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  • V
    No chance, Ike! I have zero problem with 95% of hunting, conservation, and game management. I am a proud carnivore. I understand that diseased wild animals need to be put down.
    What I don't care for is wanton thrill-killing of animals, and cruelty in any form, or irrational fear of things like raccoons, foxes, etc. They are NO threat to our existence, and when some lazy slob suburbanite gets all lit up because he thinks his stupid kids are in harm's way from a raccoon, well...I tend to want to cut that jackhole down a bit.
    I also don't care for "big game" hunting, because it is clearly NOT hunting for population control and meat - it's a macho pursuit, pure and simple. Lotsa Freudian rules apply to guys who feel the need to shoot a bear or what have you. Anyway, thanks for the friend request, you're my first! Later, pal. Vint.
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