When was I or were you this down on Hawk bball?

I'm in my late 30s and as far as my lifetime goes last yr was pretty disappointing. I mean going off of expectations going into last yr it should have been a step forward not 10 steps back like it was. Nobody got hurt or lost for an extended period and they just looked so inept on D. In my years of following Iowa ball I've never seen anything quite like it. Some could say losing Jok ended up hurting more than expected but I don't buy that. They played well for stretches without him his senior year. It's kinda hard to put a finger on just why that was. But it's 99% on the defensive end. (Which Jok didn't help a lot with)

Prior to that the Licklighter years were just strait up bad. The apathy and fans staying home during the majority of his tenure had to be historic for the program. He should have been let go a year sooner if not 2 earlier than he was. But well Barta...

All that being said I feel there's hope Iowa can drastically improve this year. Would I put the farm on it? Naw I'm not doing that but I do have hope. He's got talented kids that can score. If they can just get them on the same page defensively and all improve at it.. During the Licklighter years there was no such thing as hope past the first yr or so of his time... Between the lack of offensive talent and style of play there was just no chance..
If Fran commits to coaching defense and holds players accountable, they can make drastic improvements next season. That means he will have to sit certain players, that can't or won't play D. Certain players that contribute a lot on the offensive end. I'm not convinced he'll do that.
I never said you were afraid of Fran McCaffery, I said hopefully you're not like this in real life. Sounds like you are.
I never said you were afraid of Fran McCaffery, I said hopefully you're not like this in real life. Sounds like you are.
"I wouldn't say something on the internet that I wouldn't say to someones face". You didn't come right out and say that's what you think I'm doing. So, I wanted to set you straight on what I will and won't do. I don't want any misunderstandings. I speak my mind. Bluntly and without much regard for hurt feelings. It's always been my way because when people do the same to me, I appreciate it. You'll always know where you stand with me. If I'm wrong, I have no problem owning it.
Can you please present us with an email full of lies you were sent? I bet not.
I don't keep emails from 2010. So, no, I can't. But I don't need to prove anything to you. Just go back and listen to his lies he told about Fran's extension that he tried to keep secret. He flat out told lies about the hows/whys of that situation. He flat out stated that "he wasn't trying to hide the extension from anyone". But Scott Docterman had to file a FOI request to force them to give the contract information to him, after they denied his initial request. That's a LIE. So, we all saw him tell that lie on camera. Is it your opinion that it's the first lie Gutless Gary has ever told?
"I wouldn't say something on the internet that I wouldn't say to someones face". You didn't come right out and say that's what you think I'm doing. So, I wanted to set you straight on what I will and won't do. I don't want any misunderstandings. I speak my mind. Bluntly and without much regard for hurt feelings. It's always been my way because when people do the same to me, I appreciate it. You'll always know where you stand with me. If I'm wrong, I have no problem owning it.

That's fine and good, but I imagine they might put ya in their place while you're coaching little league.
I don't keep emails from 2010. So, no, I can't. But I don't need to prove anything to you. Just go back and listen to his lies he told about Fran's extension that he tried to keep secret. He flat out told lies about the hows/whys of that situation. He flat out stated that "he wasn't trying to hide the extension from anyone". But Scott Docterman had to file a FOI request to force them to give the contract information to him, after they denied his initial request. That's a LIE. So, we all saw him tell that lie on camera. Is it your opinion that it's the first lie Gutless Gary has ever told?

no, you don't have to prove anything to me. But you can't, and that's all I need to know. I didn't hear a single lie about his contract other then the U of I didn't want to release the info when it was released. They like to control that stuff. It's a business. It's public record, he can't hied anything from anyone. If they want to know, they can find out. I didn't like the contract, I didn't like how it came out, but I didn't feel lied to.
If Fran commits to coaching defense and holds players accountable, they can make drastic improvements next season. That means he will have to sit certain players, that can't or won't play D. Certain players that contribute a lot on the offensive end. I'm not convinced he'll do that.
I agree. Somethings gotta give. But that's tough. It's tough to sit JBo. My guess is they'll play a lot more zone than they already did... Will it work? Heck if I know. It's tougher to rebound and generate turnovers out of it I feel. Sitting guys without a replacement that's even close to being as good doesn't exactly do anything to improve anything either. I dunno smarter guys then me are trying to improve what their doing we'll see what they try. It'd be fun to find Fran at an airport bar sometime and have a couple beers with him and talk about just this...
That's fine and good, but I imagine they might put ya in their place while you're coaching little league.
What I do or don't coach, makes zero difference to the amount of incompetence they display at their jobs. Nobody pays me to coach. I do it because I enjoy it. I choose to try and help young people get better at their chosen sports. And I do get criticized from parents and players alike. It comes with the job. Some is deserved and some isn't. I always wear my big boy pants, so I have no problem dealing with it.
I agree. Somethings gotta give. But that's tough. It's tough to sit JBo. My guess is they'll play a lot more zone than they already did... Will it work? Heck if I know. It's tougher to rebound and generate turnovers out of it I feel. Sitting guys without a replacement that's even close to being as good doesn't exactly do anything to improve anything either. I dunno smarter guys then me are trying to improve what their doing we'll see what they try. It'd be fun to find Fran at an airport bar sometime and have a couple beers with him and talk about just this...
That's precisely the situation we have. I'm not sure there's enough defensive minded players on the current roster, to make that much difference. But that's on Fran and his staff. They did the recruiting.
What I do or don't coach, makes zero difference to the amount of incompetence they display at their jobs. Nobody pays me to coach. I do it because I enjoy it. I choose to try and help young people get better at their chosen sports. And I do get criticized from parents and players alike. It comes with the job. Some is deserved and some isn't. I always wear my big boy pants, so I have no problem dealing with it.

