The Unknown is worse than Ferentz

I haven't missed a home game since 1961. Try again. You are losing

this doesn't make you more of a fan, or a more knowledgeable fan, CC
nor does it add gravity to your opinion
it just reveals that you're old
Finally, some analysis. Wow, that took a long time.

Again, as much as I would love Bob Stoops as our coach, why would he leave Oklahoma to come to Iowa? I believe Oklahoma has won 7 or 8 national championships. I don't believe Iowa has ever come close. Why would you leave Oklahoma for Iowa?

Since Stoops won't come to Iowa, why not get behind Ferentz 100% and support him?

I'm actually behind Kirk. I am however laughing at the "we can do no better" crowd.
I llove Ferentz as a man, and for the memories he has given me. He is a good person. And Iowans are good people, generally, and loyal. He is as loyal to us and us, him. But that is both our strength and our weakness. Makes great fans, and financial support as a result. It also makes us slow to make changes when changes are needed. I'm not saying it's time to fire, but we need to make a firm decision about what would constitute grounds for that, and then hold our ground. And KF needs to know what that line is and where it exists.
Well said, Chosen. One of very few cool headed posts on here recently. It's obvious none of us are happy about the season. Some may be taking it too far with calling for a complete coaching change, but I do think a majority of us sees the need for something to change.

And it is not too much for those who are calling for Kirk's head to offer a better solution. After all, there is no AD in the country who will fire a winning coach without having someone better lined up. Remember what happened at Nebraska when Stevie P fired Solich, thinking he had Houston Nutt all lined up? Turned out ol Nutt case was just trying to get a bump in salary and had no intention to leave. Enter Bill Calahan.

And what does firing a winning coach two years after winning a BCS bowl show potential new hire? Sure doesn't give them the feeling of any type of job security.

But I guess this negativity is rampant every where this year. Pretty much every board you go to there is someone calling for the coaches head. Such is life in the internet world.

So give us your best suggestions for the next Hawkeye coach. Let's see how many legitimate names we come up with.
3.5 + 3.8 = more than the program can afford.

I understand that. However, I'm not a Ferentz supporter any longer. I know he isn't going anywhere either. I get that. It doesn't mean I can't discuss on an open forum with fellow Hawk fans the state of the program. It's really just water cooler talk and I get that. But some people act as though Ferentz isn't liable for any of these losses. They act as if he created the game. He is not and shouldn't be above criticism. It's plain to see by most folks that he needs to take a serious look at his game plan. Maybe his coordinators. Again, it's just my opinion and it doesn't mean I'm right on what needs fixed, but I think the most open minded Iowa fan can see that something is broke. Whether it's strategy, in game decisions, etc...It's not talent either. Iowa has talent on that roster.
Chosen- You're whole, "why not get behind Ferentz and support him 100%?" is sooo damn stupid. Why don't you try taking that same kind of argument into your workplace and see how it works out?

To be a supporter of Ferentz (I still want him as our coach, but he better make some changes real soon) and to question and criticize is one thing, but to be a blind follower that trusts in him no matter what, and doesn't question anything, is another. That's the equivalent of saying, "Hey, this is the way we've always done things and it's worked in the past so why would we ever attempt doing anything else?" Do you see how stupid that sounds?

I posted that only because you asked, I'm actually for retaining Ferentz and bringing in new cordinator(s).

That's why one of my earlier said it is Impossible to hire a replacement. You could only hope a Fry/Ferentz Grad would be interested in taking the torch from Ferentz when he calls it quits.
I understand that. However, I'm not a Ferentz supporter any longer. I know he isn't going anywhere either. I get that. It doesn't mean I can't discuss on an open forum with fellow Hawk fans the state of the program. It's really just water cooler talk and I get that. But some people act as though Ferentz isn't liable for any of these losses. They act as if he created the game. He is not and shouldn't be above criticism. It's plain to see by most folks that he needs to take a serious look at his game plan. Maybe his coordinators. Again, it's just my opinion and it doesn't mean I'm right on what needs fixed, but I think the most open minded Iowa fan can see that something is broke. Whether it's strategy, in game decisions, etc...It's not talent either. Iowa has talent on that roster.

