The Middle Finger To That Wacky Coronavirus COVID-19 Game Thread

That's what the wife & I are thinking. Either there's something about this virus they're not telling us or this is about something other than the virus...

So what is your best guess?

Truth is it's like predicting Iowa BB with Fran. :cool:

Trump dumped stocks as well as a senator who was saying all is fine back in Jan.

That said , I tend to lean at face value that it's a new virus and the numbers are best guess. If forced to guess the next best scenario, would guess it's related to back about 7 years ago , the U S shared bio weapon tech with China and someone dropped a vile like in a movie. Anyway that would be a good script for a movie.

What I do know is it's all rather insane. How insane.....who knows. I can't wrap my mind around shutting down the world.
When you compare the death toll to the recovered tool, the numbers are really bad. Maybe the further they get into this the more they are realizing once you end up in the hospital, there's a 10% chance you die.
May want to locate some copper pipes and hold on to them and lick them. What do you say, BS or not?

I was wondering when someone would bring this up. There are people that make lot's of money selling copper....up your nose.

Myself, Between my wife and myself, neither of us have been sick for many years with the exception of me with the flue in 2015. Several years ago I bought small copper pipe and stick it in my nose when I think I'm getting sick and I haven't been sick since. My wife though doesn't do it and she hasn't been sick either.

According to this...... Copper yes on bacteria.

About CV? This:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates it could be viable for “hours to days.”

A preliminary study published this week found the virus could be detected in the air for up to three hours after it was aerosolized with a nebulizer, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

The newest research, which has not yet been peer reviewed, was conducted by scientists at the National Institutes of Health, Princeton University, the University of California and the CDC.
Just went to Hy Vee, no pasta sauces and no ground beef. It's either too many people are shopping all of a sudden or people are just hording items. They do that 7a - 8a shopping for seniors only, an employee at Hy Vee said when the staff arrives in the morning to open up, that the seniors are already there and the line is out to the parking lot.
GREENSBORO, N.C. — With toilet paper flying off the shelves, a North Carolina truck diver caused a stir when he was pulled over hauling 18,000 pounds of bathroom products in a stolen trailer.

The Guilford County Sheriff's Office issued a news release saying that deputies on Wednesday spotted the driver of an 18-wheeler and determined the trailer was stolen.

They followed him to a warehouse off the interstate and discovered that the driver was hauling 18,000 pounds of commercial bathroom paper products, according to the release. Capt. Daryl Loftis said by phone that the cargo included a mixture of paper towels, toilet paper and other commercial products.

Loftis said that the cargo was actually part of a shipment that was otherwise lawful — only the trailer was stolen. He described it as “legitimate cargo going to a legitimate place.” He said the business that was the final destination is in Greensboro, but he didn't know its name. He said deputies helped get it to where it was supposed to go.

He said no arrests have been made, but the driver is a suspect in the theft of the trailer. He said that they are taking their time to investigate and aren't releasing the name of the driver because the issue of toilet paper is “fairly sensitive right now.”
Price gouging by some vendors going on-$10 for a roll of TP, $60 for hand sanitizer. We should tar and feather creeps who do this.
Wow. What an idiot. He's saying a few weeks out of the gym is going to deteriorate his health to the point where he can't lead? What a douche.
I have to say TK, you are one hard dude to read....

BTW, what is happening with the flying whatever east of Denver?

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