The Middle Finger To That Wacky Coronavirus COVID-19 Game Thread

Well that's a tough one to answer. Perhaps a combination between contagion rate and recovery rate? Man people are dumb. Can't see something until it's right in front of their face. In another 2 weeks it will be impossible to deny. Unless that medication is as good as they say in the comments of that tweet.
Well that's a tough one to answer. Perhaps a combination between contagion rate and recovery rate? Man people are dumb. Can't see something until it's right in front of their face. In another 2 weeks it will be impossible to deny. Unless that medication is as good as they say in the comments of that tweet.
Lmfao. How many times are you going to predict "in 2 weeks?" You're like a broken record; a record full of shitty comedy.
Lmfao. How many times are you going to predict "in 2 weeks?" You're like a broken record; a record full of shitty comedy.

Ever single day has been not only worse that the day before, but compounding worse. Still not sure how you can see the numbers compounding and assume they will magically stop. And if you check my posts from 2 weeks ago, you would see a lot of, "screw it if people die, I don't want the economy to crash" posts. I changed my tune as soon as it was abundantly clear that it was already all over America. Probably 10 days ago. Since then, New York is fucked, a lot of the biggest cities are right behind, and Iowa still has hope that its unpopulated enough to not get its ass kicked. Probably naive to hope it by now, but I still do. Most of my hope comes from that new drug tho. Not new drug, but new treatment.
Well that's a tough one to answer. Perhaps a combination between contagion rate and recovery rate? Man people are dumb. Can't see something until it's right in front of their face. In another 2 weeks it will be impossible to deny. Unless that medication is as good as they say in the comments of that tweet.

According to data from this site, flu results in hospitilzation about 0.7% of the time based upon estimated 200,000 flu hospitilzations most years and estimated 10-50 million flu illnesses each year (roughly 10% of population). Average length of stay for flu hospitizations is 5 days.

For COVID-19 thus far in the US, 12% of known cases have been hospitalized. Data from China suggest 5% of patients reach "critical" status, with 14% of cases being considered "severe". I don't think that is an apples-to-apples comparison as it is estimated data vs. confirmed data. We will probably have to wait until this is all said and done to get a true sense of the comparison. Average COVID-19 hosptial stay is tough to pin down at this point, but preliminary data from China indicated a median 11 day stay to discharge (mean 9 day stay for those who died).

So that, combined with estimates that 20-60% of the population could come down with this, and the dramatic rate of spread (greater than influenza), suggests that this has the likelihood to get much worse than the relatively spread out flu season.


But as I said, there is some "apples-to-oranges" comparison going on there.

But if we just look at some recent data from New York: roughly 180 weekly deaths from influenza & pneumonia for each of the weeks ending in Feb 29, March 7, and March 14. In the 2 weeks since, COVID-19 has resulted in over 800 deaths in New York. Rate of hospitalizations from all causes has increased 13x in the last 10 days in New York City.
I saw that too. It was kind of strange.

For the most part, Cuomo has been above political partisanship and has demonstrated good leadership in his speeches regarding the virus, but that was a hiccup. He announced - I believe yesterday - that the state had something like 6,000 ventilators on standby for when the virus peaks, then acted offended when responding to Trump's statement.
At least all countries are doing the same thing. If it was just America, I'd consider the possibility of something suspicious happening. But no way every country across the world could agree on an elaborate scheme.
At least all countries are doing the same thing. If it was just America, I'd consider the possibility of something suspicious happening. But no way every country across the world could agree on an elaborate scheme.

That's what is driving the Patriots mad. They believe it is world wide propagated by the Deep State for world control and Trump is trying to save us from it. Then you have those who think the world coming under one world govt after chaos from plagues pestilences... And war to be led by the anti Christ out of likely Italy or Romania.

What I do know there are a lot of people who are armed to the teeth and are willing to fight. I think the guy who thought he was getting a real bomb to blow up a KC hospital comes from that. In for real, the war in Ukraine is fought by a lot of those with that mindset on the pro west side including US mercenaries The Ukrainian actual army is awful and so are the real separatists. When the Russians and real militias mix it up, it is brutal. Armed and trained w U S weapons the militia types kick the crap out of very good Russian troops masquerading as separatists. The war hasn't expanded as the Russians got hit pretty hard at Mariopol.

Anyway, expect crazy stuff. Crazier than shutting down national economies hope not though.
That right there is proof why you don't lock down entire states, let alone the entire nation. They should probably lock down counties at a time. In most states at least. You don't lock down Story County in Iowa because New York city is getting smoked.
That right there is proof why you don't lock down entire states, let alone the entire nation. They should probably lock down counties at a time. In most states at least. You don't lock down Story County in Iowa because New York city is getting smoked.

My daughter is now out of hospital. It was a harrowing experience. One of the issues is the sent her home to early and nearly cost her life. They still after 9 days did it again early as they were trying to empty the hospital. One reason, they are breeding grounds for illness.

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