It does. All topics of discussion on here must be pre-approved by Chosen. He's old, so only positive discussion is allowed. Recruits are basing their college choices on our posts.
Iowa has one National Championship from Evy's days as coach, in at least one poll, the Coaches or AP, I believe....

Found this.....

"Iowa finished the 1958 regular season ranked #2 in the AP poll, behind 11–0 LSU, although that vote was taken before the bowl games. Iowa convincingly won the 1959 Rose Bowl, 38–12, setting or tying six Rose Bowl records. The Football Writers Association of America, arguably the most prestigious organization at the time to vote on a national champion after the bowls were played, gave their national championship trophy, the Grantland Rice Award, to Iowa."

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Finally, some analysis. Wow, that took a long time.

Again, as much as I would love Bob Stoops as our coach, why would he leave Oklahoma to come to Iowa? I believe Oklahoma has won 7 or 8 national championships. I don't believe Iowa has ever come close. Why would you leave Oklahoma for Iowa?

Since Stoops won't come to Iowa, why not get behind Ferentz 100% and support him?

I'm not going to support a guy that I don't think is living up to his pay. I actually think he is holding the program back at this point. If I performed my job at a mediocre rate like he currently is, I'd probably be in my bosses office and put on some personal improvement program. Then again, I guess I do support him in some ways as I go to games.
I understand that. However, I'm not a Ferentz supporter any longer. I know he isn't going anywhere either. I get that. It doesn't mean I can't discuss on an open forum with fellow Hawk fans the state of the program. It's really just water cooler talk and I get that. But some people act as though Ferentz isn't liable for any of these losses. They act as if he created the game. He is not and shouldn't be above criticism. It's plain to see by most folks that he needs to take a serious look at his game plan. Maybe his coordinators. Again, it's just my opinion and it doesn't mean I'm right on what needs fixed, but I think the most open minded Iowa fan can see that something is broke. Whether it's strategy, in game decisions, etc...It's not talent either. Iowa has talent on that roster.

I don't disagree with any of that. I'm as frustrated and disappointed as anyone else. I'm just trying to refrain from adding to all the negativity on the board because I don't see it as being constructive.
I don't disagree with any of that. I'm as frustrated and disappointed as anyone else. I'm just trying to refrain from adding to all the negativity on the board because I don't see it as being constructive.

It's a message board. Nothing we do on here is constructive.
Chosen- You're whole, "why not get behind Ferentz and support him 100%?" is sooo damn stupid. Why don't you try taking that same kind of argument into your workplace and see how it works out?

To be a supporter of Ferentz (I still want him as our coach, but he better make some changes real soon) and to question and criticize is one thing, but to be a blind follower that trusts in him no matter what, and doesn't question anything, is another. That's the equivalent of saying, "Hey, this is the way we've always done things and it's worked in the past so why would we ever attempt doing anything else?" Do you see how stupid that sounds?
Being positive actually works extremely well in the workplace. Complimenting people on jobs well done helps you win friends and influence people. You ought to try it sometime.

Players and potential recruits read this message board. Filling it with negative post after negative post does not help the program, it only hurts the program. Negativity has ruined our basketball program (don't think it hasn't). BB may never come back. The same thing could happen to our FB program. Constructive criticism is one thing, but calling for the coach's head after two 7-5 seasons makes no sense to me.
clever retort
I know as much about football as GameFilm does
you follow?
It doesn't take a lot of effort to follow you....

Yeah, that GameFilm analysis is top notch.

Really? Are you that sure of yourself?

Maybe you should apply for that defensive coordinator job that might open up. What are your actual football credentials? I'm just curious.

How about getting behind this coaching staff? You wear me out.

P.S. It will be ironic to get banned for SUPPORTING this coaching staff. That is how far gone this message board is. I can't even imagine what it will be like when Ferentz has a losing season. I'm guessing this board, if it had existed back then, would have tried to get Fry fired after his 5 and 6 season in 1989.