The Unknown is worse than Ferentz

Being positive actually works extremely well in the workplace. Complimenting people on jobs well done helps you win friends and influence people. You ought to try it sometime.

Players and potential recruits read this message board. Filling it with negative post after negative post does not help the program, it only hurts the program. Negativity has ruined our basketball program (don't think it hasn't). BB may never come back. The same thing could happen to our FB program. Constructive criticism is one thing, but calling for the coach's head after two 7-5 seasons makes no sense to me.

No, Todd Lickliter and his boring as hell style buried Iowa Basketball, but that's for another time. I'm not going to pat a guy on the back that does a sloppy job and tell him, "hey, great job", when in fact it would be a lie. Kirk has failed time and again to capitalize on great seasons with another good to great season. Look at Tate and company in 2005-06 season. I believe that team was ranked around the top 10 to begin the year and didn't even finished ranked by the end. Tate's final year was a disaster. He stuck with Jake Christiansen way to long even when it was apparent to all that Stanzi was the better player. After an Orange Bowl victory, kudos to him, but he failed to back it up last year with another stellar campaign even though he had the roster stacked in his favor.

Since the 2002 season, Iowa has only managed to finish in the national rankings a total of 4 times. That is producing mediocre results. Heck from 1981 to 1996, Hayden Fry had Iowa ranked at season's end on 10 occasions. Again, I'm not going to back slap and say, "great job" with those results. I know he's not going anywhere, but he needs to be open to changing some things to get the program consistently in the top 25 again.
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It doesn't take a lot of effort to follow you....

Yeah, that GameFilm analysis is top notch.

Really? Are you that sure of yourself?

Maybe you should apply for that defensive coordinator job that might open up. What are your actual football credentials? I'm just curious.

How about getting behind this coaching staff? You wear me out.

P.S. It will be ironic to get banned for SUPPORTING this coaching staff. That is how far gone this message board is. I can't even imagine what it will be like when Ferentz has a losing season. I'm guessing this board, if it had existed back then, would have tried to get Fry fired after his 5 and 6 season in 1989.

What do his football credentials have to do with this? Any common fan can tell that our record in games decided by a TD or less and games we have lost to teams we were favored by more than 10 points display a real problem with game managment, clock management and overall schemes. Should we not question our politicians if we've never held office too?
Disagreeing with you and the premise of your post is not a personal attack. Challenging your credentials or your expertise is not a personal attack. How can I attack an anonymous post?

I respect your opinion, but I reserve the right to disagree with it. I think you are 100% wrong about Ferentz and this staff. I think it is easy to defend Ferentz and his staff, and I will continue to do it. I don't apologize for this coach. I will also make a prediction: He will retire or leave Iowa voluntarily before he is fired. I really believe that.
What do his football credentials have to do with this? Any common fan can tell that our record in games decided by a TD or less and games we have lost to teams we were favored by more than 10 points display a real problem with game managment, clock management and overall schemes. Should we not question our politicians if we've never held office too?
I believe he will make some changes, because he is a good coach. He will be forced to make a change soon at defensive coordinator, due to Coach Parker's failing health. That change is inevitable.
Someone define mediocre. One poster said anything under 9 wins is a disappointment. so what is your breaking point? Obviously 7 wins isnt enough. Is it 8,9,or 10. Some have pointed to 2002 and 2009 as the only sucessful years.
Outside of the bowl games we won 10 games in the regular season those years.
Disagreeing with you and the premise of your post is not a personal attack. Challenging your credentials or your expertise is not a personal attack. How can I attack an anonymous post?

I respect your opinion, but I reserve the right to disagree with it. I think you are 100% wrong about Ferentz and this staff. I think it is easy to defend Ferentz and his staff, and I will continue to do it. I don't apologize for this coach. I will also make a prediction: He will retire or leave Iowa voluntarily before he is fired. I really believe that.