You're so tough man, it's impressive. We're all impressed.
no, you don't have to prove anything to me. But you can't, and that's all I need to know. I didn't hear a single lie about his contract other then the U of I didn't want to release the info when it was released. They like to control that stuff. It's a business. It's public record, he can't hied anything from anyone. If they want to know, they can find out. I didn't like the contract, I didn't like how it came out, but I didn't feel lied to.
Bullshit! Now YOU are telling lies about the lies that Gutless Gary tells. I'm gonna go ahead and put you on ignore. Tell your Gutless lies about Gary's Gutless lies, to somebody else.
Bullshit! Now YOU are telling lies about the lies that Gutless Gary tells. I'm gonna go ahead and put you on ignore. Tell your Gutless lies about Gary's Gutless lies, to somebody else.

I am not lieing about anything. You're triggered. Which is now part of the fun tho
no, you don't have to prove anything to me. But you can't, and that's all I need to know. I didn't hear a single lie about his contract other then the U of I didn't want to release the info when it was released. They like to control that stuff. It's a business. It's public record, he can't hied anything from anyone. If they want to know, they can find out. I didn't like the contract, I didn't like how it came out, but I didn't feel lied to.
There might be a fine line between being lied to and the attempt of having the wool pulled over us. Your right on how the school (Iowa's not unique with their lack of transparency other schools attempt the same when they can) did what they did. It's a shady way of trying to withhold from the fans and the fact that it's going to come out and they can't sugarcoat the timeline of things with it all makes it seem even dumber of a thing to do. Barta was going to take the same heat for his decision to extend Fran regardless now he had to answer questions about why he attempted to delay that coming out. (I think he said it was due to his own health)
Don't put me on ignore, we have a future bet.... and at this point, I am just trolling ya back. I've actually grown to like your contributions to the site. You are very knowledgeable about the game, just sometimes a littler over the top in your assessment IMO. You also just spent the last hour telling me how strong minded you are and then said "I'm putting you on ignore". I'll leave ya be. I just think there's good and bad with everyone. The good has outweighed the bad in both Gary and Fran's jobs.
You get Fran in front of me and I will tell him the same things I am saying right here. I'm not scared of Fran McCaffery. Why the f^&* would I be? What do you think Fran is going to do if I told him he coaches the worst defense I have ever seen? Is he gonna pull a gun out and shoot me? Is he gonna stab me? Get in my face and scream at me? What is it exactly, that I am afraid of? Now you're just taking shit out of your ass.
Maybe YOU are a coward but don't ever make the mistake of thinking I am!

Well you should have been at the Iowa baseball game Friday night because Fran and wife and younger kids were there in the stands. You could have just screamed at him right there and most likely many of the other fans around would have come over and dragged your a@@ right out of there.
There might be a fine line between being lied to and the attempt of having the wool pulled over us. Your right on how the school (Iowa's not unique with their lack of transparency other schools attempt the same when they can) did what they did. It's a shady way of trying to withhold from the fans and the fact that it's going to come out and they can't sugarcoat the timeline of things with it all makes it seem even dumber of a thing to do. Barta was going to take the same heat for his decision to extend Fran regardless now he had to answer questions about why he attempted to delay that coming out. (I think he said it was due to his own health)

Right I agree with that - not a fan of it in any way it went down. It's not exactly an "email full of lies" tho is it?
Well you should have been at the Iowa baseball game Friday night because Fran and wife and younger kids were there in the stands. You could have just screamed at him right there and most likely many of the other fans around would have come over and dragged your a@@ right out of there.

He wouldn't unless he's crazy. People don't act like that in our society. It doesn't matter how tough you think you are, you also don't want to be an Ahole.
He wouldn't unless he's crazy. People don't act like that in our society. It doesn't matter how tough you think you are, you also don't want to be an Ahole.

Agree. And whether Fran works out of not will play itself out in the next couple of years. The talent will be there. I am cool with seeing how the next couple of years go with basketball.

He must be really really mad with Tom Brands too. I would love to see someone get in his face.