no pat-down searches or checking women's purses. I bet that women bring in much smaller purses now. Much rowdier both outside & inside the stadium in those days.
Michigan 2003. I got to ride out on the platform at the beginning of the game as Herky. It gets soooooooo much louder when your on the field as opposed to the stands.
2010 Wisconsin, and 2003 Arizona State.

I was at Kinnick for almost all the other games that people are mentioning, and these two have always been engraved in my memory because of the crowd and electricity within the stadium.

ASU 2003 was great all the way through the game. They came in ranked and Iowa had a big chip on their shoulder. Night games at Kinnick are always fun.
2009 vs Indiana during Iowa's comeback and 2008 vs Penn State, especially on Penn State's fumble on the first possession. The student section was a mosh pit for that and it was awesome. Also, the start of the OSU vs Iowa game in 2006.

2002 first half of Iowa Iowa State. As Iowa raced off to the big lead I remember the scene was bedlam and very loud. I have been going to most games since mid 1970s'

1985 kick against Michigan Kinnick shook at its foundations.

Some recent games were loud but I think the two above are the loudest I remember.
This is exactly it for me. There was more time left in the game than that, but it was after the 2nd down...I was standing on the sidelines, as I was on assignment for the BTN that day...I was standing next to two Cap One Bowl reps...who were talking about how loud it was on 2nd down. I told them 'It's going to 11 here pretty quick' and over the loudspeaker tolled the bell of 'Hells Bells' and the place when freaking crazy. I have never heard it that loud. Most of the 'old guard' in the media agree that that was the loudest they have ever heard it. Mike Hlas for one, who has been to every Iowa home game since the early 80's

This. I think it was the play leading up to and when Greenwood got the pick in the 4th quarter that was the loudest for me, in the north endzone.

I looked at my wife and screamed "this place is going ******* nuts!!!"

Her response- "What?!?!"
Agree with the ASU game. That was the 1st game I ever took my now wife too....prolly one of my all time favorite games.....
the craziest I remember was the 2005 Cap One during/after THE CATCH. Pandemonium ensued!

2002 ASU was absolutely electric
2003 Mich was great
2005 OSU was really cool atmosphere except OSU didn't care
2009 Michigan was cool, probably best job by the sound crew
2010 PSU was sweet
2010 Wisky was incredible
Probably not loudest, but honorable mention to 1991 Illinois game. Both teams in top 15, game on ABC. Jeff George was their QB. We were up by, and won by 3. They had the ball late with some time, crowd was incredibly loud and the D got the stop.
Wisconsin 2010 - Off the charts loud, it got loud after an Iowa kickoff and didn't stop until Wisconsin would score. The most deflating loss for me to handle because of my pure hate of Wisconsin. Hard for me to relate anything remotely positive from that awful day.

OSU 2006 - Loud for awhile anyway

Michigan 2003 - Loud and nasty, only time I've walked away feeling bad about my actions during a game, it got vicious on both sides

PSU 2005 - Students were out of control loud in this game. What looked to be a pig's head was thrown on the field during a timeout. A friend of mine who was a UI student at the time wouldn't confirm or deny.

Wisconsin 2005 - Iowa blowout against a rival + sitting in student section = loud as hell

Honorable Mention:

Horseshoe 2009 for Iowa/OSU - That was ear splitting noise. Loudest sports event I've attended.

Sneaky loud - Minnesota 2005 - Maybe it was because I wasn't expecting it but damn that game was loud.

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