Wagner Leaves To Play Football

Pemsl was SOLID as a Freshman. Then he went and RUINED his 'game' by losing all the weight. As if trying to play the 'stretch 4', which isn't his game. It was rebounding and being immovable on the block. That's why his FG% was over 60%.
You don't think a talented freshman at another school might get 20 minutes one game, then another game only get 10 because he's struggling so they put in the experienced veteran? Other teams don't play the hot hand? Give a guy 25 minutes who normally only gets 15, because he's on fire? You sound like other teams have exact, set in stone rotations where every player plays the exact same minutes at the exact same times of the game, every game. Maybe it is like that. I don't really pay enough attention to other team's rotations to know for sure.
You go with your regular rotation until you notice someone is struggling or somebody else is hot and adjust. The player that is struggling or not hot will lose minutes that game to the player that seems to be hot that game. That is the way it should work.
Exactly. The difference is other teams regular rotations are 7 or 8. So if two guys are having a bad night they turn to 9. Iowa goes 9/10 deep so if two guys are having an off night we turn to 11.
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Been busy lately and just checked in and see two players leaving. I didnt want to call players out but in a previous post I mentioned the team would be served if when Dom left if also a forward and guard left with him. Well, now I can admit that they all three are moving on. I wish all three of them the best in life, but none of them were quality B1G players. Maybe great persons but not B1G conference level players.

Now we will see what Fran does with the openings. I hope I don’t end up being one of those guys with regret and ends up saying “be careful what you wish for”

I hope Fran also uses the scholly’s to bring in some help at the point guard position.

Regardless of whether one or both of his boys deserve the scholly I would find it unethical for Fran to give one to either of his sons. I have put two kids through college and I make a hell of a lot less than Fran does. Surely there is a young player out there whose parents can’t afford to put their child through college who can use the scholarship and at the same time strengthen this team. I am not saying his sons don’t deserve it, but they sure as hell don’t need it. I know some on here may not agree but they are probably wrong about a lot of other things too.
It would be bad business for Fran to waste a scholarship on one of his kids. Especially after winning 4 games. He’d be doing himself a huge favor by leaving those two open (and probably more by the time this is over).
Why anyone would want Fran to have 13 scholarship players plus his two sons is baffling to me. He couldn’t manage the roster this year with 12 plus Connor. You don’t need that many guys at this level.
You see and that's where I need to check myself with him too and that is the kid was a sophomore. Compare what his stats are to Marbles at the same time and they are pretty darn close. Both avg 11 pts a game are within a tick of averaging the same FG %. Marble I think had about 1 more assist and rebound per game on him but that's it. Moss is way better at shooting free throws 88% to 72%. You can say Marbles D is leaps and bounds better no debating that. But as far as offense goes Moss to me has some big time potential to be realized yet. I guess that's what's so frustrating is my lack of patience... Not every player is a finished product at 19/20 yrs old.. (none are)

Moss will be 22 before the season starts.
Why anyone would want Fran to have 13 scholarship players plus his two sons is baffling to me. He couldn’t manage the roster this year with 12 plus Connor. You don’t need that many guys at this level.
1) You don’t have to play them all. I can’t think of one single reason why increased depth is bad. Roster mismanagement is a coaching issue, which will be there regardless of 11, 12, or 13 players.

2) More players will be leaving.

3) Not taking advantage of available scholarships would be totally stupid. Especially when you consider that the ones being used would most likely be for grad transfers who would only tie one up for a single year.

That would be like voluntarily lowering your salary cap in a pro sport.
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1) You don’t have to play them all. I can’t think of one single reason why increased depth is bad. Roster mismanagement is a coaching issue, which will be there regardless of 11, 12, or 13 players.

2) More players will be leaving.

3) Not taking advantage of available scholarships would be totally stupid. Especially when you consider that the ones being used would most likely be for grad transfers who would only tow one up for a single year.

That would be like voluntarily lowering your salary cap in a pro sport.

Exactly. Your odds of having a better team increase if you get to pick your best 10 guys out of 15 kids instead of picking your best 10 out of 13. It's all about playing the percentages. Your bottom couple guys are going to leave anyway more than likely and you can give your kid the scholarship for the year when that happens. Then you use it again the next year to try to improve your roster. If no one leaves, your kid walks on. If someone leaves, he gets it back. It gives you 2 extra chances to find the best players.
1) You don’t have to play them all. I can’t think of one single reason why increased depth is bad. Roster mismanagement is a coaching issue, which will be there regardless of 11, 12, or 13 players.

2) More players will be leaving.

3) Not taking advantage of available scholarships would be totally stupid. Especially when you consider that the ones being used would most likely be for grad transfers who would only tow one up for a single year.

