When was the loudest you have ever heard Kinnick?

Look, I've been to many a great game at Kinnick but nothing can compare to the '85 game (yes I'm old). It was what you dream of seeing as a fan. #1 vs. #2 and winning on the final play of the game. To this day I remember running on to the (then) fake grass of Kinnick. Absolutely epic.
The most consistent noise for a game was 2003 Iowa v ASU...the crowd was one with the defense that day. It was pretty spectacular.

i do agree that the 2003 game was good for loudness.

loudest i've ever heard, and subsequently the quietest was the 1990 osu game when OSU won with seconds to go. that place was shaking, then you could have heard a pin drop. i was in the stadium, and the outcome was unbelievable.

i'd put that single moment up with any single moments as far as loudness (and crappy outcomes)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFyKEbbXpo4]Game-winning last-second score - Iowa 1990 - YouTube[/ame]
Really wouldn't put in anything after the stadium change. The south endzone definitely lost some noise retention. For instance, I was in that endzone for 2005 against UM. The crowd noise didn't mess up UM's winning drive.

Hard to imagine it was louder than after Clark's catch against Purdue in 2002. I was standing next to someone and they were shouting and I couldn't discern their voice from anyone else's.
The most consistent noise for a game was 2003 Iowa v ASU...the crowd was one with the defense that day. It was pretty spectacular.

Jon I would have to agree with you. The crowd was incredible all game long vs ASU, but for that 2nd and 3rd down vs Wisky in 2010 it was as loud as I've heard it.
For that Wisconsin game, I couldn't hear myself scream. It was defeaning in Kinnick most of the 4th quarter.
1992 versus Miami. The crowd literally willed a bad Iowa team to a highly competitive game. 2003 Michigan a close second. I was not there for 85 Michigan or 84 Ohio state but the bide on Hawkeyehistorian's youtube page make those games seam crazy!

This one is often forgotten. I've had season tickets since the late 80s and went to most of the games back to 1979. That night against the Canes made my ears hurt. It was some LOUD
For that Wisconsin game, I couldn't hear myself scream. It was defeaning in Kinnick most of the 4th quarter.

I agree with all the say Wisc. 10. It was crazy nuts in there. Couldn't hear my Dad or my Brother during that 4th quarter. Really, I couldn't tell if I was actually emitting any noise of my own because it was being drown out so fast.

I also remember it being pretty loud during the intro for that night game against scUM. Blackout, poms and all, it was loud.
2009 Michigan sticks out for me, on a side note Tarpinians hit on Stonum was epic lets watch.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXCLA8tZJz4]Iowa Hawkeye Jeff Tarpinian Decapitates Michigan - YouTube[/ame]
2005 Michigan was very very loud first blackout game, and something to do with the fact that the old press box was still there but 2/3's of the new press box were also partly constructed it made it extra loud.

2008 Penn State was extremely loud, 2009 Michigan was very loud, 2010 Wisconsin was also extremely loud. The 2006 Iowa Ohio State game was very very loud for the 1st 20 minutes or so.
Side note, I love offseason threads because it usually involves reminiscing about past awesomeness and not everyone bickering over coaches and what not.

Good times.

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