I didn't say specifically that challenging credentials is a personal attack. I just don't see any relevance of asking for them. If this point had any truth, how could those common Illinois fans question Ron Zook. He does afterall have greater credentials than any of them. As for defending KF. We respect your opinion to do so. We just hope that you return the courtesy.
I believe he will make some changes, because he is a good coach. He will be forced to make a change soon at defensive coordinator, due to Coach Parker's failing health. That change is inevitable.

Really? He's made the same mistakes over and over again and he doesn't learn. What has Kirk shown you that makes you think he is going to change?
I would say mediocre is finishing 4 and 4 in the conference. The out of conference schedule should be a given for the most part. Your looking at probably 3 no doubt wins and Iowa St. To me it's all about in conference and a .500 win percentage is mediocre.
What do his football credentials have to do with this? Any common fan can tell that our record in games decided by a TD or less and games we have lost to teams we were favored by more than 10 points display a real problem with game managment, clock management and overall schemes. Should we not question our politicians if we've never held office too?
Ferentz is 13-7 against Penn State and Michigan in his career. If you get to pick out isolated statistics, so do I.

I'll get back to you in a minute on his record in close games. You are not going to be happy with the stats because they don't back up your argument.
I would say mediocre is finishing 4 and 4 in the conference. The out of conference schedule should be a given for the most part. Your looking at probably 3 no doubt wins and Iowa St. To me it's all about in conference and a .500 win percentage is mediocre.

So 8 or 9?
I would say. 8-4, with every other year being a bowl win, so that = 9-4 one year and 8-5 others. That's "average" - that does not mean I wouldn't accept 7-5, depending on the circumstances that surround the roster/schedule
Someone define mediocre. One poster said anything under 9 wins is a disappointment. so what is your breaking point? Obviously 7 wins isnt enough. Is it 8,9,or 10. Some have pointed to 2002 and 2009 as the only sucessful years. Outside of the bowl games we won 10 games in the regular season those years.

Mediocre is losing to Minnesota 2 years in a row. Mediocre is losing to ISU (to some at least since we have such a FAR superior program). Mediocre is basically getting shut out when you have a RS JR QB, probably the best WR the program has ever had, and one of the better running backs the program has ever had. Mediocre is STILL not knowing how manage a game clock after 10+ seasons. Just to name a few things that are mediocre about this staff..
Ferentz is 13-7 against Penn State and Michigan in his career. If you get to pick out isolated statistics, so do I.

I'll get back to you in a minute on his record in close games. You are not going to be happy with the stats because they don't back up your argument.

Now give us Tressel's record.
Yeah, Tressel. You know, the guy from Youngstown State that fo$u took a gamble on, who proceeded to PWN the B1G??
KF is mediocre. Own it.
Being positive actually works extremely well in the workplace. Complimenting people on jobs well done helps you win friends and influence people. You ought to try it sometime.

Players and potential recruits read this message board. Filling it with negative post after negative post does not help the program, it only hurts the program. Negativity has ruined our basketball program (don't think it hasn't). BB may never come back. The same thing could happen to our FB program. Constructive criticism is one thing, but calling for the coach's head after two 7-5 seasons makes no sense to me.

True that recruits read message boards. They also check out games, watch results, listen to their family, Etc. You throw too much credence (sp?) into message boards.

Negative posts have ruined the basketball program? Really? The thing that ruined the basketball program was the negativity of the boards? It wasn't the record? It was not the coach? It was the the posts on boards like this??? I mean, really???????
Anyone think 8 wins is mediocre?

I would've been satisfied with 8 because that most likely means that win was over Minnesota. Losing to Minnesota, IMO, is unacceptable, especially considering the state that their program is currently in.
So 8 or 9?

I would say again that it's the conference slate. So 5 and 3 or 6 and 2 in conference would be what I expect. If you win 5 in conference that puts you at 8 or 9 wins overall going into a bowl game. I give a game difference because the Iowa St. game. If you get to 6 wins in conference then you should be at 9 or 10 wins headed into the bowl game. I would consider those to be great seasons for Iowa. Anything more is really unexpected and a cherry on top.