The Middle Finger To That Wacky Coronavirus COVID-19 Game Thread

I'm glad she's safe now. Hopefully, she doesn't have to go back.

The reason for both hospitalizations was likely medical error in conjunction with the medical condition. My wife, an RN really went after the heme for misusing the label.

At 105 pounds she had to receive 7 units of blood. Having you child collapse 2x and be out cold is not my idea of entertainment. BP dropped to 80 / 40 for an extended time. The IV blowouts were the worst. We had to fight to get ultra sound sticks with the top expert.

People really need to be a participant in medical decisions, not just go along. Years ago she was hospitalized for 10 days from an IV stick.
The reason for both hospitalizations was likely medical error in conjunction with the medical condition. My wife, an RN really went after the heme for misusing the label.

At 105 pounds she had to receive 7 units of blood. Having you child collapse 2x and be out cold is not my idea of entertainment. BP dropped to 80 / 40 for an extended time. The IV blowouts were the worst. We had to fight to get ultra sound sticks with the top expert.

People really need to be a participant in medical decisions, not just go along. Years ago she was hospitalized for 10 days from an IV stick.
It's always interesting and some times scary when the patient and/or parent has to educate the doctor or nurses. I've been there several times with my own conditions. Don't get me started on corporate dentistry.
Going to guess all those Pt's did not need ventilators at the same time.

Not to mention they every single COVID case is going to be adding to the number of patients already in the hospital from the flu. The math there is pretty simple. 730,000 flu hospitalizations + 0 covid cases = hospitals not being over run. 730,000 flue hospitalizations + x amount of COVID cases = hospitals being over run.

There are really only 3 possibilities here. One is it's a worldwide conspiracy. Two is almost every single smart person in the world is looking at all the data, thinking they are right on their decisions, but are all going to be wrong. Three is almost all the smart people in the world are looking at the data, think they are making the right choice, and are right.

Like I've said before, I dont think Republicans and Democrats can agree on anything, let alone agree with other countries. Also I dont see anything to be gained by pretending this is worse than it is to tank the economy. So I'm ruling out conspiracy. I also find it highly unlikely that almost every smart person agrees that this is a big deal. Couple that with the fact that everything I read leads me to the same conclusion as the smart people. So I'm ruling out them being wrong. The only logical one of the three options that make a bit of sense to me is all the smart people, and me, are right.

If you go to a Rockies game and get hit by a line drive in the head and you had 3 months too live from cancer and you die from a cracked skill... What is the cause of death....

Never mind you are to hard headed to die from a head shot.
The numbers will always be higher because it's done that way. But this virus is pretty much going to finish off everyone who gets it who has any serious health issue. some of them might last for days. Others might last for years. There's really no other way to count them unless they are avoiding all common sense like testing people who died in car accidents.
If you go to a Rockies game and get hit by a line drive in the head and you had 3 months too live from cancer and you die from a cracked skill... What is the cause of death....

Never mind you are to hard headed to die from a head shot.
I assume when something like that happens, they won't count it as a COVID death. Hell they probably wouldn't even test the guy. I'm sure what they are doing is getting patients with the symptoms. Testing them, treating them until they die, knowing it's the COVID this is going to finish them off, then counting it as a COVID death, even tho that person was going to die soon anyway. I see how that fudges the numbers a bit, but I don't see it as a huge deal because by the time this is done, I don't think the small difference in numbers will matter much.
Now that we have a drug that cures almost 100% of cases, and apparently, there is plenty of it, why the F are we still on lockdown?

They aren't letting coronavirus patients on those ships, so how many patients they have on them isn't related to how many coronavirus patients are in the hospitals.

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