That would be like voluntarily lowering your salary cap in a pro sport.

You realize who our coach is right?
1) You don’t have to play them all. I can’t think of one single reason why increased depth is bad. Roster mismanagement is a coaching issue, which will be there regardless of 11, 12, or 13 players.

2) More players will be leaving.

3) Not taking advantage of available scholarships would be totally stupid. Especially when you consider that the ones being used would most likely be for grad transfers who would only tow one up for a single year.

That would be like voluntarily lowering your salary cap in a pro sport.
This is major college basketball. These kids expect to play and they expect to play early. This isn’t like football where you can work them in on special teams for a few years first.

And yes while a great coach could probably manage 15 egos including his two sons, expecting Fran to be able to that is very naive in my opinion.

You’d be talking about 2 or 3 transfers every year. Then what? You go out and look for 2 or 3 more players? These kids are smart enough to see there wouldn’t be minutes there for them so you’d be taking flyers on kids or in essence you’d be back to square one of giving walk on scholarships.

Either Fran’s kids are good enough to be scholarship players at this level or not, it’s pretty simple. The nice thing about the situation is that it gives us flexibility and fluidity with our scholarships, but at no point do I think we should carry 13 scholarship guys and Fran’s two kids.
Does that mean he won’t get any better? Is there an age ceiling in your early 20’s that magically prevents someone from working hard and improving both the athletic and mental components of their game?
He always pulls the age card. It really shows how simple he thinks.
Does that mean he won’t get any better? Is there an age ceiling in your early 20’s that magically prevents someone from working hard and improving both the athletic and mental components of their game?

I never said or even implied any of those things.
This is major college basketball. These kids expect to play and they expect to play early. This isn’t like football where you can work them in on special teams for a few years first.

And yes while a great coach could probably manage 15 egos including his two sons, expecting Fran to be able to that is very naive in my opinion.

You’d be talking about 2 or 3 transfers every year. Then what? You go out and look for 2 or 3 more players? These kids are smart enough to see there wouldn’t be minutes there for them so you’d be taking flyers on kids or in essence you’d be back to square one of giving walk on scholarships.

Either Fran’s kids are good enough to be scholarship players at this level or not, it’s pretty simple. The nice thing about the situation is that it gives us flexibility and fluidity with our scholarships, but at no point do I think we should carry 13 scholarship guys and Fran’s two kids.

At no point? What if we have 11 scholarship guys, plus the 2 sons so we are full. Next thing you know, 2 stud grad transfers fall into Fran's lap. I say he should take them and pay his kids way for the year.

You are right that most years, it wouldn't change much. But when you have a huge advantage like that, you have to take it. If you want further proof that your line of thinking is wrong here, take a look at who liked your post. :)
No. The poster was referring to Moss as a 19 or 20 year old which is wrong so I corrected him.

So he says "19/20 year old" and you want to correct him that he's actually 21. But instead of just saying he's 21, you say he will be 22 next year, just to make him sound older. Kinda like a 14 year old says I'll be 15 next week.
By the way, my bad for not reading the quoted post. I get on others for losing context by not doing it.
Why anyone would want Fran to have 13 scholarship players plus his two sons is baffling to me. He couldn’t manage the roster this year with 12 plus Connor. You don’t need that many guys at this level.

This is a legitimate point. It’s almost like he needs to bank the scollys until more players leave or graduate.

The more you look at what’s going on with poor defensive play, unbalanced recruiting classes, and poor recruiting at the point guard position, the more you have to think that he is just grasping at straws and does not know what the hell he is doing. He may have been lucky just to have had a mid-major coaching position. I may be wrong about this as I don’t quite remember, but Fran may not have been at any other school long enough to show he can coordinate his recruiting long term. In other words if your only at a school three or four years you really wouldn’t have had to plan to recruit to specific positions because of kids moving on or graduating.

These are serious flaws for a coaching staff. His recruiting should be planned out and based on antisipated departures at specific positions. So you focus on recruiting to those positions for those specific years. You can’t just go out and find a couple of BIGs (forwards and centers) because they are available and are willing to sign with you. This is especially true if you are short in the guard positions. Having six big men as juniors and seniors will do very little for you if you don’t have any guards or wing guys on the team. This really is a mess Fran has gotten himself into.
Why anyone would want Fran to have 13 scholarship players plus his two sons is baffling to me. He couldn’t manage the roster this year with 12 plus Connor. You don’t need that many guys at this level.

.....and I always thought, you know what, if you do decide to play this many guys play more aggressive if you are going to rotate them anyway. Play a pressing style like what WV plays. Play aggressive and the other team should not get a good look at all with the fouls afforded.

I think not having depth at PG was a reason Iowa couldn't do this last season.